Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 217 Pressing forward step by step

The velociraptor group divided into three groups and pressed towards the vegetarian dragons by the salt lake. From the north, there was a big guy leading two hundred velociraptors towards the south, from the south, there was Furious, leading two hundred velociraptors, heading north, while Xu Dong came from the east. Press westward.

Surrounded from three sides, unless these giant vegetarian dragons can swim and wade across the salt lake, they will become the food reserves of the velociraptors.

Allosaurus is a very intelligent species. In this Jurassic period, except for a group of wall-mounted races created by Xudong DIY, they can almost be called the ceiling of wisdom.

After seeing the large group of troops coming from the south, Allosaurus gave up the Spring Thunder Dragon without hesitation and ran towards the east. But was it too late to run again now?

These dozen Allosaurus just ran into the Velociraptor force led by Xu Dong.

Naturally, what they faced was not the central area where Xu Dong was located, but there were dozens of velociraptors in the corners of this large army.

When the velociraptors saw the oncoming Allosaurus, they immediately roared loudly, both to intimidate the enemy and to alert their companions.

The Allosaurus were startled at first, but after they reacted, the leader immediately knew that the Velociraptors were using encirclement and suppression tactics. If they could not break through these Velociraptors before the front line closed, the only thing waiting for them would be death.

A cold light flashed in the Allosaurus leader's eyes, and with a loud roar, he led his tribe and sprinted towards the group of Velociraptors.

The Velociraptor couldn't beat the Golden Lion or the Land Crocodile, but they had never been afraid of the Allosaurus. Regardless of size or hardware, the Velociraptor didn't lose a single cent, not to mention there were more of them.

The two top predators of the Jurassic collided again, and as expected, the Allosaurus was quickly defeated by the Velociraptor. Even the coward in the Velociraptor group killed an Allosaurus with one shot. dragon

But the leader of the Allosaurus was extremely brave. He held up the charge of three Allosaurus, even though his body was bruised by teeth and pricked with blood from his spear, his color did not change.

After all, this is the extreme corner of the defense line. Before joining the tribesmen in the north, this is the biggest flaw in the siege.

The leader of the Allosaurus knocked away the velociraptor on the left, and there were no other velociraptors after it. It finally rushed out!

It immediately moved its two hind limbs and ran out of the gap. The way to survive was right in front of it. If its descendants were gone, they could still regenerate, but if their lives were gone, there would be nothing.

Facing the Allosaurus leader who kept running to the outside, the Velociraptors all grabbed their own spears.

call out

call out

call out

A dozen throwing spears were thrown out by the Velociraptor. Different from the projectile of the spear, direct throwing requires high accuracy. The body structure of the Velociraptor is destined that their accuracy will not be very good. After all, the head is in the front. The forelimbs are at the bottom. It's a blessing to be able to shoot one out of ten shots like this.

But there is a velociraptor, even with such a body structure, that can still hit five out of ten shots, with a 50% chance. This is already the top group among the velociraptor clan.

This is a coward. After the group was wiped out, he also suffered from pain and confusion. He hated his own powerlessness, hated his own cowardice, and was confused about the way forward.

But as Xu Dong killed the golden lions, they gradually took root in the royal court, and it also found its own specialty, which was throwing.

It can shoot more accurately than 99% of the tribesmen. The leader Xu Dong said that this is a rare talent, and he should work hard and strive for perfect shots.

So the coward started constant spear-throwing training. In the end, Huangtian paid off and his spear-throwing skills improved day by day. The last training trip was hasty and could not train him at all, but this hunting time he had a chance to practice.

When the other velociraptors were projected out and went nowhere, Coward stood still, staring directly at the leader of the Allosaurus who was running farther and farther in the distance. He ran a few steps forward, and the spear in his hand came out in response. A slight arc was drawn in the air.


When the sound of breaking through the air reached his ears, the leader of the Allosaurus could no longer dodge. The spear shot from a distance pierced the back of his thigh.

This sudden heavy blow made the Allosaurus leader unable to stabilize his body, and he stumbled down, rolled into a ball, and hit the big tree in front of him on the right.


The big tree shook, and the Haloxylon ammodendron leaves fell. Also falling with it was a gray-haired Ornithomorphs, which was only less than one meter long. It was the smallest dinosaur of the Morrison Formation. Later paleontologists once cleared a supersaurus. It was discovered accidentally while digging into the surrounding rocks on the fossil's body.

This little guy belongs to the Troodontidae family, and is an anchis-type dinosaur like the Ornithoptera to which birds belong. Its appearance is very similar to that of later generations of birds.

The little guy fell from the tree and landed on the leader of the Allosaurus. He shook his furry head and finally woke up. When he saw dozens of strong dragons gradually surrounding him, he was so frightened that the feathers of the birds exploded and they ran away as if they were flying. Lost.

And the unlucky Allosaurus underneath it was stabbed in the thigh and its head hit a tree, and its blood flowed all over the ground, but it was still alive.

It was dead and couldn't live for long. The velociraptors raised their spears and stabbed it to death in a coma.

The circle of velociraptors had completely closed, and the herbivorous dinosaur in the middle had lost its last chance to escape. It was not until the velociraptors appeared in sight that these stupid dragons finally panicked, kept screaming nervously, and moved closer to the inside.

Among them are the giant Diplodocus family, the Stegosaurus family with long bone plates on their backs, and of course the small and medium-sized ornithopod dinosaurs.

Under the pressure of the velociraptor group, these herbivorous dinosaurs themselves got into trouble first.

No dinosaur wanted to face the first wave of Velociraptor attacks. For the sake of their own lives, they could only keep shrinking and squeezing in, but their size was too big, and all kinds of accidents would naturally occur if they continued to squeeze.

An Apatosaurus raised its foot and accidentally trampled a Dwarfosaurus to death. A Diplodocus tried to lean back, but hit the bone plate of a Stegosaurus and drew bloody marks.

Nervousness, fear, and panic made these phytosaur dinosaurs explode at the drop of a hat, causing them to become completely chaotic.

Countless dinosaurs stepped on each other and fell down under the impact. Their blood flowed into the salt lake, dyeing it red.

The panicked plant-eating dragon also rushed towards the Velociraptor encirclement net, but was beaten back by Xu Dong's steel knife.

Such a dense dragon formation is really an excellent living target.

Xu Dong gave an order, and all the velociraptors took out their own spear throwers and put the spear throwers into the grooves.

Xu Dong tried to guide the way, but a lone spear fell into the group of herbivorous dragons without causing any impact.

But the salvo that followed was no joke.

With such a large target, no matter how bad the velociraptors were at shooting, they could still hit 30% of the targets with thousands of spears.

More than three hundred throwing spears fell, and there was a burst of wailing, making the already chaotic group of dragons even more chaotic.

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