Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 216 Ten Surrounds

Food is an essential thing for survival. You can have less of other things, but you must not go hungry.

Xunlong has not been in production for so long, and with so many new Xunlongs added, no matter how much food there is in the warehouse, there will not be enough food.

To maintain the food consumption of such a large tribe requires a huge amount of food every day, and the food in the warehouse has been stored for several years.

The current plan can only make some velociraptors put down their work and continue hunting.

In order to prevent the royal court from being attacked during hunting, Xu Dong specially built a beacon tower and used its telekinesis to drive the wood. Soon a watchtower more than 20 meters high was erected on the city wall.

A few velociraptors with courage and good eyesight were selected as lookouts. They did not need to work every day. They only had to go up to the watchtower in shifts to check the surrounding situation. As soon as they found any enemy, they would blow the horn and light the beacon fire.

By then, even if Xu Dong is hunting in the salt lake, he can still see the beacon fire of the royal court. He can fly back at full speed within an hour.

After taking these precautions, Xu Dong took thousands of strong velociraptors and headed west.

The Great Salt Lake is a treasure. The salt in the lake is essential for herbivores, so there are many herbivorous dinosaurs gathered here.

As the hunting ground of the Velociraptors, this salt lake does not allow any predators to come in. Anyone who dares to come in to poach must be prepared to die.

However, for more than a month, because the velociraptors were nestled in the royal court and could not come out, the surrounding predators only dared to fight in the autumn wind around them at first. However, they found that no velociraptors came out, and they became more and more courageous. Now, they have openly Wander around the salt lakes and hunt.

The most numerous of these is naturally the Allosaurus, the original historical overlord of North America.

Pioneer officer A Niu led a dozen Velociraptors to explore the way in front of the large army, and ran into a fragile Allosaurus head-on.

This was the Velociraptor's territory, and these guys actually dared to occupy it. Artonton spat out white air and charged at the Allosaurus angrily.

The two long horns on Aniu's head are very sharp and are its strongest attack weapons. As the saying goes, an inch longer is an inch stronger. Originally, the dinosaur's head was at the front of the body, and the protrusion of these long horns further lengthened the attack distance. , you can launch an attack before the enemy reaches the attack distance.

One of the two sharp horns was inserted into the Allosaurus's nose, and it was swung sideways to create a large gash in its front jaw.

The Allosaurus let out a cry of pain and roared towards Aniu. Its cry immediately alerted the others behind it, and seven or eight fragile Allosaurus rushed over from a short distance.

But when they arrived at the scene, what they saw was that A Niu knocked the same kind of animal to its knees, opened its big mouth and bit it directly on its neck. No matter how hard the Allosaurus struggled, A Niu's sharp teeth were still there. Pressing down continuously, the bones of it were crunched.

The other Allosaurus suddenly couldn't bear it anymore and rushed towards A Niu.

However, their charge was blocked by the other velociraptors. Ah Niu was basically a bait, drawing them out and killing them in a concentrated manner.

A dozen adult Velociraptors fought against seven or eight fragile Allosaurus, and the result was no doubt in doubt. Aniu, the pioneer officer, was so brave that he killed three Allosaurus with one dragon.

After eating some fresh meat to replenish their food, the velociraptors continued to move forward, and they would have to go out of the forest further, where the giant dragons lived.

There are many herbivorous giant dragons living in this salt lake, including Diplodocus, Apatosaurus, Camarasaurus, Chasaurus, Rebazisaurus, Stegosaurus and so on.

Several huge spring thunder dragons walked towards the salt lake with heavy steps. They were all over fifteen meters in length and weighed up to seven tons. Although their huge size allowed them to filter out the attacks of many predators, they This also makes them very hungry for food, water and salt.

Places like natural salt lakes are places they must visit every day.

A Niu's mission is to explore the way for the large army, select the best hunting area, and do the most with the least effort.

In this area by the salt lake, the number of herbivorous dragons is close to a hundred, making it an excellent hunting location. Aniu quickly sent a velociraptor to call out the large army, while the rest continued to lurk here.

Not long after the reporting dragon left, A Niu discovered the same predator lurking in the forest belt in the distance. Although it was extremely hidden, A Niu still discovered it.

Although I can't see the specific appearance of the predators over there, I guess they are just the Thunder Dragon, Allosaurus and Savage Dragon. I will wait for the large army to arrive and eat them all.

Xu Dong was overjoyed when he got the news about A Niu. He didn't expect that he would be so lucky this time. He happened to encounter a large group of dragons drinking water. If there were nearly a hundred giant dragons over ten meters tall, it would be enough for the entire group to eat for several days. Yes.

Xu Dong asked Furious and Furious Cousin Big to lead two hundred velociraptors, one on the left and one on the right, to attack both sides. All the food in the salt lake could not be spared.

In the woods beside the salt lake, Allosaurus is quietly hiding among the ferns. They are experienced hunters with plenty of patience. They will only take action when they are absolutely sure.

At this time, two ten-meter-long young spring thunder dragons came towards the woods together. They were small in size and needed less salt. While the big spring thunder dragon was still drinking water, they had already finished eating the leaves.

Allosaurus saw the Spring Thunder Dragon getting closer and closer, its body lowered and lowered, and its breathing became softer and softer. They were accumulating energy, waiting for the opportunity to explode with a blow.

The two young spring thunder dragons didn't even notice that not far in front of the fern they were about to devour, the mottled ferns were actually predators that could kill them.

When the two Spring Thunder Dragons lowered their necks and started to devour them, the leader of the Allosaurus suddenly jumped out of the bushes with a cold light in his eyes, opened his mouth and bit into the Spring Thunder Dragon's neck.

After all, herbivorous dinosaurs are not the herbivorous beasts of later generations. While they continue to increase their body size, their reaction speed has also dropped to a very low level. Under the attack of the Allosaurus, the two spring thunder dragons were bitten by the Allosaurus without even reacting. bingo.

The young Spring Thunder Dragon who was bitten on the neck by the leader of the Allosaurus cried out in pain, then raised its neck and actually pulled the Allosaurus up.

The remaining ten Allosaurus pounced on the two vegetarian dragons, leaving bloody traces on both of their bodies with their teeth and claws.

The other Spring Thunder Dragon, which was not bitten on the neck, raised its forelimbs and stood upright, making a funny elephant stepping on a balloon posture. Its two forelimbs were about to fall, maintaining the greatest deterrent to predators. The Allosaurus didn't dare to act rashly.

The first Spring Thunder Dragon was not so lucky. The Allosaurus leader bit its neck tightly and could not get rid of it. Allosaurus from all sides kept besieging it. It had no hope of survival.

At this moment, from the north of the battlefield, more than two hundred adult velociraptors were crushing toward the south in a menacing manner.

The battle between trapped beasts has begun.

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