Well, who doesn’t love to eat crayfish, garlic crayfish, salt and pepper crayfish, iced crayfish, spicy crayfish, thirteen-spice crayfish, lobster sashimi, steamed Australian dragon... just thinking about it makes your mouth water.

However, it is a pity that this is the Triassic period, and there are no crayfish yet. Xu Dong can only eat small shrimps such as anal shrimps, hedgehog shrimps, and krill.

But no matter what, even if the crayfish really evolves, it is still a question whether Xu Dong can beat him with his current strength.

Butt shrimp and krill are different. Firstly, they are large in quantity, secondly, their shells are soft, and thirdly, they are strong and scummy. They can be eaten interchangeably with bivalves.

With sufficient food and habitat, the little red dragons have settled down temporarily. The previous mountain climbing trip was so cruel that Xu Dong still has lingering fears even now.

Therefore, he would not rashly take the little red dragons on long-distance migrations before finding a route with enough food.

While the little red dragons were fighting various clams, shellfish, and shrimps every day, Xu Dong was either swimming or running.

The purpose of swimming is to observe various extinct species in this large lake, and the purpose of running is to measure the size of the lake and find a suitable route down the mountain.

It's strange to say that even though there is such a big lake here with so much water, even if it is surrounded by rocks, the lake shore will definitely be covered with all-pervasive plants.

But there are no plants or trees on the shore here, which makes Xu Dong's way down the mountain extremely difficult.

Without plants there would be no vegetarian animals and insects, and there would be no adequate food supply.

The route without food supply is destined to be a journey of death, but it's just a matter of sooner or later. He doesn't dare to hope that something good will happen before he dies.

Since there is no way out for the time being, take the little red dragons and walk around the big lake to find it.

Just when Xu Dong was about to set off after the rain and the sky cleared up, Long Jiu suddenly disappeared from the team. Xu Dong thought that he might have been eaten by a carnivorous fish while touching clams, so he didn't pay attention.

But in the cave deep inside the cave, Long Jiu's cry was heard.

Why did Long Jiu run into the cave? Xu Dong had observed this deep cave. The cave wall was like a rock climbing wall with stones on the east and west, and the distribution was very uneven.

Looking further down, it was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

Since Long Jiu still had a voice, Xu Dong couldn't leave his younger brother alone. He tried to crawl into the cave, but he didn't expect it to be very easy.

The little red dragon's body was already light, and with Xu Dong's nearly twenty points of agility, he jumped up and down the cave wall as if he were walking on flat ground.

When the light completely disappeared and the surrounding area fell into darkness, the Sauromorpha's eyes could still see something. With this dark vision, Xu Dong climbed down slowly and carefully.

After crawling for more than half an hour, I finally saw light again, but this time it didn't come from above, but from below.

Yes, the blue light coming from the depths of the cave illuminated the passage, allowing Xu Dong to finally let go of his hands and feet and climb down.

When Xu Dong reached the bottom of the cave, what he stepped on was not a hard rock, but a layer of soft material that he didn't know what it was.

As soon as he stood still, a black shadow rushed towards him. Although he was startled, Xu Dong still escaped the attack of the black shadow with his extremely high agility attribute.

Unexpectedly, the black shadow wouldn't give up, and would continue to charge towards me again, howling.

Hearing this familiar voice, Xu Dong immediately relaxed a little and kept shouting in response.

It turned out that this black shadow was Long Jiu who somehow fell into the cave. However, Long Jiu was obviously frightened and kept shouting at Xu Dong. Xu Dong also kept howling at it, and then it gradually calmed down. Come down.

After several years of getting along with each other, Xu Dong's status in the hearts of the little red dragons can be called a belief-like existence. As long as Xu Dong is around, they can feel at ease and have nothing to worry about.

Under Xu Dong's comforting cry, Long Jiu finally regained his consciousness and came to his side.

Xu Dong comforted Long Jiu and looked around, but did not find the body of Long Twenty-Qi that was thrown down before.

Xu Dong thought for a while and chose to head towards the place where the blue light came from.

The bottom of this passage is soft, but not like sticky mud, but like modern Simmons, soft but not rotten, with special elasticity, and it is quite comfortable to walk on.

After walking on such a comfortable road for a long time, the blue light ahead became brighter and brighter, but the light was not dazzling at all.

