Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 219 Thousands of armies crush the city

In the last period of the Jurassic period, no matter whether it was a dragon or an orc, the brains were not big, and the blade wolf was incomparable with later mammals. The brain was not like a wrinkled walnut, but more like a heart. The skin is smoother.

Xu Dong has eaten not only 10,000 but also 8,000 animals, and has seen a lot of brains. There is nothing special about Blade Wolf's brain.

But what surprised Xu Dong was the hyphae adhering to his head.

The white hyphae do not wrap around the entire brain like nerve threads, but insert directly into its cerebral cortex like an awl.

Xu Dong didn't know much about the human brain, let alone the brains of these prehistoric mammals, and he didn't know where the parasitic fungus controlled.

Looking into the cut-out brain, I saw that the inside of the brain was full of small mushrooms, which was extremely terrifying. The spores absorbed nutrients in the hotbed of the brain, took root, sprouted, and thrived.

These parasitic fungi are not so much controlling the blade wolf as they are using the blade wolf's brain to reproduce.

It is not manipulation for the sake of manipulation, but parasitism for reproduction. This is in line with the laws of the biological world and does not look artificial.

Do you really think too much?

No, this thing is definitely not that simple. The most obvious thing is the unusual black shadow before.

The crisis in the royal court has not yet been resolved, and Xu Dong has no time to pursue the matter of parasitic fungi for the time being, so he can only put it aside for now.

At noon, the velociraptor who went hunting by the salt lake finally came back with food. When he saw the blade wolves piled up in the forest, his heart suddenly skipped a beat and he hurriedly ran towards the royal court.

When they saw the still intact city walls of the Royal Court and the guards on the walls, they finally felt relieved.

Because he was worried about fungal infection, Xu Dong was not allowed to eat even a piece of blade wolf meat, and used his telekinesis to throw all the blade wolf corpses into the forest for small and medium-sized predators to digest them.

That's why the Velociraptors saw so many blade wolf corpses when they came back.

The meat of nearly a hundred plant-eating dinosaurs brought back this time is probably enough for the tribe to eat for three or four days, but it is still far from enough.

Although there were no siege tactics in prehistoric times, we were afraid that the enemy would stay at the door and starve to death if we couldn't go out to hunt the velociraptors. Therefore, we had to ensure that we had at least a five-day surplus of food, so that we would have the confidence to fight.

This time Xu Dong sent two thousand adult velociraptors into two teams to attack on both sides to find enough food.

Xu Dong stayed in the royal court and waited for the arrival of the enemy.

His sixth sense clues were obvious enough. The crisis should be coming in the next few days. He sent Tietou and Fury out not only to find food, but also to leave a flame for the King of Velociraptors. If they were really defeated, at least they would Can still make a comeback.

The next day, under constant rush of work, the city wall of the Xunlong clan was finally completed, but there was no time to build the wall surrounding the entire living area and storage area.

As for the number of guns thrown, it can be said that it is far lower than Xu Dong's small target.

Only half of the originally planned 100,000 spears were completed, and most of the spears still had flint heads, and even 5,000 of the iron spear heads were not enough.

Making a spear is not an easy task. From selecting suitable trees to cutting down and cutting them into spears, the difficulty and quantity are unprecedented.

Thanks to the addition of a new batch of thousands of velociraptors, even 40,000 velociraptors may not be completed.

At noon, the velociraptors who had just finished lunch heard the sound of horns in the distance and gray smoke rising from the watchtower, all of which heralded the arrival of the enemy.

Xu Dong instantly flew into the air and looked far into the distance, only to find that the north was so dark that he could not see the edge.

What's this?

After the black tide got closer, Xu Dong finally saw clearly, this was the Thunder Thunder Dragon?

It was the Thunder Thunder Dragon that ended first? Looking at the scale of this dispatch, it numbered no less than one hundred thousand.

One hundred thousand thunder dragons, this number is a bit scary. Xu Dong suddenly understood who was behind the massacre of the surrounding ethnic groups in the royal court and drove them to the royal court.


Who else but it can command a hundred thousand thunder dragons?

Unexpectedly, more than 10 million years have passed and this guy still hasn't given up.

Forget it, it started with him, so let him end it.

The mighty Thunder Dragon keeps approaching the royal court, but times have changed, who still fights with them?

All the velociraptors in the royal court, young and old, put on spear-throwing weapons, and hundreds of velociraptors on the city wall were the first to throw.

They stand high and naturally throw far, making them suitable for the first wave of strikes.

Xu Dong predicted the distance. When the thunder dragon army approached 1.5 kilometers, hundreds of spears were fired at once, throwing out with the greatest strength.

There is no need to worry about accuracy this time. One hundred thousand thunder dragons are spread out and stretch for dozens of miles. As long as the spear is thrown, it will definitely hit.


Hundreds of throwing spears scraped across the sky and fell into the Thunder Dragon Formation. From such a long distance, they fell from the sky, and the tips of the spears were made of sharp flint and iron, making the throwing spears extremely powerful.

The Thunder Thunder Dragon was almost killed on the spot. Whether it was hit on the head or body, it could not withstand the blow.

There were so many Thunder Dragons that hundreds of them were hit and killed without much reaction. Even the army commander, the leader of the Thunder Dragons, turned a blind eye to these dead dragons.

A hundred thousand troops, some of which are consumed by thunder dragons, aren't they just a few hundred throwing spears? Even if you come, how many can you kill?

The Thunder Dragon on the city wall killed thousands of Thunder Thunder Dragons with ten consecutive rounds, but it still did not shake the confidence of the Thunder Thunder Dragon leader.

There are so many of them that it is insensitive to quantity.

When the thunder dragon army entered the one kilometer range, the adult thunder dragons inside the city wall were ready, waiting for Xu Dong's order at any time.


Xu Dong roared loudly, and thousands of spears were shot out from the royal court.

Previously, hundreds of spear-throwing thunder dragons didn't care because there were too many of them and they were not afraid of consumption.

But this is too outrageous!

There is a huge difference between four to five thousand spears and several hundred spears.

This heavy rain of gunfire fell, instantly clearing an area of ​​Thunder Dragons. The Thunder Dragons in this area were turned into hedgehogs by countless spears, and their death was extremely miserable.

Before the thunder dragons could react from their daze, the spears came again.

It was another bloody storm, and countless Thunder Dragons died again. This horrific death rate made the Thunder Dragon leader unable to sit still.

A few hundred spears can kill one or two hundred thunder dragons in one round. It would take at least 500 rounds to kill an army of 100,000, so it is not worried.

But the thousand spears fired by the Thunder Dragon can kill at least one or two thousand Thunder Thunder Dragons in one round. Even if it has an army of 100,000, it cannot withstand dozens of rounds.

Just when it was about to issue the order to disperse, the third round of gunfire came again.

Under the pressure of this terrifying gunfire, a scene happened that made the leader of the Thunder Thunder Dragon burst into tears. The Thunder Thunder Dragon collapsed!

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