Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 211 Prehistoric evil forces

A group of North American flying dragons are flying freely in the air. They are the North American branch of the red-scaled flying dragons. They are the overlords of the sky in this era. No creature can threaten them, not even the vegetarian predators on the ground. trembling under his paws.

No, when I was flying to the west, I happened to see a Brachiosaurus eating leaves leisurely. Such a large size was just suitable for making their dinner.

Just when the North American Flying Dragon was flying towards the Brachiosaurus at low altitude, countless black things suddenly fell from the sky. The black things were fast, long and hard, and actually penetrated into their bodies.

You must know that North American flying dragons have subcutaneous bone defense, and ordinary attacks cannot penetrate their bone armor.

But it's just a general attack. The fronts of the velociraptors' spears are made of hard and sharp flint, and some are even made of iron. When hundreds of spears fall under the influence of gravity, the damage they inflict is undoubtedly astonishing.

A dozen North American flying dragons located above the Brachiosaurus just blocked the attack for the high-chested Brachiosaurus. This time, the Velociraptor's accuracy was much better, and more than forty spears hit them, directly knocking down six flying dragons.

What's happening here?

Whether it was the North American Wyvern, Velociraptor or the Brachiosaurus below, they were all stunned.

The Brachiosaurus enlarged its mouth and quickly reacted, spreading its limbs and running away into the distance. The North American flying dragon in the air didn't care about the fleeing Brachiosaurus at all. Instead, it focused its gaze on the direction from which the spear was fired, but what happened? Didn't find it either.

The mimetic skin of the Velociraptors is the best means of concealment. The only seven North American flying dragons left in the air cannot find traces of the enemy at all.

For so many years, I have never heard of anything that can attack them. When they first appeared, the North American flying dragon was naturally confused.

Xu Dong also had some headaches. How could he make these mistakes? In this era, if there is an opponent that Xu Dong least wants to encounter, it is definitely the Red Scale Flying Dragon Clan that he created himself. The air superiority of these guys is simply unexplainable. .

These guys are huge, well-equipped, resilient, and smart, and they will definitely give you a headache if you mess with them.

What's even more difficult to deal with is the special type of Sun Flame Dragon among them. It breathes flames from its mouth like a giant Western dragon. Apart from its longevity, it is difficult to kill them with ordinary attacks.

After searching for a long time to no avail, seven North American flying dragons chose to leave and return to the group to seek help. Xu Dong did not allow the velociraptors to move until they completely disappeared from sight.

Rushing towards the direction of the fallen North American flying dragon, meat cannot be wasted these days.

Of course, the most important thing is to recover the throwing spear. The flying dragons are very smart. The seven of them didn't notice these details because they were in a panic. When they call the large army over, they will naturally not be able to hide the throwing spear.

Unless the Velociraptors no longer have to throw spears in the future, they will find out sooner or later that it was the Velociraptors who did it, and then there will be an endless war.

Therefore, this thing must not be discovered by the Feilong clan.

Pick up the throwing spear, touch up the surviving North American flying dragon, clean up the blood stains on the body, and they start heading north again.

Not long after they left, a huge red tide surged over, led by a Sun Flame Dragon with a wingspan of twenty meters.

The leader of the North American flying dragon landed on the ground and observed the traces left on the ground, but found nothing except red blood.

Call the seven surviving North American flying dragons and ask them to describe the previous situation again, including the weapons used to kill similar species.

But this group of frightened North American flying dragons hesitated for a long time. The only thing they could describe was long, pointed, hard, and a large number of stick-like objects, which really made the Sun Flame Dragon confused.

Since he couldn't catch the murderer and couldn't find the tools to commit the crime, Riyan Shenlong could only cast a wide net and send his men to patrol around to look for possible clues.

Xu Dong, who had already run far away on the other side, did not expect to encounter trouble again. This trouble was the kind that could not be avoided.

They encountered a large group of thunder dragons coming from the west, numbering at least thousands.

After discovering the traces of the Thunder Dragon, the adult dragons of this thunder dragon tribe were on guard, and their leader howled repeatedly, intimidating Xu Dong and other dragons.

The old enemies of Thunder Dragon and Thunder Dragon would fight each other whenever they met, but this time it was obviously different.

Xu Dong did not want to conflict with the large number of thunder dragons, and these thunder dragons seemed to have concerns. The two sides just confronted each other, but there was no sign of war.

Xu Dong carefully looked at these Peter's descendants and saw that the number of adult dragons was somewhat small. There were only more than 200 adult thunder dragons in a group of thousands, and these thunder dragons were obviously injured.

Looking behind them, there were old ones and young ones. A bold idea came to Xu Dong's mind. Are they fleeing?

Although the population of Thunder Dragon is not as prosperous as that of Velociraptor, it still has an advantage over predators such as the North American Three Rogues.

If there were a ranking list of land predators in North America at this time, Velociraptor would definitely be number one, followed by Thunder Velociraptor.

There is no doubt that Allosaurus is third, Barbarus can be ranked fourth, Ceratosaurus is fifth, and Blade Wolf is sixth.

What's going on now?

The second-ranked Thunder Thunder Dragon was actually being hunted down? Is there a second golden lion? impossible.

Soon Xu Dong knew what the creature was that was chasing the Thunder Thunder Dragon.

There were actually hundreds of land crocodiles. Yes, they were the descendants of these pseudocrocodiles who were wiped out in waves during the Triassic mass extinction.

It’s not that crocodiles have remained in fresh water since the Triassic mass extinction. In fact, crocodyliforms are aggressive predators.

As a direct descendant of the pseudosuchian dynasty, there are traces of crocodile-shaped superorders whether on land or in the sea. Just like when we fought against Redondasaurus tens of millions of years ago, weren't there sea crocodiles in the sea?

However, although the crocodylomorphs advanced in three directions, the land crocodile was obviously not as lucky as the amphibian crocodile and sea crocodile. What it faced was no longer the small dinosaurs struggling to survive under the mouths of pseudosuchians in the Triassic. But it's a terrifying dragon that's big, strong, and ferocious.

The Notosuchus, a branch of the crocodile-like superorder that has always stayed on land and never entered the water, has always been adhering to the legacy of its ancestors and has been working hard to regain its lost ground without letting up for a moment.

Among them, there are secondary predators such as Ancestor Crocodile, Sibei Crocodile, and Boar Crocodile. Carnivorous dinosaurs under five or six meters tall are no match for these crocodiles.

However, destiny has passed, and the dinosaur dynasty is at its peak. These remnants of the previous dynasty cannot make any waves. Facing a huge predator that is more than five meters tall, what can they do except escape?

At this time, what was chasing behind Thunder Dragon was a group of ten-meter-long crocodiles. Xu Dong searched his memory and found nothing similar to them among the Mesozoic land crocodiles.

These guys look a bit like my old friend Redon Dalong.

Xu Dong was confused, could it be?

Borrowing corpses to bring back souls, doves occupying magpie's nests?

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