Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 214 Distinguish your opponents and deal with them proactively

Concentrate the telekinesis power into a small point and then detonate it. The flames surrounding the telekinesis power also explode as the telekinesis power explodes.

Originally, the hair on the body of the orcs was easily ignited, but under the attack of the fire rain, a dozen blade wolves immediately burst into flames, illuminating a piece of the western sky.

These burned blade wolves can actually feel pain and are running around one by one. Aren't the zombies in later zombie novels all in pain? Can they still move as long as their heads are not blown off?

It's okay to run around, but the blade wolves that bump into each other will also set their kind on fire. Just like this, it spreads from ten to ten, and soon thousands of blade wolves are on fire.

In the chaos, the Blade Wolf, who finally had fire, reacted and pounced into the lake.

The sound of plop falling into the water woke up the other stupid blade wolves, and they rushed towards the big lake one after another, not even paying attention to the besieging Velociraptor.

In the midst of this chaos, Xu Dong and three hundred dragons held fast to the defense line, killing the few blade wolves that were confused and ran towards them.

Although the burning blade wolves jumped into the lake and extinguished the fire, such a big movement obviously attracted the attention of the crocodile, the overlord of the water.

Many sleeping crocodiles were awakened, and after discovering food delivered to their doorsteps, they gathered around one after another. Although it was not the time to eat at night, they did not mind if the food was delivered.

Although there are many blade wolves, they are land creatures after all. Compared with crocodiles in water combat, they are scum.

The falling blade wolf couldn't defeat the crocodile and could only call its companions, so more and more blade wolves were drawn into the lake, and the number of besieging velociraptors continued to decrease, and finally they all ran to fight the crocodile.

Xu Dong was speechless. What was originally a good siege turned into a group battle between blade wolves and crocodiles. Xu Dong and other dragons watched the battle leisurely.

This lake was larger than Zhejiang in later generations. There were a lot of crocodiles living in the lake. As the scale of the war continued to expand, even crocodiles from other places came over, and the situation began to tilt toward the crocodiles.

Xu Dong looked at it for a while and stopped paying attention. Now that there is no obstacle, it is better to take the velociraptors back quickly. The wild is too dangerous.

This time, he didn't care whether he would be noticed by the flying dragon or not. He just lit the torch and walked at night. He would go back as early as possible.

Shortly after the Velociraptor left, a dark shadow walked out of the forest behind the Blade Wolf army, and a strange sound spread throughout the battlefield. The Blade Wolf who heard the sound immediately stopped attacking and began to retreat toward the rear.

After recalling the blade wolves, the black shadow also began to retreat toward the rear. Although the specific appearance of the black shadow could not be clearly seen, it was obviously not the shape of a blade wolf.

When the sky was getting brighter, Xu Dong and the dragons finally returned to the royal court. After entering the wall, the dragons finally calmed down and returned to their homes to rest.

Xu Dong also returned to his perch. He couldn't sleep like other velociraptors, and his mood was still difficult to calm down. It was a feeling that the storm was about to come.

Thinking about the situations he encountered during this trip, he drew three patterns on the ground.

The first one is a simplified airplane pattern that only takes three strokes to complete, and is used to refer to the Red Scale Flying Dragon clan.

The second one is a simplified fish shape, requiring only two arcs, to represent land crocodiles.

The third one is a mushroom, used to refer to the Blade Wolf encountered.

These three are the threats that the Velociraptor Clan may face in the future, the revenge of the Red Scale Flying Dragon Clan, the invasion of the Land Crocodile, and the Blade Wolf Clan that is suspected to be controlled by a parasitic fungus.

No matter which side is easy to deal with, he needs to find a way to deal with it.

Starting from the first red-scaled flying dragon, as a DIY tribe, Xu Dong was very aware of their abilities. In fact, ordinary flying dragons had nothing to fear.

Xu Dong used rock-throwing tactics when fighting against the Zerg, but apparently these guys didn't learn it.

Their attack method still relies on their claws, and they use swooping to cause damage to creatures on land. As long as they approach, the prey will have a chance to fight back. Rabbits can kick back eagles, not to mention predators on the ground.

To deal with the red-scale flying dragon, we need to make more throwing spears. By then, tens of thousands of throwing spears will shoot into the sky, and no matter how many flying dragons come, they will have to kneel down.

Moreover, the research and development of bows and arrows must also be stepped up. This is a long-range artifact that has been used from primitive times to the firearms era and has endured for a long time.

However, these tools are fine for dealing with flying dragons, but they may not be effective against the Sun Flame Dragon.

As the ultimate killer weapon in the sky made by Xu Dong, the Sun Flame Dragon can breathe fire, obtain energy from the sun, is nearly invincible, and has unknown superpowers. It is simply a nightmare for land creatures.

Fortunately, the Sun Flame Dragon is a mutated individual among the flying dragons, and there are not many of them. Xu Dong can fight against them when the time comes.

Next is the land crocodile family. They are relatively easy to deal with. After all, they are just ordinary animals. Although they are huge and covered in armor, they do not have the ability of the red-scaled flying dragon to fly into the sky. They will naturally not be able to get in if they guard the fence.


Xu Dong turned around and looked around. The ancestors of the Velociraptors established a royal court on this tidal flat to prevent land creatures from stealing their homes and attacking the young dragons, but they didn't seem to have considered the amphibious crocodiles, right?

Although this tidal flat is two or three meters high from the water level, if it is a large crocodile about ten meters long, it is still possible to climb up, and then the attack from the inside and outside will not be good.

No, we have to build a wall.

Building a wall across the entire tidal flat is too time-consuming and labor-intensive, so just enclose the living and storage areas first.

Oh, and we can't forget the tomb area where our ancestors are buried. If these crocodiles came up to dig up the graves and eat the corpses, all the velociraptors would probably go crazy.

Next are the Blade Wolves. There are a lot of Blade Wolves in this group, but they also have the same problem. They cannot climb over the wall, let alone attack from the lake. They are considered the category with the lowest threat.

But what Xu Dong was worried about was not the blade wolves themselves, but the mushrooms on their heads.

Even though it was dark and only dimly illuminated by firelight last night, Xu Dong still saw the appearance of the mushroom.

How could it have forgotten that although it was much larger, it was indeed the kind of parasitic fungi that existed during the war with the Zerg? How could nature allow these parasitic fungi to spread? Would it not know how much these things disrupt the balance?

If the parasitic fungus is allowed to continue to spread and mutate, it is very likely that we will face a prehistoric zombie crisis in the future. However, judging from the situation last night, the blade wolves may still have some sense. They know the pain when they are on fire and know how to dive into the water. .

Xu Dong does not think that this parasitic fungus spreads naturally. Nature pays attention to balance. Therefore, the parasitic fungi of later generations will only parasitize some small insect species such as ants, cicadas, and bees. There is no heard of dragons and beasts. What impact does it have.

If it is not natural diffusion of mutation, then there may be intelligent life that can manipulate and use fungi hidden behind it.

The smart people hiding in the dark are the most terrifying.

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