Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 215 Small Goals

There is currently too little information and we don't know the specific situation. The only thing Xu Dong can do is to take precautions.

You can use fire to deal with blade wolves. The fur on their bodies is the best ignition material. Just ignite it and you can burn a large area.

Xu Dong looked at the westernmost wall of the royal court. Starting from dawn, this wall that had protected Xunlong for countless years would be reinforced and thickened.

Transform this wall into a city wall that can be climbed up like the one in the feudal dynasty. When the time comes, you can throw fire spears from a high position, and the lethality will be absolutely amazing.

Even the bones formed under the skin of land crocodile should not be able to withstand a spear dropped from a height of fifteen meters.

So whether it's a red-scaled flying dragon, land crocodile or blade wolf, there are only two ways to deal with it: build walls and make guns.

Then set a small goal first, raise the height of the 15-meter city wall to 20 meters, widen the width to 12 meters, and make 100,000 spears.

Under the propaganda of Xu Dong and many velociraptors, all the velociraptors in the royal court had a sense of crisis. They never wanted to experience the powerlessness and fear of the golden lions at that time.

All the velociraptors were mobilized, even the young dragons, who were busy picking up rocks and chopping branches.

As the chief engineer of the large-scale construction, Xu Dong also worked with the tribesmen. While drawing lines for the dragons to determine the location of the wall, he went up to the sky to check the size of the divided area. At the same time, he also made iron spear heads. One dragon was broken into two or three. Use half.

The workload is extremely huge. Tens of thousands of velociraptors, regardless of age or sex, no longer go out to hunt. They just get up and work every day. At night, they have to work until the flames go out before going to bed. They almost fall asleep as soon as they fall to the ground.

The mountains of meat in the warehouse were consumed rapidly, and began to decline almost visibly to the naked eye.

But the efforts were not in vain. During the hard work of the dragons, the city wall gradually took shape, and the number of spears was increased day by day. Even if the dragons were exhausted, they were all proud of the things they made from their own hands, but they had already No energy left to cheer.

Nearly a month has passed since the three hundred dragons returned to the royal court, but there is still no news of the enemy, not even half a flying dragon, land crocodile, or blade wolf.

But in the evening of that day, bursts of smoke and dust were set off in the north. Judging from the thickness of the smoke and dust, it was obvious that the scale of the creatures that came over was not small.

Xu Dong, Tietou Furong and other senior executives of Xunlong stood on the unfinished city wall, looking at the creatures rolling in, their hearts sank.

Now that the wall has not yet been formed and there are not enough guns, but the enemy has arrived, how can we fight? It's just a fight to the death.

Furiously, it roared and asked Xu Dong to fight. It was going to rush into a wave of enemy formations and kill the enemy's morale before it could gain a stable foothold.

However, Xu Dong stopped him.

There are no flying dragons flying in the northern sky, so the opponent this time can only be land crocodile or blade wolf. Land crocodile is not so large, so the opponent should be blade wolf.

But it was still uncertain, so Xu Dong decided to fly over and have a look. Anyway, there was no flying dragon, and no creatures on the ground could hurt him.

Under the control of telepathy, Xu Dong flew up and rushed towards the north.

Soon he came to the sky above the smoke and dust. Through the billowing yellow dust, what he saw was not the blade wolf with golden hair, but patches of blue hair scales. Is this a Velociraptor?

The one who came was actually not an enemy, but a kindred spirit?

We cannot make rash decisions, what if they are also infected by parasitic fungi?

Xu Dong fell back to the city wall and signaled the dragons to be calm and wait for the arrival of these fast dragons.

Soon the dragons came under the towering city wall, and the smoke gradually dispersed, revealing the true appearance of the dragons below.

This is a large army of thousands of dragons, led by a huge velociraptor nearly twenty meters long.

It's actually a pseudo-legend?

Fury on the roof suddenly shouted at the Velociraptor under the wall, but it was not a provocation, actually, it was acknowledgment.

As a Wang Ting Piao, how long has it been since Furious saw his relatives in his hometown?

Three years? Five years? Or ten years?

It can no longer remember clearly, but it will never forget the Velociraptor in front of it. This is its only brother.

The pseudo-legendary Velociraptor on the ground looked up for a moment and finally screamed happily. The long-lost brothers were finally reunited in this royal court.

Xu Dong was overjoyed. With so many laborers joining, the construction of the city wall and the production of throwing spears would definitely speed up a lot.

Xu Dong gave an order, and the city gates opened wide and dragons and fish jumped in.

Xu Dong, Tietou Furong and other senior officials were waiting behind the door to greet them.

After a while of communicating, Xu Dong finally figured out their situation.

The tribe of the Furious Brothers is located far, far north. Although there are not many tribesmen, they live and work in peace and contentment.

But half a year ago, the tribe was attacked by the Thunder Thunder Dragon. The tribe was destroyed and the tribesmen suffered heavy casualties.

The remaining tribesmen led by the Furious Brother went all the way south and encountered more than a dozen tribes who had suffered the same fate.

This group of brothers and sisters in distress formed a group and gathered thousands of people. After half a year and going through all kinds of hardships, they finally arrived at the Royal Court.

Xu Dong's uneasiness became more and more intense. Why was his tribe in the south being exterminated, and the tribe in the north also encountered the same situation.

Although the reasons for the genocide were different, the timing was too coincidental, and it felt like a big net was covering the royal court.

Some people may ask, why are there only such a small number of Velociraptors?

In fact, these are not the velociraptors in the entire North America, but only the velociraptors in the area around the Royal Court. Other velociraptors that are too far away cannot come to the Royal Court.

Although he was worried, Xu Dong still held a banquet to entertain the velociraptors who came from afar. The velociraptors in the royal court needed to relax their nerves after working overtime intensively for so long.

So that night became a carnival for the tribe, with the dragons singing and dancing around the fire to express their joy.

The velociraptors coming from the north did not dare to approach these glowing and heating flames at first, but seeing their kind dancing around happily and using the flames to roast food and eat, they soon joined in.

Because they were exposed to flames for the first time, that night, some of the Northern Velociraptors burned their hands, some burned their mouths, and some were almost killed by the smoke.

Despite all the mishaps, overall the night was very enjoyable.

At dawn the next day, everyone has to plunge into busy work again.

At this time, the role of thousands of velociraptors came into play. Although they had little experience for the first time, their numbers still greatly accelerated the progress of the project.

Xu Dong's original happy mood was ruined by a piece of news before it lasted long.

Because there has been no replenishment for more than a month, and because too much was consumed at the party last night, Wang Ting's stored meat is about to run out.

Xu Dong came to the warehouse and roughly estimated the amount of meat. With current consumption, the inventory might not last three days.

You don’t have to live without anything else, you can’t live without food. It seems you have to go hunting!

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