Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 224 The Light of the Sun

The water vapor produced by the collision between the water column and the lava dragon's breath filled the air, causing fog to form all around. This fog not only obscured the Sun Flame Dragon King's vision, but also trapped it in the fog formation, making it difficult to escape.

As one of the most powerful people in this world, Zhilongwang's powers are not just as simple as spraying water jets.

Today's pseudo-legends can be said to be very different from those before. Since the last alien insect was wiped out and the gene pool of the Isaac Zerg was integrated into all living beings on the earth, the immortal species achieved by superpowers and mutated protons has long been no longer what it once was. Such a reckless man who can only rely on hand-to-hand combat.

They now also possess a variety of magical superpowers, and the superpower possessed by the Plant Dragon King is nothing special, it is the ability to mislead the senses.

Unexpectedly, the water column that was sprayed out before was not its superpower at all. As a member of the Leidongdalong family, he is well versed in the secrets of Gouzi. The second one is to always keep a trump card and try not to let your opponent control you. the entire basis.

As for how to spray water jets?

This can be traced back to the old Redondasaurus who died in the battle. This amazing and talented ancestor of the dragon plant not only led them to escape the Triassic mass extinction that was supposed to be a disaster, but also developed the use of The ability to accumulate air in the lungs and spray out water cannons.

There is nothing surprising about this. Whales in later generations can also do it, but their power is vastly different compared to Redondasaurus.

The true ability of the Plant Dragon King can mislead the enemy's various senses, allowing their eyes, noses, ears, and wings to deceive the brain and act as its internal response.

But this is not without conditions, such as visual misleading, which requires something that can be misleading and an unclear scene, such as it being similar to a large rock next to it.

The Plant Dragon King can make the Sun Flame Dragon King mistakenly think that the big stone next to it is him, and it turns into a big stone.

This ability cannot be generated out of thin air. If there is nothing next to the Plant Dragon King, or the scene is too clear, it cannot be misled.

Now in this foggy day, Zhilongwang's ability is like a fish in water. After all, if a black shadow appears in the fog, it can turn it into anything it needs to become.

No, the Sun Flame Dragon King couldn't find a way out in the heavy fog. At this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him. After a closer look, he saw that it was actually the long-lived Direcephalus crocodile.

Since he saw it, he naturally dealt with it easily. Sunyan Dragon King sprayed out his dragon breath without hesitation.

The result was a familiar whine, which was the cry of the Dragon Clan.

When it looked at it carefully again, it was not a phytosaur that was swallowed up by the dragon's breath. It was actually its own North American flying dragon.

How can it be?

The Riyan Dragon King became suspicious. It was clearly targeting a Lu Zhilong, so how could it turn into one of its own kind? What is the situation?

At this moment, several thunder dragons rushed out from the side again, opening their big mouths and preparing to sneak attack on it.

Want to sneak attack it? It's too young. If such inferior tricks can succeed, it doesn't deserve to be the Dragon King of North America.

Another stream of lava venom spurted out, drowning all the incoming Thunder Dragons. The screams rang out again. The Sun Flame Dragon King took a closer look, and sure enough, there were three more North American flying dragons.

What's happening here?

Soon the clever Dragon King guessed that this mist must have been something done by Redonda Dragon, otherwise this situation would not have happened out of thin air.

It seems that only by getting rid of this Plant Dragon King first can it safely trample these crawlers on the ground.

If you want to deal with the Plant Dragon King hiding in the white fog, you must first disperse this annoying fog, and then let these reptiles see what a big sun is!

The Sun Flame Dragon King no longer spins in the fog, but flaps its black wings and keeps sprinting towards the sky. It still doesn't believe that it can't get out of the left and right, and it can't get out of the sky.

At the terrifying speed of the Sun Flame Divine Dragon, it didn't take long for it to break through the heavy fog, bringing out a white line. Above it were gloomy dark clouds, with thunder and lightning flashing from time to time, and light rain falling.

The position of the dark clouds is not high. Not to mention the Sun Flame Dragon, even the Red Scale Flying Dragon can easily surpass it, but this is just a simple height. Now if you want to fly above the clouds, you have to face the bombardment of thunder.

Attacking the dark clouds with the physique of the Red Scale Flying Dragon is definitely a dead end. Even if the Sun Flame Divine Dragon can pass through, there is still a risk of falling. Only its physique of an immortal species can withstand the thunderbolt without dying.

If it is not necessary, the Sun Flame Dragon King actually does not want to go through the dark clouds. He can say that he does not take nature seriously, but in his heart, he must always bear in mind the horror of nature. This is a category that transcends some biological categories and can easily create an extinction crisis. The existence of terror.

But if we want to dispel the fog and reverse the current embarrassing situation of the Feilong clan, we can only borrow the power of the sun.

Come on, the real dragon dares to face the thunder's bombardment.

The Riyan Dragon King just rushed into the dark clouds. The dark clouds were darker than the fog below and it was harder to see the direction. But the only advantage was that he would not be misled by the Plant Dragon King here.

A bolt of thunder suddenly appeared, and when the Sun Flame Dragon King saw it, he had no choice but to hide.

The white lightning hit its body directly. Different from the thunder dragon's power on the ground, this was the real power of God. The difference in intensity was more than ten times or a hundred times.

Such a terrifying thunder hit the Sun Flame Dragon King, causing the large feather scales to fly off, and the skin and flesh torn open.

Every lightning strike on Yu's body left a large scorch mark, and its scales, skin, and flesh were all carbonized. Even with its immortal body, it was a bit too much.

If it were an ordinary flying dragon, it would probably be reduced to ashes in one hit. Even if it were a Sunfire Dragon, it would most likely turn into a ball of coke and fall down after being hit.

The only thing the Sun Flame Dragon King could do was to keep his blood flowing and try to get out of the clouds before being struck to death by lightning.

Fortunately, the dark clouds were not thick enough, and with Sun Flame Dragon King's speed of nearly 400 yards per hour, he quickly passed through them.

When he broke through the clouds and flew at an altitude of more than nine thousand meters, the sun was above his head and the dark clouds were under his feet. The warm sunshine was like a big hand, gently caressing the scorch marks on the Sun Flame Dragon King's body.

It can feel that its body is repairing quickly. Sure enough, the Shenlong clan is the son of the sun and is invincible under the sun.

Then, let the reptiles in this world experience the power of the sun!

The seven pairs of feather scale wings behind the Sun Flame Dragon King are vertically at the same angle, and the light of the sun begins to reflect on the black feather scale wings.

Then not only the feather scale wings, but also the scales all over Sun Flame Dragon King's body began to reflect light, completely covering it in golden light.

The sunlight reflected by the feather scales on the Sun Flame Dragon King's body condensed into a huge beam of light that shined downwards, easily breaking through thousands of meters of clouds and creating a large hole in the dark clouds in the sky.

After the powerful sun's light broke through the clouds, it still shined powerfully on the fog on the ground.

The velociraptors in the royal court raised their heads and looked in horror at the light that broke through the dark clouds and illuminated the sky toward the world.

The great day has arrived!

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