Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 221 Heavenly Dragon VS Earth Dragon

Thunderbolt dragons fell in pieces under the claws of North American flying dragons. There was no way to survive under the red tide.

Even Xu Dong could only avoid its sharp edge and led the group of swift dragons to rush back toward the royal court.

While the North American flying dragons were being slaughtered, six huge thunder dragons came running from a distance. They were the elites of the thunder dragon clan, and they were the top strength of the thunder dragon clan that Peter spent a lot of effort to cultivate after waking up.

The original idea was that the one hundred thousand thunder dragons would be enough to attack the Thunder Dragon Court, but who would have thought that Thunder Dragons would actually invent a tool that could project a spear so far.

This disrupted all of Peter's arrangements, and it didn't even expect that its descendants would collapse so quickly.

It collapsed so fast that it couldn't even rush to support in time. It could only let out a roar from a distance to calm the chaotic group of dragons, and then sent six guards to destroy Xu Dong's rapid dragon army.

But who could have imagined that another change would occur, and the group of troublemaking North American flying dragons would start a massacre without saying a word.

The Six Guards originally sent to deal with the Velociraptor had to first deal with the more threatening Sky Force.

The Six Guardians are generally over 20 meters in size. They are six thunder dragons with special powers. After being spotted by Peter, they ate the mutated pronucleus and became extraordinary longevity species. The combined strength of the two is far beyond ordinary longevity species. and supernatural species.

The boss of the Six Guards stopped in front of the North American Flying Dragon. Blue electric bugs surrounded it, and blue light glowed from the top corner of its head. Could it be a railgun too?

No, it's not. Its power accumulation time is much shorter than Peter's railgun. Although it is also fired with a horn, it behaves completely differently.

A slender, winding white lightning shot out from the horn, hitting a North American Velociraptor in the blink of an eye, electrocuting it into charcoal.

The light may not be a big deal at this time, but what is really powerful is that its lightning can continue to bounce.

The lightning that hit the first flying dragon split into two and hit the two flying dragons behind it. After hitting it, it split again.

Just like this, one turned into two, two turned into four, four turned into eight, and ejected eight times in a row, killing more than 500 North American flying dragons and clearing a hole in the red tide.

The third of the six guards, a female Thunder Dragon, slapped its forelimbs on the ground. Countless thunder and lightning spread to the earth, and soon spread out a large space of 500 acres, which is roughly equivalent to the size of 400 football fields.

When the North American flying dragon flies to this area, it will be attracted by the huge suction force and fall towards the ground. The North American flying dragon falling to the ground is like a mosquito falling on an electric mosquito swatter. When the electric current passes through the body, it will flash with electric light and emit There was a pop sound, and soon a burnt smell erupted.

The third wave of falling dragons was much stronger than the boss's chain lightning attack, directly killing thousands of flying dragons.

However, after using this move, Lao San completely lost his strength and collapsed to the ground, losing the ability to fight again.

This was not over yet, the fourth child also started his own performance. It was surrounded by blue electric bugs, and the sharp horns on its head emitted a faint blue light, as if it was a signal, and the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds.

It is going to rain? Could it be caused by the fourth child? Is it a bit exaggerated to rely on supernatural powers to affect the natural climate?

However, Lao Si cannot control the weather. Its ability is actually like a lightning rod, attracting the thunder from the sky to strike down at it, just like a prehistoric version of crossing the tribulation.

The fourth child ran forward with its body, and the sharp horns on its head were like extremely delicious cakes, attracting countless thunder and lightning to strike at it.

The fourth child ran under the North American flying dragon. The North American flying dragon sandwiched between the sky and the fourth child was in bad luck. They were the first to be hit by the thunder.

Even if the North American flying dragon wants to evade, the speed of the fourth child is too fast. It is obviously a flying unit with great advantages, but it is always backed up by the fourth child.

Thunder and lightning fell wildly, followed by wind and rain. This strange thunderstorm tore open several large holes in the red tide, and beat countless flying dragons into coke and fell to the ground.

The three Six Guards at the scene had already killed thousands of flying dragons. The powers of the remaining Second, Fifth and Sixth Guards were all single-target attacks, so they were not wasted on ordinary flying dragons.

As the invincible overlord of the sky, flying dragons will naturally not let thunder dragons wreak havoc, and there are also special individuals among them.

A pillar of fire appeared out of thin air, appearing in front of Lao Si without any warning. It was so frightened that it turned around to avoid the pillar of fire.

The fourth child was also very surprised that he could predict its movement. This requires extremely high intelligence and is not something ordinary creatures can do.

But so what if the prediction is accurate? With its reaction speed, what attack can't it dodge?

After all, the fourth child is a young thunder dragon. He has never encountered the rare Sun Flame Dragon, and he has no idea of ​​their insidiousness.

Only the oldest among the Six Guards may have seen the Sun Flame Dragon, but he has definitely never fought against them, and he doesn't know the Sun Flame Dragon's abilities.

The colorless venom from the alien insects will burn when it encounters air and explode when it encounters water. At this time, the falling rain has already wet the ground.


There was a violent explosion, and Lao Si, who had just moved one meter sideways to avoid the fireball, bore the brunt and became the first victim of the explosion.

High temperature, flames, poisonous gas, and shock waves poured all over Lao Si's body. This extraordinary longevity species who had escaped countless thunder disasters was caught under this insidious explosion.

This soldier, the fourth of the six guards, was seriously injured.

As the fourth child was seriously charred and fell to the ground, three Sun Flame Divine Dragons appeared in the sky, covered in yellow, with seven pairs of black wings on their backs, with a wingspan of up to thirty meters.

Among them was the Sun Flame Divine Dragon who reported the news about the gun thrower before.

The rapidly changing battlefield situation has now become the Thunder Dragon Five Guards vs. the Three-Day Flame. Xu Dong, who just led his troops back to the royal court, has no idea that what was originally a battle of genocide has turned into a fight between two opponents. It is simply full of excitement. dramatic.

The three-headed Sun Flame Divine Dragon didn't bother to demonstrate and roar like a mortal creature, and directly sprayed three balls of venom.

The venom burst into flames as soon as it exited the mouth. From the outside, it looked like a sunburst dragon spitting fire.

After the lesson learned by the fourth child, the other five thunder dragons also learned the lesson and tried to stay as far away from the landing point of the fireball as possible.

The boss of Liuwei sent a chain of lightning towards the Sun Flame Dragon, but they easily dodged it.

The second child lowered his head, and a micro-electromagnetic gun was shot from above its head, rushing towards the Sun Flame Dragon at extremely fast speed, but was dodged again.

The Sun Flame Dragon's air superiority is too buggy. They can dodge in every direction at 360 degrees, which makes it difficult for ground units to hit them.

If you want to deal with the Sun Flame Divine Dragon, you must first control them.

The third among the six guards who has the ability to control has already used his ability before, but now he is unable to fight again, so he can only let the sixth one give it a try.

What is Lao Liu's superpower?

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