Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 213 The big pit 40 million years ago

In the far southwest, several North American flying dragons wanted to fight for a tooth ceremony while patrolling, and there happened to be a group of Diplodocus in the forest below.

This group of North American flying dragons flew down immediately, and their sharp claws opened bloody gashes on the back of the huge lake diplodocus. Under the claws of these sky overlords, even a giant dragon of the size of Diplodocus did not resist. Ability.

While eating the meat of Diplodocus, one of the North American flying dragons suddenly discovered a strange thing. He dug open the flesh and pulled out the thing. The North American flying dragons were surprised to find that it seemed to be very similar to the description of the same kind. It was long, Pointy and hard.

Has the murder weapon been found?

Not sure yet, we have to ask the leader to come and confirm.

After a while, the huge Sun Flame Dragon came here. It grabbed the wooden gun and let the previous survivors identify it. Sure enough, it was indeed the murder weapon.

The Sun Flame Dragon looked closely at this thing. A piece of wood and a stone were tied together. It was obviously not a natural product. There was only one creature in its mind that could make such a thing, and that was the Velociraptor family.

Velociraptors have been making these unnatural tools for tens of millions of years. During such a long history, it is normal for other animals to know about them.

The flying dragon clan is a very vengeful clan, but the death of six of its kind alone is not enough for the Sunfire Flying Dragon to attack the Velociraptor. After all, the Velociraptor is also the top predator on the ground, and the casualties in a real battle will definitely be staggering.

What really bothers the Sun Flame Dragons is that they have created weapons that can damage air units.

This is the most worrying thing.

You must know why the flying dragon family is unrivaled in the entire world. It is because of their unbeatable air superiority. Only they can attack the creatures on the ground, but the creatures on the ground cannot do anything to them.

This latitude gap is the basis for the Feilong clan to dominate the world.

But now, the velociraptors on the ground have actually invented weapons that can harm air units. If they are allowed to develop, won't the flying dragons become their food?

Thinking of such consequences, Sun Flame Dragon suddenly shuddered, and the yellow feather scales on his body stood up.

This is absolutely not possible. Such a group cannot be allowed to continue to exist. It is going to ask the Sun Flame Dragon King to explain to him the threat of the Velociraptor. No matter how many flying dragons are sacrificed, this seedling must be suppressed.

Xu Dong led three hundred dragons towards the royal court. He was originally worried that there would be flying dragons patrolling the sky, so he walked cautiously.

But when I walked to the place where I shot the North American flying dragon to death, I still didn't find the flying dragon in the sky. It's strange. Don't these vengeful guys find the murderer?

Since there are no patrols, they can move more freely.

The sky has darkened, which is funny to say. I originally planned to train for ten days, but ended up having to go back home in just one day. It's a joke.

Xu Dong was not prepared to travel at night, so he camped by the lake to rest and rush back at dawn the next day.

He took out the pickled dragon meat and dealt with it. In order to prevent the flying dragon from discovering it, Xu Dong didn't even let the fire dragons rise, and just fell into sleep under the stars and the moon.

However, Xu Dong kept tossing and turning, unable to sleep peacefully. For some reason, he was always a little uneasy and felt that something bad was going to happen.

He got up and came to the lake, looking at the calm lake surface, reflecting the stars in the sky, a peaceful and peaceful place.

At this moment, subtle noises reached Xu Dong's ears. He immediately turned around and found green lights suddenly lighting up in the woods not far away.

Blade Wolf?

What are they here for? With their strength alone, do they still want to attack the Velociraptor at night? It seems like you have a long life, right?

But as more and more green eyes appeared, although Xu Dong didn't want to admit it, maybe he really guessed it right. These desperate wild dogs really wanted to attack them.

A long roar woke up the sleeping dragons. These experienced warriors immediately stood up and looked around cautiously.

After seeing the eyes that almost formed a green screen, all the velociraptors couldn't help but feel numb. There were too many of them.

Soon these wolves poured out of the forest and approached the velociraptor group, numbering at least ten thousand.

what is happening?

Xu Dong took out a flint and started a fire so that the dragons could see their surroundings clearly and avoid fighting in the dark.

The appearance of the flames apparently startled the wolves, but they soon closed in again.

As the wolves approached, Xu Dong finally saw the appearance of these blade wolves in the dim light of the flames.

Their body shape and appearance are no different from ordinary blade wolves, the only difference may be the things on their heads.

This thing was very small, and the light of the flames did not illuminate it. Xu Dong could not see it very clearly.

Soon one of the blade wolves couldn't bear it anymore and began to charge towards the group of velociraptors. When the large blade wolf headed by it rushed into the range illuminated by the flames, Xu Dong finally saw what was on its head.

It's a mushroom that keeps beating.

At this moment, Xu Dong's soul seemed to be hit, and he finally understood where his uneasiness came from.

Is it, are they out of control?

Looking at these blade wolves who seemed to have no fear at all, Xu Dong gritted his teeth and gave orders.


Kill them all!

The velociraptors roared in unison, holding spears in their left hands and axes in their right hands, knocking down numerous little creatures that were only two meters tall.

Xu Dong's steel sword was unsheathed again, and he just shuttled freely among the wolves. No blade wolf could stop the steel sword even for a second.

This extremely sharp weapon cuts in half wherever it cuts. No matter whether it is flesh, teeth or bones, there is no difference at all under the steel knife.

Sister Tie Ya stabbed a charging blade wolf to death with a spear, and swung the stone ax with her left hand, directly smashing the skull of the other end open.

Its spouse is Tie Ya, one of the five former crown princes of the tribe. Being able to become Tie Ya's mate shows that its strength is also extremely amazing. If it does not include super powers, Tie Ya may not be able to beat it.

At this moment, a blade wolf suddenly rose from the ground and was about to bite Sister Tie Ya's thigh.

Suddenly, an invisible impact knocked it away.

It was Xu Dong. While he was controlling the steel knife and galloping among the wolves, he was always paying attention to the crises encountered by the velociraptors.

When the Velociraptor is unable to react and is about to be attacked by the Blade Wolf, Xu Dong can often save them with his mind power.

However, as the fighting time continued to lengthen, the velociraptors gradually began to lose their physical strength, and more and more flaws were exposed.

This cannot go on.

Xu Dong looked at the fire in the center of the group of velociraptors. With a thought, a flame suddenly rose from the ground and passed over the velociraptors to the sky above the Blade Wolf.

The mental power gathered into small dots and exploded in the center of the flame. The flames immediately turned into fire rain and fell one after another. After landing on the blade wolf's hair, it burned fiercely.

In just a moment, dozens of blade wolves were ignited.

This is Xu Dong's research on the technique of using telekinesis, telekinesis bombs. Unexpectedly, it is unexpectedly effective.

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