Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 223 Soldiers versus soldiers, generals versus generals, old kings versus old kings

The enemies were extremely jealous when they saw each other. The little Zhilong, oh no, it should be the Zhilong King now, took action towards the Sun Flame Dragon without saying a word.

The Sun Flame Dragon, the son of God, was born to be aloof, extremely proud, and extremely arrogant. How could such a group tolerate the provocation of others.

Sun Flame Dragon King immediately opened his mouth and spit out a stream of hot magma dragon breath, which collided with Plant Dragon King's water column.

The hot magma collided with the water column, and countless water mist suddenly rose up. The white water mist spread and filled the surroundings, covering the place where they were fighting.

It's too much. They actually turned on the fog and stopped watching the battle.

As a witness, how could Xu Dong miss such a battle? Currently, the enemies are fighting on their own, but Wang Ting is not a threat and can just go over and join in the fight.

Xu Dong used his mind power to fly up and entered the white mist.

In the white mist, water vapor rises, and the range of vision is less than five meters. However, this is much stronger than the mist on the giant tree that reached the sky. At least you can still see the road ahead.

At this time, a red-scale flying dragon fell from the sky and hit not far in front of Xu Dong.

He ignored it and continued walking around the flying dragon's corpse.

Due to the white mist, the flying dragons, thunder dragons, and crocodiles could not distinguish between north and south. Their formations and attacks completely lost their order and fell into complete chaos.

After all, the flying dragon clan is an aerial unit, and it has a huge advantage in chaotic battles. It often appears and disappears, suddenly flying out of the white mist, grabbing a claw and running away, making Thunder Dragon and Deinocephalus hard to guard against.

What is even more unsolvable is the Sun Flame Dragon, which has an advantage over them in such terrain.

The Sun Flame Dragon's venom ignites when it comes into contact with air and explodes when it comes into contact with water. So the question arises, does this kind of venom burn or explode when it comes into contact with mist?

The Sun Flame Dragon tells us with facts that the sky is filled with fireworks.

The smart Sun Flame Dragon no longer sprays venom point-to-point, but uses a large-area spray method to expand the area where the venom comes into contact.

As a result, the venom burned as soon as it came out, and slowly fell downwards, accumulating enough water vapor, and an explosion occurred.

Unlike on a rainy day, if you dare to spray venom like this, you will probably explode as soon as you leave the body. Although the Sun Flame Dragon has strong recovery ability, it will be too much if it is hit by too many explosions.

It is much better in foggy days, because there is not enough moisture in the fog to allow the venom to explode quickly, and it often can only burn. From a distance, it looks like a large burning cloud, a real fire burning cloud.

When it reached the heads of the Deinocephalosaurs and Thunderboltsaurus, enough water had been accumulated, and the venom exploded. The power of the explosion was extraordinary, as flames filled the sky.

The Thunder Dragon, which had high attack and low defense, was unable to withstand it at first, and was blown up one by one, causing death and injury all over the place.

It was much better to attack the high-blooded, thick-armored and low-height Direcrocodile, which avoided the first wave of explosions from Huoshaoyun. By the time the aftermath and heat of the explosion reached them, most of them had been weakened.

The remaining power was directly defended by the subcutaneous bone formation, and it did not cause much casualties to the Crocodile.

When the fire cloud fell, Xu Dong was also shrouded below. He directly used his mind to push the flames away, forming a safety belt around him. The explosion naturally had nothing to do with him.

Walking straight through the chaotic battlefield, he casually picked up a Lu Zhilong biting at him, and twisted it into a twist with a flick of his mind.

After passing through the melee battlefield, Xu Dong entered the elite battlefield.

There are six guards here, four pseudo-legendary Lu Zhilong and nearly thirty Sunfire Dragons.

Their battles are much more exciting than those ordinary creatures on the periphery that only rely on their bodies to fight.

Not to mention the lightning-raging Thunder Thunder Dragon and the flame-breathing Sun Flame Dragon, this time Xu Dong's attention was directed to the four pseudo-legendary Lu Zhilong who had just joined.

Among these four long-lived species, three are Deinocephalosaurus and one is Redondaosaurus. This is the descendant brought out by the Plant Dragon King and is also the actual commander of the entire Deinocephalus group today.

The three crocodiles must have just become the long-lived species. They are only a few meters larger than the ordinary crocodiles. They didn't use any powers, so they shouldn't be extraordinary species.

The Redonda dragon is much bigger. The Redonda dragon itself is the top one among ordinary predators. This long-lived species is even thirty meters tall.

There is a dividing line between large predators and apex predators, which is ten meters. Those who exceed ten meters are the well-deserved dragon kings, the hegemon among dragons.

For example, the pseudocrocodile Fasolasuchus that dominated the Triassic, the Saurus and King Edema at the peak of the Jurassic, or the Tyrannosaurus rex, the king of dragons in the Cretaceous, were all top predators at the ten-meter-plus level. By.

And those who can reach this level, such as Redondarosaurus, Fasolasuchus, Allosaurus, Barbarian Dragon, Shark King, Tyrannosaurus, etc., are all talented and have amazing potential. The pseudo-legends born in their clan are often better than other pseudo-legends. Legendary creatures are more powerful.

What's more, this Redonda Dragon has super powers.

The thirty-meter-long Redonda dragon kept roaring, and the temperature in the air became lower and lower. Finally, the water in the white mist began to condense and turned into ice crystals.

What it has is the ability to freeze.

As the temperature gets colder and colder, the Sunfire Dragons, who were already paralyzed by Thunder Dragon Lao Liu, are getting even worse, seriously affecting their flight and reaction speed.

None of the pseudo-legendary superpower users in the elite battlefield were fools. There were so many Sunfire Dragons, they were strong and could fly, so they were naturally targeted.

Only the four-guard Thunder Thunder Dragon and the four pseudo-legendary Lu Zhilong united to fight against the Sun Flame Dragon.

However, even if they were added together, their number was far less than that of the Sun Flame Divine Dragon, and the situation was still dominated by the Divine Dragons.

Until Lei Dongdalong used his freezing ability, he originally thought of slowing down the flight speed of the Sun Flame Dragon so that he could be eaten by melee.

As a result, a strange combination of circumstances and the Thunder Dragon's superpower produced a special reaction, a wonderful chemical reaction and superconducting phenomenon.

A superconducting field was formed in this way, covering the Sun Flame Divine Dragon within it.

Superconductivity, as the name suggests, is a state in which the resistance of a conductor is zero at a certain temperature.

In the superconducting field, lightning loses its restraints. Not only is it difficult to see, but its power is also ridiculously strong. The magnetic field in the field is abnormally disordered, making the Sun Flame Dragon fly even faster than it can walk.

This is equivalent to having three debuffs on your body, and you must always beware of invisible and powerful lightning strikes. Not to mention the Sun Flame Dragon, even a group of Immortals may not be able to withstand it.

As the invisible thunder continues to appear, the Sun Flame Divine Dragon is constantly being hit and falling. Seeing that the entire Divine Dragon Army is about to be annihilated, where is their powerful king, the Sun Flame Dragon King?

In the peak battlefield further northwest, it was entangled by the Plant Dragon King and couldn't get away.

Logically speaking, there is no way that the flying Sun Flame Dragon King could be dragged down by the land-moving Plant Dragon King. It can fly and just leave as it pleases.

However, the previous wave had deceived it.

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