Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 210 Throwing a spear into actual combat

The sky is clear and the sun is bright, the breeze is gentle, and the lake is sparkling. It's a good time to go hunting.

Xu Dong brought three hundred fast dragons, and one dragon carried ten wooden spears. They were about to have a ten-day practice of throwing spears.

After bidding farewell to Tie Ya and the children, Tie Ya's wife embarked on the first battle of the gun-throwing machine.

Their destination was not the Salt Lake. Wang Ting Xunlong was so familiar with the Salt Lake that he could walk there with his eyes closed, so it was not considered training at all.

So Xu Dong chose the northeast where they go least often. The terrain there is relatively open and the trees are sparse and tall. It is the paradise of Brachiosaurus.

It's autumn now, and the weather is starting to get cooler. Fortunately, the Velociraptor's hair scales can keep them warm, allowing them to maintain their body temperature.

After walking along the lake for a long time, the velociraptors finally saw the first batch of prey. This large lake has enough water, and many creatures will come to drink from this lake.

Just don't come near the royal court. There are so many apex predators, and vegetarian animals will consciously stay away, even if they drink water, they will run far away.

The first animal we encountered on our way north was Diplodocus. There were not many others in the Americas, but this group of big straw bags was the most numerous. And the one drinking water here was the formal member of the Diplodocidae family, Diplodocus lacustrum.

The Lake Diplodocus is 24 meters long and weighs ten tons. It is neither too big nor too small, making it a perfect target for velociraptors.

Xu Dong took out the spear from his back. For this training, Xu Dong asked the three hundred Velociraptor team members to carry spears with pointed flints on their heads.

This kind of spear with a sharp stone or bone tip has appeared for a long time, but it was not popular.

First, it is troublesome to make. You need nimble fingers to tie the stone to the head of the gun. If it is not tied firmly, it will easily fall off. If the head of the gun falls off during a war, it will be fatal.

It is better to sharpen the spear head, which is easy to make and not weak in lethality.

But Xu Dong gathered all the spears with stones in this action. After all, he was hunting those giant dragons, so he naturally had to use the sharpest weapons.

The Velociraptor quietly approached about a kilometer away. The Velociraptor, which had a mimic skin component, had a very strong concealment ability. It was difficult for prey to detect it from such a long distance. Xu Dong asked the dragons to stop and started projecting here.

Throwing a few hundred meters with the strength of a velociraptor is the limit, but with a spear thrower, most of them can throw a kilometer. After a few days of training, these velociraptors in the spear throwing team can also throw in roughly one direction. Of course, precise positioning is impossible. If you can avoid missing the target, it will be considered a success.

In order not to alarm the snake, Xu Dong did not conduct a test firing. With a command, the three hundred raptors threw out the spears in their hands. With the help of the gun thrower, the three hundred spears flew into the sky and streaked across the sky. Falling quickly after an arc.

Although the diplodocus were vigilant when drinking water, they never imagined that someone could launch an attack from a kilometer away, and they were immediately overwhelmed by the rain of gunfire.

However, because the distance was too far, the spears thrown by the Velociraptors were not very accurate. Most of them were thrown around the Diplodocus group in the lake, while a small part were thrown at the gap in the middle of the Diplodocus.

As a result, three hundred spears fell, and only thirty or so of them hit Diplodocus. The hit rate was only one tenth, which was really low.

There were about a dozen big and small Diplodocus, and the largest one among them was only hit by seven throwing spears. The spears penetrated the body and blood overflowed. However, because of their large size, these seven throwing spears could not kill it.

The only unlucky thing was that the young Diplodocus, which was only six or seven meters tall, was shot in the head, and its little head was poked off.

The Diplodocus group immediately panicked when they were attacked, but their huge size made them very awkward to walk and turn around, and they even collided and fell.


Let’s release it while Diplodocus is in turmoil!

Another round of missiles was fired, forming a dark cloud in the sky.

With experience this time, the accuracy of the Velociraptors has improved, but they only managed to hit forty hits. Before having an accurate calculation formula, this thing has to be honed through experience.

Under this second round of attacks, the Lake Diplodocus fell down two more young dragons. Unfortunately, they were not shot to death by spears, but were trampled to death by collisions with the same kind.

These clumsy diplodocus finally turned around and ran to the north. How could Xu Dong let them go? There were ten spears behind each velociraptor, and only two were thrown out now.

Another round of volleys, this time because the Diplodocus was farther away from each other and the distance between them was more sparse, only a dozen or so were hit.

Under Xu Dong's order, the Velociraptors advanced a hundred meters. Big guys like Diplodocus were too slow, and it was easy to catch up, but the main task now was to practice shooting.


In the fourth round of projection, the sky-throwing spears fell again. This time, the hit rate returned to one-tenth. One of them actually penetrated directly into the neck of an adult diplodocus.

The sharp flint broke its cervical vertebrae, cut open the aorta, and caused blood to surge wildly. It wouldn't be long before the adult Diplodocus would lose too much blood and collapse.

With this step by step approach, the gun shooting team finished all ten rounds, and the harvest was pretty good, two adult diplodocus and four baby dragons.

This kind of harvest was enough to feed the spear-throwing team for several days. The most important thing was that they had no casualties. They were able to hunt so much food without even dying. It was a huge profit.

The velociraptors' respect for Xu Dong has once again reached a new level. He can not only protect them, but also lead them to hunt for food without injury. Such a leader is what they dream of.

We recovered all the spears at the site, and lost a total of 280. They can make some while eating meat and roasting. Anyway, the woods near the lake are quite lush, and we should be able to replenish dozens of them in one meal. .

Cut the Diplodocus meat into small pieces, grill and marinate it, then skewer it with a rope, hang it on your body and continue heading north.

After crossing a pond, the lake bank will bend to the east. The velociraptor group leaves the lake and begins to move towards the northeast wilderness.

In this area of ​​towering and sparse trees, one of the three largest bastards of the Jurassic, Brachiosaurus, commonly known as the Brachiosaurus, lives.

Big arms are not the main food of Velociraptor. The main reason is that the number of Brachiosaurus here is far less than that of Diplodocus over the Salt Lake, and the ones here are much taller.

The same giant dragon that is twenty meters long brings completely different impact to people when it is twenty meters long and twenty meters high.

The Brachiosaurus here is a high-chested Brachiosaurus, with a body length of about thirty meters and a weight of forty tons. The most important thing is that their height can reach eight meters. Looking down from such a height, any animal will feel weak.

The war trampling of Brachiosaurus is no joke. They raise their heads and chests, and their forelimbs are long and strong. The ground will not crack when they step down, but the vibration is still enough.

But now, the high-chested Brachiosaurus eating leaves from the tree in front of him is no longer invincible to the velociraptors. With this projection technique, no matter how big the prey is, it is a target.

Thanks to Wu Xingluo Yun for the reward.

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