Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 227 Expedition and Flower Blooming

Xu Dong flew to the city wall. At this time, the forest plain to the west of the royal court had become crisscrossed with ravines. If the lake water was introduced, this area could become an excellent planting site.

It's just that these days, the world is still dominated by gymnosperms. It's unknown whether the earliest angiosperm ancient fruits have appeared, let alone herbaceous plants that can be grown.

Therefore, it is impossible to farm, and there are no plants that can be planted. What can be done now is to turn this crisscrossed area into a fish pond for the Velociraptor tribe.

There are also skills in fish farming and fishing. Nowadays, fishing nets cannot be made, but wooden fences can be made to keep freshwater fish inside. When needed, they can be inserted into them to eat.

Wait, are there any fish in the big lake now?

Xu Dong suddenly thought of a very serious problem, and immediately flew to the lake non-stop.

But little did he know that while he was working hard to plan the future of the royal court, the dragons would all jump into the lake and enjoy the delicious fish soup.

The sunbeams of the Riyan Dragon King were very terrifying. The high temperature was transmitted to the lake water and directly cooked the creatures in the entire lake.

Some time has passed now, and the heat in the lake has almost dissipated, and it is no longer boiling hot. After a Velociraptor jumped in, he found that the temperature was slightly hot but it could not be boiled to death.

So many velociraptors jumped into the big lake and soaked in the hot springs. While soaking in the bath, they ate meat. It was a beautiful thing that they never dreamed of.

The ingredients in this pot of fresh lake food are so rich that even Buddha jumping over the wall pales in comparison. There are at least a thousand species of creatures in it.

Freshwater fish, crocodiles, lizards, turtles, shellfish, lake shrimps, salamanders, etc. can be said to be not much different from the freshwater ecology of later generations.

Although Xunlong had eaten food grilled over fire before, he had never eaten this kind of overcooked food. Now when he ate it, the meat felt so tender and melted in his mouth. It was so delicious that he couldn't help but eat more.

After eating, it is natural to do some digestion exercises. One velociraptor submerged its head into the water, and suddenly sprang out and splashed water towards the other velociraptor. The water splashed on the head and face of the velociraptor, making it I can't even open my eyes.

It's okay, the Velociraptor who was splashed immediately fought back, slapping the water surface and splashing the lake water back, and the two dragons started fighting with each other in the lake.

Their battle soon spread to the surrounding velociraptors, and the scale of the battle began to expand. Soon the entire lake was involved in a water-splashing carnival.

What's happening here?

Xu Dong, who was flying in the sky, quickly discovered the traces of the Velociraptor, who were playing happily in the lake.

Xu Dong couldn't help but smile when he saw this. Ever since he went out for training, the atmosphere in the entire group has been tense, and it has continued like this until now.

Now that the battle is over, the losses are honestly within an acceptable range. This is considered the best result.

In this case, let them relax as much as they want.

Today is designated as the Water Splashing Festival of the Xunlong tribe to celebrate the victory of the war. It will be held once a year from now on and will continue.

As for what day today is, it seems it’s time to draw up a calendar.

Peter, who had been in the tomb area for most of the day, finally got up. As soon as the huge figure stood up, Xu Dong discovered it and quickly flew to its side.

Peter quickly put away his sad expression after seeing Xu Dong. He looked at Xu Dong deeply, left a specious word and strode away.

Every step of its heavy steps vibrated, and it grinned and let out a giggle, walking farther and farther towards the sunset step by step.

The future of Velociraptor and Thunder Velociraptor depends on themselves.

Xu Dong watched the child he had raised leave with his own eyes, and suddenly felt some empathy in his heart.

Peter is lonely. In his opinion, neither Xu Dong, whom he regarded as his father, nor the other twelve brothers have passed away, leaving him alone to walk on this land.

Just like the sunset that is about to set, this is a heartbroken person at the end of the world.

Peter finally walked out of sight, and Xu Dong had time to appreciate its last cry.

The cry means warning. The vocal cords of the Velociraptors cannot produce very complex sounds, so they are more like short instructions like those of a special team.

It is indeed called alert, but what is alert for?

No, the level of alert can also be judged from the length and speed of the cry. Its cry is not urgent, which means it is not urgent. It should be to remind Xu Dong to be careful.

So what are you careful about? Completely confused.

If he couldn't figure it out, he just gave it up and went to his and Thomas' gravesites to see if Peter had left anything behind.

But after getting close to a certain distance, Xu Dong discovered something unusual at the cemetery.

There was actually a black ball floating in the air in front of the old Velociraptor's grave.

This black ball is round and clear, only as big as a head, and has a smooth appearance, just like a black pearl.

When Xu Dong was about to fly out of the mangrove forest, the black ball turned around suddenly, and it turned out to have a lens-retina like an eye.

Black Eyeball and Xu Dong looked at each other, then turned into ashes and dissipated. Xu Dong could not find any trace after arriving.

No, I still found a small flower on the mound of Xu Dong's own tomb.

In fact, it is not too small. Xu Dong can reach out and pick it up. It is about as big as the palm of his hand.

You must know that Xu Dong's current body length is nearly thirteen meters, and its palm is probably as big as a later washbasin.

This basin-sized flower has ten petals, all white, somewhat similar to the magnolia of later generations.

Could this be the flower of an ancient fruit? Impossible. Although the ancient fruit fossils were surveyed and dated to about 145 million years ago, it is now 15.1 billion years ago, which is still six million years behind.

What's more, just because they appear does not mean they will flourish. Although angiosperms have the largest variety and widest distribution in the plant kingdom in later generations, they account for 80% of the total known plants in the world.

However, they only appeared but did not flourish at the end of the Jurassic. The real rise of angiosperms did not begin to replace the status of gymnosperms through a minor extinction during the Aptian period of the Early Cretaceous at 1.17 Ma.

That will be the time when flowers bloom, wild bees fly, and birds float in the sky.

Xu Dong estimated that he would be able to jump after one or two more jumps.

Why did Peter put this flower on Xu Dong's grave? A memorial ceremony?

Come on, laying flowers at funerals was an idea of ​​later generations of Apes, so how could Peter have thought of this?

So when it just told itself to be careful, was it because it meant being careful about this flower?

this. . .

It seems very possible.

Plants may not seem ordinary, but they were the main culprits responsible for the mass extinction at the end of the Devonian period. Although ferns and other spore plants were still the dominant species at that time, as the most important link in the biological chain, every time the dynasty of plants changed, All will bring about a catastrophe.

Could it be that the so-called expedition is to deal with angiosperms?

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