Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 212 I can’t afford to offend you, so I slipped away.

During the more than 100 million years that dinosaurs were dominant, although crocodylomorphs tried many times to regain lost ground and regain the glory of pseudosuchians, the terrestrial ecological niche at this time no longer dominated their position.

This is just like a pyramid structure. The higher the upper level, the fewer the ecological niches. At the top ecological niche, an ecosystem often only allows one kind of top predator.

The land crocodile, which was squeezed out of the top ecological niche by dinosaurs, could no longer grow up to five meters in size, and could no longer become as huge as its Triassic ancestors.

In the past, large pseudocrocodiles such as Fasolasuchus and Galileosuchus were over five to ten meters tall, but land crocodiles did not grow until the Cretaceous mass extinction.

On the contrary, it is the amphibious crocodiles such as Sarcosuchus and Deinosuchus that occupy the top ecological niche of fresh water, and they have regained a trace of the past of phytosaurs.

Now that there are hundreds of road crocodiles that look like Leidongdalong, Xu Dong suddenly has an extremely unreliable guess. This guess is a bit unconventional, but in this era that has changed beyond recognition, it may be possible.

Perhaps the changes in history have already begun in the Triassic. In the memory of the old patriarch Xiao Chilong, he saw Leidongdalong leading Haizhilong to the east.

In the early Jurassic period, he saw the aquatic crocodile that had already taken shape. It is very unrealistic to know that the crocodile superorder at the end of the Triassic was only as big as a dog, but it developed to a fully complete shape and size so quickly.

Later, during the battle against the Zerg, the long-lived Redonda Dragon and he blocked the first wave of the Zerg offensive. When the full-scale war started later, there were also sea crocodiles and water crocodiles to help out.

So, is it possible that those who survived the Triassic were not crocodylomorphs, but descendants of Redondasaurus?

The crocodile-shaped superorder was occupied by a dragon dove in the magpie nest, and the corpse was resurrected?

If that were the case, it would make sense why the aquatic crocodile had been equipped so early and was the same as the crocodiles of later generations. Because it is a phytosaur and resembles a phytosaur. The crocodiles of later generations have converged and evolved into phytosaurs. , naturally looks like it.

After all, Phytosaurs are a group that has emerged since the mid-Triassic period and has continued to this day. They are naturally armored and have an amazing size.

North America was originally in chaos, but now these ten-meter heavy armored infantry land crocodiles (or plant dragons) have also joined the battlefield. No, my head hurts even more.

Don't think too much at this time, just shout I am the invincible dragon! and that's it.

Facing the Thunder Dragon attacked by Land Crocodile, Xu Dong was a little moved.

Although they are old enemies, they come from the same origin after all. For Xu Dong, Thomas Judas is his relative, and the same is true for Peter. He has no prejudice against Velociraptor and Thunder Thunder Dragon.

Xu Dong yelled at the leader of the Thunder Dragon, but unfortunately, after more than 10 million years of division, the Thunder Dragon could not understand what Xu Dong was shouting. This was more troublesome. Even if it wanted to help the Thunder Dragon fight together Land Crocodile can't communicate either.

These big land crocodiles rushed not far away and saw the Velociraptor and Thunderosaurus on both sides. They couldn't tell the difference between the two dragons, just like Xu Dong couldn't tell the difference in appearance between other human species.

But it doesn't matter if they can't tell the difference, as long as they know which side is better for hunting.

On one side are the three hundred velociraptors that are huge and unharmed, and on the other are the thunder velociraptors that are numerous but also have many small dragons. They naturally choose the side with more meat and easy prey.

The leader of the Thunder Dragon had a sad look in his eyes. He screamed twice, and more than two hundred scarred Thunder Dragons also shouted. Although he couldn't understand, Xu Dong understood what they were going to do.

The adult dragons fight to the death from behind to create opportunities for the young dragons to escape.

Alas~ Forget it, just help if you can. Xu Dong is not a Holy Mother, but he is a little apologetic to Peter. Since he can't communicate and cooperate, let's just treat it as a spear-throwing training.

With a long roar, the Velociraptor immediately understood, grabbed the spear from behind and put it into the spear thrower. Xu Dong took the lead in positioning the test shot and threw the gun. The throw spear was directly inserted dozens of meters in front of the land crocodile.

He used his mathematical skills to predict the trajectory of the land crocodiles and projected the designated direction for the three hundred velociraptors.

The velociraptors behind them imitated Xu Dong's projection trajectory, and three hundred spears flew into the sky and turned into a dark cloud.

When these spears fell, the land crocodiles just ran to the position where Xu Dong's spears had just landed.

With Xu Dong's test firing guidance, the hit rate this time was much better than before. Nearly half of the 300 throwing guns hit, and the hit rate was nearly 50%.

However, as the Triassic overlords, the subcutaneous osteogenesis of these land crocodiles is not the bone fragments of flying dragons, but bone armor composed of thick and hard bones.

Wearing such a thick armor, with high hard output, it's no wonder that Thunder Thunder Dragon can't beat it.

Even if the spears dropped from the sky hit the land crocodile, most of them would not be able to pierce through. Only a dozen of them were lucky enough to penetrate the body of the land crocodile.

Xu Dong was speechless. As expected, he still hated these big crocodiles with high attack power and thick armor. They were like the upright ape that defeated the Velociraptor.

In this case, there was nothing he could do. He could only lead the velociraptors farther away. In terms of number, they were almost the same as land crocodiles. They might not be able to defeat them in a one-on-one fight. Look at the thunder velociraptors on the opposite side. Well, if we really had a one-on-one challenge, it wouldn't be this miserable.

The leader of the Thunder Thunder Dragon, who had previously been at odds with Xu Dong, now has a blue light emitting from the sharp horn on his head. Is this a railgun?

He had a railgun and was beaten into such a horrible state? So how strong are these land crocodiles?

Soon Xu Dong saw the electromagnetic gun after so many years.

That's it?

If Peter's railgun is a real cannon, its diameter is as thick as a large tank, it can penetrate more than a dozen large trees, and it is powerful enough to kill any living thing with one shot.

As for the leader's railgun, how should I put it, it's a bit too high to say it's a gun. Although such a thin laser can penetrate the bone armor of land crocodiles, such a thin shot can't kill them in seconds.

No wonder it's so miserable. A tribe must have superpowers or pseudo-legends to control the situation, otherwise this kind of bloody situation will only happen.

Xu Dong turned around and left with the velociraptors. It had seen such scenes many times. Although it was cruel, it was also real.

Since the northbound route was blocked by these land crocodiles, Xu Dong decided to go back to the royal court directly because he thought of a detail that he had forgotten.

The Diplodocus involved in the first spear-throwing trial were not far from the place where the North American Flying Dragon was attacked. It would be bad if they were discovered by the North American Flying Dragon.

With the specific appearance of the weapon, we can roughly infer the appearance of the murderer. The average North American flying dragon may not have this IQ, but I am afraid that there is a Sun Flame Dragon among them. With the Sun Flame Dragon's IQ, I should be able to infer that it is a Velociraptor. do.

After all, given the size of the throwing spear, it is destined not to be used by small and medium-sized creatures. Among large creatures, the only one who can use this kind of weapon is the Velociraptor.

Not long after Xu Dong left, the land crocodiles had slaughtered all the adult thunder dragons. While they were devouring the corpse of the thunder dragon, a huge beast came from the east.

Its body was extremely huge, reaching fifteen meters in height and over seventy meters in length. Such a behemoth was actually a Redonda dragon that should have been extinct long ago.

This giant dragon has only one purpose in setting foot on North America this time, and that is.

Revenge for our ancestors!

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