Soon they reached the end of the cave, and the place where the blue light came out was a small hole in the cave wall.

Xu Dong squinted and looked out of the small hole, but there was nothing but blue.

He put his claws into the small hole again and wandered around. It felt like the place where his claws penetrated was like playing with the air. He thought that the opposite side should also be an empty space.

The curiosity and gambling nature of the terrifying upright ape suddenly emerged, overwhelming caution and laziness, and completely occupied Xu Dong's consciousness.

He immediately made a decision to dig and dig this small hole to see what was on the other side.

The little red dragon is only a dozen centimeters in size, and the passage that needs to be dug is not large. In addition, the rock wall is more fragile than Xu Dong imagined. It only took about ten minutes to dig out a passage for him to pass. .

Xu Dong still used his eyes to observe the passage first, but his eyes were still full of blue light and he couldn't see clearly at all.

Then he put his short hand into the hole and waved it a few times, but nothing happened.

He stretched his right hind limb in again and stepped on the ground at the blue light. The texture was still the same as here.

Finally, Xu Dong couldn't hold back his curiosity and was ready to go in and take a look. He ordered Long Jiu to guard outside the cave and got into the blue light alone.

Just like the story of Peach Blossom Spring says, the cave has a small mouth, which is like light. Entering through the mouth, it is very narrow at first, and then you can pass through. After walking dozens of steps, it suddenly becomes bright.

When Xu Dong passed through the narrow place, what appeared before his eyes was a new world that even God had not known.

This world is a world of fungi. He is stepping on a carpet of fungi, surrounded by fungus columns, and above his head is a fungus cap.

The gem-like transparent mushroom caps project the color of the sun passing through the lake water, mapping the hollow land into a blue.

Above this fungus cap is the miraculous lake where many extinct creatures exist. Xu Dong is under it, just like the underwater aquarium in his previous life. From here, he can directly see the scene in the lake.

Old antiques like trilobites linger on the bottom of the lake, and above them are a variety of organisms, including corals, bryozoans, brachiopods, echinoderms, bivalves, gastropods, ammonites, bony fish and cartilage Fish, etc., compete with each other and are so beautiful.

The ecology of this large lake is so perfect and it has not fallen into ecological collapse at all. Perhaps the main reason is these fungi.

Fungi absorb nutrients from the surroundings, leaving no plants on the shore of the lake. Bottom organisms such as hedgehog shrimp, krill, clams, and trilobites rely on eating fungi to survive. The abundance of bottom organisms completes the ecological niche of the middle and upper layers. stand up.

And I don’t know what kind of fungus this is. It absorbs the excretion, impurities, corpses, etc. of the creatures in the lake and converts it into energy, starting another ecological cycle.

It's really a wonderful symbiotic relationship.

Of course, this fungus is also ridiculously strong. Xu Dong speculated whether it was a legendary creature like Sky Mica from 800,000 years ago.

No, this bacteria is much stronger than Sky Mica.

If you want to compare, the big lake above your head is at least as big as four West Lakes. The water volume of one West Lake is about 10 million tons, and the water volume of four West Lakes is 40 million tons, including all kinds of creatures living in the water.

You must know that even the world's largest underwater aquarium, Zhuhai Chimelong Ocean Kingdom, only has a total water volume of 48,800 tons and 15,000 rare fish.

What kind of terrifying species is this? It can actually withstand the pressure of 40 million tons. Even the technological god cult of the terrifying Ape erectus in later generations can only manage to do it by using tricks.

Small theater of paleontology: The hedgehog shrimp can grow up to 60 mm, is brightly colored and slightly transparent, and can be directly seen when there are eggs in the body. Later boxer shrimps and cherry blossom shrimps belong to the family hedgehog shrimp.

Phylum Arthropoda—Softacea—Decapoda—Shrimpidae—Shrimp

Decapoda, also known as Decapods, is an order of the class Solachopods of arthropods. The body is divided into cephalothorax and abdomen. There are eight pairs of thoracic limbs. The first three pairs form the jaw legs, and the last five pairs become the walking legs. The total number is complete, which is the origin of its name. However, the crayfish that everyone is thinking about does not belong to the lobster at all, but the crayfish. The real crayfish The order Lobster has no pincers.

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