Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 220 Chiseling Formation

Even if thunder dragons are more united and social than other creatures, so what, they will still be frightened and their morale will collapse in the face of an irresistible attack.

Companions, relatives, and spouses who were still alive and kicking before were nailed to the ground in the blink of an eye and turned into cold corpses.

In the first round, they were shocked, feeling sudden and sad about the sudden death of their companion.

In the second round, they were angry and wanted to immediately pay for their debt with the King of Swift Dragons.

In the third round, they were frightened. The crows came down like a swarm of dead bodies all over the ground, just like sickles, cutting the wheat one after another.

Social animals can empathize, and the fox will be sad when a rabbit dies. Such death in films is simply the cruelest punishment.


When the fourth wave of gun rain came, all the thunder dragons looked up to the sky. When the black curtain slowly fell, they saw that the spear was getting bigger and bigger, and the flint and iron at the tip of the spear were clearly visible.

Under such pressure, the thunder dragons within the range of the gun rain became afraid, and the Taishan collapsed in front of them without changing their expressions. This requires a lot of courage, at least this group of thunder dragons does not have it.

The chaotic Thunder Dragon completely disrupted the array, and the panic quickly spread through the hearts of all the dragons like wildfire, causing the entire army to become chaotic.

No matter how loud and furious the leader of the Thunder Dragon is, he can't stop the collapse of tens of thousands of Thunder Dragons.

The rain of guns fell. Because of the running of the thunder dragons, the hit rate this time was much lower than before. Four to five thousand throwing spears only shot to death eight or nine hundred thunder dragons.

But this time it caused more casualties than the previous rounds of gunfire combined. This round of gunfire shattered the morale of the Thunder Dragon army. The casualties caused by their collapse and escape were several times that of those directly killed by the gunfire.

Xu Dong floated in the sky, looking at the entire battle situation, and immediately noticed the strange behavior of the Thunder Dragon army.

The army is in chaos, and the leader can no longer give orders and prohibitions. Such an army is a rabble.

How could Xu Dong miss this God-given opportunity? With a loud roar, the rapid dragons in the royal court were all refreshed. They were finally about to take action.

Although shooting from a distance with a gun can reduce the casualties of the group, for these adult dragons, only hand-to-hand combat is the game of the apex predator.

Claws and claws touch the flesh, and the enemy's life is cut off with words. This kind of battle is the real battle.

Four thousand adult velociraptors, led by Xu Dong, poured out of the royal court and formed a wedge formation on the plain in front of the city wall.

This formation is suitable for drilling through, and is perfect for dealing with the panic-stricken Thunder Dragon army.

Thousands of velociraptors began to run wildly. Xu Dong was at the front of the array. Behind him were Big Guy, A Niu and other powerful velociraptors. Using them as the leader, the velociraptor group rushed straight towards the army of thunder velociraptors. go.

The location where Xu Dong attacked was where the Thunder Dragon leader was. Although it was unable to prevent the Thunder Dragon's collapse, it was still recognized as the leader. After killing it, there would be no Thunder Dragon that could organize resistance.

Seeing a group of velociraptors charging towards them, the leader of the thunder celestial dragons did not dodge. The battle of genocide that was destined to be won ended up in this state, which made the temporary leader very angry.

But it was surrounded by people of the same kind, so it was impossible to vent its anger. The dispatch of the Thunder Dragon army made it happy. The leader of the Thunder Thunder Dragon was confident in the strength of his tribe and would be able to defeat these incoming Thunder Dragons.

In its view, since the collapse of the Thunder Thunder Dragon army is irreversible, it can still complete the mission of its ancestors by dealing with the enemy forces by itself.

Following the call of the leader of the Thunder Thunder Dragon, fellow tribesmen around him gathered around him. If the other tribes did not obey the order, they would use their own tribesmen.

The leader of the Thunder Thunder Dragon bucked the trend and led his tribe towards the Thunder Dragon group.

Blue electric bugs surrounded it, forming small lightning bolts that shrouded the big boss in a blue light.

This guy's ability is lightning shield? interesting.

With a thought in Xu Dong's mind, the half-edged steel knife shot towards the opposite side.

After the steel knife entered the lightning shield, several thunderbolts struck it instantly, but the steel knife was extremely sharp and hard, and was not damaged at all by the thunder.

The leader of the Thunder Dragon looked in disbelief as the steel knife gradually approached. This was the first time it had seen something that could break through its lightning shield.

Just when it wanted to dodge, the steel knife moved quickly sideways as if it had eyes, and struck the leader of the Thunder Dragon on the neck.

This Thunder Thunder Dragon, who commanded an army of 100,000 people and came in a mighty manner, was beheaded by Xu Dong in one round.

The breathing of the other thunder dragons suddenly stagnated. They never expected that such a powerful clan leader could not even take a move from the opponent. So why bother to fight? They might as well run.

After the powerful character that Lei Xunlong once created was broken, his morale collapsed unexpectedly.

What is the difference between a thunder dragon and a sheep that has lost its fighting spirit? Four thousand swift dragons rushed into the enemy's formation with overwhelming force and did not encounter any decent resistance.

Even though there was no resistance, the Thunder Dragon army led by Xu Dong still charged for several hours before breaking through the Thunder Dragon formation.

There were really too many 100,000 velociraptors, and they were huge and stretched for dozens of miles. Even if their morale collapsed and there was no resistance, running down this stretch would still be tiring.

After leading the velociraptors out, they made a big turn and rushed into the thunder dragon group again. The key to fighting is to work hard at one go. Although they are very tired, as long as they still have that breath, their fighting power will still be there.

If you rest at this time, the energy will be released, and your fighting power will be as paralyzed as a deflated rubber ball.

Just as the Thunder Dragon Army continued to work within the Thunder Dragon Army Formation, a huge roar that resounded throughout the world enveloped the entire battlefield.

The battlefield, which was originally filled with loud killing sounds and littered with corpses, suddenly became eerily quiet. What kind of power was this? A single roar could shock the entire audience before he even arrived, making everyone tremble in fear.

Both the Thunder Dragon and the Thunder Dragon stopped. Xu Dong also stopped because the sound was so familiar to him.

Is it really Peter? Is it going to take action personally?

However, before Peter arrived, the red tide came first, and a large group of flying North American dragons arrived on the battlefield.

A third party was suddenly inserted into the battlefield between the Thunder Dragon and the Thunder Thunder Dragon, making the battle situation even more bizarre.

There are so many North American flying dragons that they turn half of the sky red. It is estimated that there are at least ten thousand of them.

After so many North American flying dragons arrived on the battlefield, they all glided down and attacked indiscriminately, regardless of whether they were Thunder Dragons or Thunder Dragons.

After all, in the eyes of the Red Scale Flying Dragon, the Thunder Dragon and the Thunder Dragon are stupid and unclear. Anyway, no matter which one it is, it is right to kill it.

The sharp claws of the North American flying dragon fell, immediately taking away the lives of thousands of thunder dragons. Just as Xu Dong had imagined, the red tide was like the sea and the claws were like knives.

This is the real hell of sword mountain, the hell of all living beings.

Thanks to Si Shou Zhe No. 2 for the reward.

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