Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 218 The mob that gave away people’s heads

All the throwing spears behind each Velociraptor have been fired. Tens of thousands of throwing spears are scattered around the gathering place of herbivorous dinosaurs. Up to 40% of the herbivorous dinosaurs were hit, causing heavy casualties to the herbivorous dinosaurs.

Of course, the deaths and injuries of the herbivorous dinosaurs accounted for only a small part, and the main reason was caused by them trampling and pushing each other.

After throwing the gun, the hand-to-hand combat began. Thousands of velociraptors rushed toward the herbivorous dinosaurs that had killed more than half of them. Xu Dongfei controlled the situation in the air, ready to rescue the velociraptors that were facing death threats at any time.

The furious younger brother, a giant velociraptor with a body length of 20 meters, rushed in front of all the velociraptors, jumped up and bit the long neck of Haishi's Helmetless Dragon.

Its hind limbs stepped on the shoulders of Heideli's Helmetosaurus, and the fangs of its hind limbs dug into its flesh.

Countless velociraptors rushed towards the vegetarian dragons, with sharp claws, fangs, spears, blood, and wailing.

On the shore of the salt lake, which is like a realm in the sky, is the miserable Shura Hell.

The killing lasted for most of the day, and not a single vegetarian dragon escaped. They fell down on the shore of the salt lake and piled up into hills. Oh no, maybe each of them was a hill.

Of course, the Velociraptors were not without casualties. Twenty-two of the thousands of Velociraptors died in the battle. This was despite Xu Dong's intervention. After all, they were not slimes without attack capabilities, but giant sauropods. , Stegosaurus wearing a sword bone tail cone.

Facing these big guys who weigh tons, if they are hit, stepped on, hammered, or seriously injured, it is considered lucky.

However, the velociraptors still won. These big guys became food for the velociraptors. Taking advantage of the convenience of the nearby salt lake, the velociraptors had to process the corpses in various ways.

Cutting the meat, sorting it into categories, marinating it, cooking it, smoking it, etc. I guess I won’t be able to stop tonight.

They enjoyed a delicious barbecue meal around the campfire. The velociraptors worked while eating. Each velociraptor's face was filled with happiness. Nothing can mobilize the power of ancient creatures more than food.

As the great leader, Xu Dong just floated in the sky, his eyes fixed on the royal court in the east.

Since awakening Domo's talent for telekinesis, he has not only been able to control everything, but it has also given him some special abilities, such as a super sixth sense.

Unlike Long Face, who can directly see the future scene, Xu Dong can only rely on his feelings. He didn't feel this way before leading Xunlong out for training, but after training, this sixth sense became more and more obvious.

At this time, he looked at the royal court and felt that something was about to happen, but the sense of crisis was not strong and he didn't know what the situation was.

Xu Dong asked the dragons to continue processing the corpses, recover the throwing spears, and return in an orderly manner with food. He decided to fly back first to take a look.

Under the control of telekinesis, Xu Dong quickly flew through the air, and soon arrived above the court of the Velociraptor King. At this time, all the adult Velociraptors had already run up to the city wall to be on guard, filling up all the space on the city wall they could occupy, staring intently at them. Something under this wall.

Under the wall is a patch of green eyes, are they again? Why are these blade wolves still lingering? But what's the use of just watching from below? If you have the ability, come up.

Obviously, these little guys, who are only two meters long, cannot climb over the walls of the royal court, so they can only work under the walls.

No wonder the sense of crisis is not strong. It is strange that these guys have any sense of crisis.

But we can't let them block the door all the time, otherwise we will have to face them when the velociraptors come back with food tomorrow.

A large ball of flame was summoned from the watchtower, and the burning flame just floated in the air, like a will-o'-the-wisp.


The large ball of flames quickly fell downwards under the control of telekinesis.


The flames exploded and ignited several blade wolves in the surrounding area, causing a commotion immediately.

When the dragons on the city wall saw that the flames were effective, they threw down the torches in their hands. As the flames raged, the ragtag group of blade wolves immediately turned into birds and beasts and dispersed.

Behind the blade wolves, Xu Dong noticed a dark shadow, which gave him a strange feeling, like a threat but not unlike it, familiar yet like he had never seen it before.

He was about to extend his telekinesis to investigate, but the black shadow disappeared in an instant, leaving behind a group of blade wolves running in embarrassment.

Soon, the city wall fell into calm again. Xu Dong told the dragons not to come out, and he called the torch and slowly lowered it. He didn't observe carefully last time, and now he wanted to take a closer look at what was going on with the blade wolf.

Coming to the side of a blade wolf that had been trampled to death by its own kind, those blade wolves that had been burned to death had nothing left, only bare black coals. Only those who did not die in the flames could see some clues.

This blade wolf fell down and was trampled to death when the large army was evacuating. Its body was basically intact. I put the torch close to its head, ignored the scary-looking dead dog head, and focused on the top of its head. .

There is a yellow mushroom growing on its head. The mushroom is not very big, only three or four centimeters long. Apart from this mushroom, there is nothing unusual about the Blade Wolf's appearance.

Since there is nothing strange about the outside, let's take a look inside its body and see what it looks like inside its head.

A half-edged steel knife appeared in his hand, but Xu Dong did not chop it down.

It was too dark at night, and even with torch lighting, some details might be overlooked. The craniotomy should wait until daytime.

In order to prevent these corpses from being eaten by small and medium-sized predators at night, Xu Dong specially set up several bonfires and sat here personally. Parasitic fungi are very scary things and must not be taken lightly.

He sat like this until dawn. When the sun rose from the horizon, he finally sat up and could think.

At dawn, these blade wolves are indeed very different from those at night. The appearance of these guys is similar to that of wolves, but their hair is much thicker than that of wolves. They can even be compared with Samoyeds, except that their hair is golden yellow.

But the head is completely bare, with only sparse short hairs.

Among these short hairs, a small yellow mushroom stands out and is particularly attractive, swaying from side to side in the breeze.

Fungi are the most deceiving creatures. All the mushrooms they transform are cute and cute, but there are many poisonous mushrooms that can poison people.

Although Xu Dong liked to eat all kinds of mushrooms when he was a human, and Enoki enoki and Pleurotus eryngii were his favorites, he would not ignore the threat of this stuff.

The steel knife was raised and slashed towards the blade wolf's head. In this era, Xu Dong had never seen anything harder than his steel knife except for the former Thunder Beast.

Blade Wolf's head was split in two like a watermelon, the two halves split open, and the brain inside appeared in his sight.


Xu Dong couldn't help but take a breath of air.

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