Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 225 Disaster of the Sun

The huge beam of light broke through the dark clouds and shined onto the ground, covering the entire white fog. The fog quickly dissipated under the sunlight.

The creatures caught in the chaos saw that the fog was getting thinner and thinner, and enemies and friends around them could see clearly, so they slowly stopped fighting and spontaneously gathered into their own groups.

The Thunder Dragon, Lu Zhilong and North American Flying Dragon were divided into three parties, and they were hostile to each other. The fighting finally stopped.

No, there is still a place where the battle is still going on, and that is the Elite Battlefield. The Thunder Thunder Dragon and the Thunder Dragon have finally trapped the Sun Flame Dragons in the superconducting field, and can destroy them all with just a glance. Nature refuses to give up.

But even if they don't want to, the superconducting field cannot continue to maintain it. As the light pillar breaks through the dark clouds and comes down, the increase in temperature destroys the superconducting phenomenon, directly causing the superconducting field to collapse.

Before the battle, there were nearly thirty Sun Flame Divine Dragons, but now there are less than four left, and the others have all fallen.

Such tragic casualties were all caused by Thunder Thunder Dragon Six Guards and Thunder Dragon Dragon. Originally, with the vitality of Sun Flame Dragon, even if it was injured and fell in the superconducting field, there was still a high probability of surviving.

But the despicable land reptile made a last-ditch attack when the divine dragons were seriously injured and fell, killing all the fallen divine dragons.

They came this time with the Sun Flame Divine Dragons from all the tribes in North America, and there may be some solo ones that have not come over. However, after this battle, it will not take hundreds of years for the Divine Dragons to return to their previous numbers.

The Sun Flame Dragons that have released the superconducting field are like dragons entering the sea, and nothing can hinder or trap them.

The light pillar in the sky did not stop after breaking through the dark clouds, and began to spread towards the surroundings. The light pillar became thicker and thicker until all the dark clouds were dispersed, and the sky appeared in the eyes of all living beings again. However, this sky was a little different from before.

The Brachiosaurus eating leaves in the north, the Diplodocus lowering its head to drink river water in the west, and the Mamenchisaurus slowly moving forward on the large plain in the east all raised their long necks.

The small and medium-sized dinosaurs in the jungle, among the ferns, and on the branches, and the ornithomimus all raised their heads in fear and looked up at the sky from the gaps.

In this land shrouded in sunlight, Xunlong, Thunder Thunder Dragon, and Lu Zhilong were all looking at the sky in confusion. At this time, there were actually two suns in the sky.

Two days in the air! Unprecedented.

There was one more sun, and the temperature was hotter than before. All the creatures that had just been baptized by the rain were once again baptized by the scorching heat.

The Sun Flame Dragon King is located at an altitude of 9,000 meters, hanging high in the clouds, emitting golden light all over its body. Its superpower is reflection. To be honest, it conflicts with the Sun Flame Dragon's own ability.

The Sun Flame Dragon's own chloroplasts can absorb solar energy and recover from injuries. Now that the sunlight is reflected away, what else do they absorb?

However, this move is indeed powerful enough. The heat is just an appetizer, and the real killing move is yet to come.

As we all know, convex lenses can focus light. The focused sunlight is a laser, and its power is not weaker than Peter's railgun.

What the Riyan Dragon King has to do is turn the reflected sunlight into laser light.

Sure enough, the light beam projected onto the world began to shrink after dispersing the dark clouds and fog, and the temperature within the range covered by the light gradually turned from warm at the beginning to hot, from hot to hot, and finally even burned directly.

All the animals couldn't stay any longer and ran out of the light one by one. The winged flying dragons were naturally the first to run out of the light beam range. Thunder Thunder Dragon and Lu Zhilong were also not slow, and they quickly withdrew from the aperture range one by one.

Of course, the main reason is that the aperture keeps shrinking, and the covered area becomes smaller, making it easier to escape.

Animals can naturally run away in advance, but plants are not so lucky. Their roots are embedded in the soil and they cannot escape even if they want to.

When the diameter of the beam shrank to one hundred meters, the trees under the beam began to burn. When the beam shrank to fifty meters, the trees began to melt. When the beam shrank to ten meters, everything on the ground disappeared, even the earth. It sank, and the deep pit continued to grow downward.

The Sun Flame Dragon King, who was above the sky, resisted the burning of his body and began to turn his body. With it, the laser beam plowed rifts on the earth.

The animals that were swept by the beam, even the tenacious Sun Flame Dragon, were directly annihilated, and the Thunder Thunder Dragon and the Deinocephalus were killed as many as they came.

Because of its large size, the immortal Leidongdalong, the king of plant dragons, was hit by the swaying beam, and its front and rear bodies were directly separated. The ten-meter-long body that was hit was turned into fly ash after being supported for only one second.

Lu Zhilong and others immediately fled with their ancestors on their backs, fearing that they would be shot to death if they were too late.

The King's Court of Thunderous Dragon, located in the center of the Great Lake, was also unfortunately swept away, and a huge gap was opened in the city wall that took several months to build.

The beam directly split the beach where the Royal Court was located into two, and the Velociraptor caught in it was almost certain to die.

This beam of light passed through the royal court and then shot into the water, vaporizing the lake water countless times, causing the water level to sink ten meters. It also boiled the remaining lake water, cooking the plant dragons, fish, and fish in it. turtles and other creatures.

These aquatic creatures that couldn't even react floated to the surface of the water in an unknown manner, exuding an alluring aroma, but now no creatures would pay attention to this pot of fresh fish soup from the lake.

When the second sun in the sky gradually disappeared, the light beam also gradually disappeared, and the living beings under it finally survived this disaster.

Almost every ethnic group suffered heavy losses, among which Lu Zhilong was the most unlucky. Even the ancestors of the Zhen tribe almost lost their lives here. It can be said that they withdrew from the battle early.

The Riyan Dragon King flapped its wings and flew down from the sky. Its body no longer had the distinct colors it had before, but turned into a complete black dragon from head to toe.

The power of the sun's beam is very terrifying. The Sun Flame Dragon King's light is reflected, and the heat transmitted to it is also very amazing. Most of it is absorbed by the chloroplasts, and the remaining heat also brings great damage to it.

The Sun Flame Dragon King dragged his seriously injured body down to see his achievements and his people. He saw that the land was filled with ravines and pits that were so dark that it was impossible to see the bottom. He didn't even know how many meters his beam had penetrated.

At this time, there is no sign of any living thing on the criss-crossing ravine land. No living thing will stay here, except for the Wangting Xunlong whose homeland was destroyed in one fell swoop.

It's not that they didn't want to escape, but when they were about to escape, the second sun went out and the light beam dissipated. Since the disaster was over, there was no need to escape again.

Xu Dong floated in the air and counted the number of those killed in the battle, and his heart couldn't help but ache.

Previously, hundreds of velociraptors were killed when leading the charge, but now nearly a thousand tribesmen were killed when the beam was swept away. Such casualties were too tragic.

If Xu Dong had not seen that something was wrong and told the dragons to scatter and avoid, it is estimated that more than a thousand dragons would have died.


The familiar screams startled Xu Dong's imagination. He looked sideways and saw that it was the Sun Flame Dragon King!

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