Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 226 Peter Arrives

A ray of blue light flew from a distance, so fast that the Sun Flame Dragon King didn't even react, and passed directly through his chest.

The chief culprit who caused ravines and casualties in this area actually had such a day.

It wasn't that Sun Flame Dragon King wasn't smart enough, it was mainly because it was too heavily injured by the sun beam and its reaction was a little slow. Moreover, it didn't expect that after the light of the sun swept away the ground, there would still be creatures that dared to attack it.

In the final analysis, he was too proud and did not take other creatures into consideration. After this world has extraordinary abilities, air superiority is no longer an invincible talisman.

Even the Sun Flame Dragon will be shot down one day.

What shot down the Sun Flame Dragon King was an equally huge electromagnetic gun, which pierced its chest with one shot. The person who came was none other than Peter, the student brought out by Xu Dong.

Fourteen million years later, Peter is still living in this world, and naturally he is no longer the same as Xu Dong remembers.

Today, Peter is taller and taller. He no longer has the recklessness he once had, but is only cold and calm. He has grown up after all.

It's so big that today Xu Dong is a bit out of reach.

Peter's body is fifty meters high. It is no longer a T-shaped dinosaur structure like the Velociraptor, but actually has an upright posture like Godzilla.

Standing upright and converting length into height, its intimidating power is much greater than that of a lying creature of the same length.

Peter no longer paid attention to the killed Sun Flame Dragon King, and stepped toward the Thunder Dragon King's Court one step at a time.

That shocking battle once reduced Xunlong's original royal court, the mountainous plain where Xudong was buried, to ruins, so Xunlong was forced to move here.

Now that they have moved here to breed again, is Peter still unwilling to let them go? Does it really want to kill all the Velociraptors?

No matter whether Xu Dong can defeat Peter now, it will not allow Peter to destroy the fire of civilization.

Peter stood hundreds of meters away from the Thunder Dragon King's Court, and Xu Dong used his telekinesis to float to the same level as Peter's head.

The two velociraptors just stared at each other.

After a while, Peter howled suddenly, and Xu Dong actually understood what it meant.

Also, although 14 million years have passed, Peter is still Peter, and Xu Dong is still Xu Dong. Of course he can understand what Peter means.

Peter's shouts showed that it had nothing to do with Thunder Dragon's attack on Thunder Dragon. It did not come to exterminate the clan, but just to take a last look at his father and old friends and rivals.

at last?

Xu Dong was keenly aware of the key point in Peter's cry.

Is it going to die too? Impossible, this little guy is only 14 million years old. Even if he cannot live for more than 40 million years like old Redonda Long, it is impossible for his life to end in 10 million years.

Xu Dong couldn't help but ask.

However, the expression on Peter's face changed. How long had it been since he heard such a familiar voice? How long had it been, a million years? Five million years or ten million years?

Since the final battle with Domo Judas, it is the only one left who can roar like the Velociraptor.

This is more than 10 million years, not a thousand years.

Modern people would not be able to understand the Mandarin of the Tang Dynasty 1,400 years ago, let alone 14 million years ago.

The cries of the Thunder Dragon and the Thunder Dragon have changed countless times, so the current Thunder Dragon cannot understand its cry at all, let alone how it can still make such a familiar sound.

Of course Peter would not think about the dead Xu Dong. There might be various reasons in its head that could explain the past, but Xu Dong definitely didn't know.

No matter what explanatory reasons Peter thought of, his attitude towards Xu Dong was indeed much softer. Even if it was just a coincidence, it was a comfort to hear this familiar voice before the expedition.

Peter crossed Xu Dong, stepped over the tall city wall, and walked towards the burial area under the horrified eyes of many velociraptors.

Xu Dong just followed Peter, comforting the panicked tribesmen around him, and finally arrived at the mangrove forest.

He didn't step in directly. Peter was too big and it might be a sin to collapse the graves of several ancestors with one foot.

He was also a Velociraptor once, and Peter's respect for his ancestors was no weaker than that of any Velociraptor, but he was not good at teaching, and Thunder Thunder Dragon did not pass it on.

It bypassed the mangroves and stepped into the lake on the edge. The sun's beam evaporated nearly ten meters of the lake, and the lake water can now only reach its belly.

Peter bent down and looked down at the tombstones of Xu Dong and Domo. He wanted to reach out, but he was afraid that his forelimbs were too big and would damage the tombstones.

Xu Dong was its father, the dragon it admired most in its life. It was he who dragged the thirteen young dragons through their childhood with his old body.

The competition between Peter and Thomas for the throne is not just jealousy. What it wants is never the throne of the Velociraptor, it just wants Xu Dong's approval and recognition.

After so many years, it has finally been let go. The deceased has passed away. Now every time I think of the scenes in my childhood, I always feel sad.

In the end, Domo won the final battle that year, but in the end he died because of it.

Now, it is about to embark on this expedition. Whether it can come back alive is still unknown. Let these little guys resolve the dispute between the Thunder Dragon Clan and the Thunder Dragon Clan on their own.

Let's see in the end whether the Thunder Dragon will annex the Velociraptor or the Velociraptor will regain its former glory.

Xu Dong left when Peter squatted down. Over thousands of years, it may have accumulated a lot that it wanted to talk to.

If he was still the same old velociraptor at this time, of course he could sit there and listen to Peter quietly.

But now he is no longer the old dragon, but the leader of the Swift Dragon Clan and the Lord of the Royal Court. He can no longer be as close to him as before.

Xu Dong silently returned to the residential area and began his responsibilities as the leader, observing the damage to the royal court and planning subsequent repair work.

A large ten-meter-long gap opened in the wall of the Royal Court. Such a large gap accounted for one-fifth of the length of the city wall. It will probably take a long time to repair it.

However, the sun's beam was not without its benefits. It opened a ten-meter-wide channel on the tidal flat with an unknown depth.

The channel runs through the tidal flat from east to west and is connected to the large lake outside. It will become the inland river of Wangting in the future, which means that Xunlong can drink, wash and fish directly from this river.

Why do we need this river when we are surrounded by big lakes?

Because the tidal flat where the Royal Court is located is several meters higher than the level of the large lake outside, although it prevents the invasion of creatures in the lake and ensures the safety of the tribe, it also makes Xunlong lose the convenience of using the lake water.

Now that there is this small river that runs through the entire tidal flat, it can become one of the places where the Velociraptors get food with a little processing.

Wait, there is more than one channel!

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