Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 20 The big lake in the mountains, the lost place

Most horseshoe crabs of later generations contain toxins in their bodies, but that poison is just a piece of cake for the terrifying upright apes. Let alone horseshoe crabs, puffer fish, snakes and scorpions, spiders, bats, what don't the upright apes eat?

This Triassic horse horseshoe crab belongs to the family Limulusidae, and is only a close relative of the poisonous Limulus family in later generations, and has not yet evolved to be toxic.

They mostly feed on rock and sand microorganisms, and the heavy metals in their bodies exceed the standard. Although they can eat them, it is best not to eat too much to prevent metal poisoning.

The terrestrial stone horseshoe crab has initially left the aquatic life, similar to the arthropods that first landed on land 200 million years ago, but it can also live an amphibious life.

Xu Dong hurried along the direction where there were more stone horseshoe crabs. He could feel that the moisture in front was getting heavier and heavier. Soon he heard it. Although it was very subtle and blocked by the sound of rain, the sound of rain hitting the water was still heard by Xu Dong. The inner ear receives it.

There should be a river, or a large lake, or even an ocean in front of it.

When Xu Dong finally came to the waterside, he was completely shocked. It was a huge lake guarded by mountains. The endless water stretched to the sky and was connected with the mountains.

If a drone could fly into the sky at this time, the photos taken would be absolutely beautiful.

It's a pity that there are no drones in the Triassic. It is more realistic to grow wings yourself.

This large lake is very clean and beautiful. The patter of raindrops hits the surface of the lake, making ripples.

Xu Dong tried to dive into the water, and at first glance he seemed to see something extraordinary. Several weird bugs crawled quietly on the bottom of the water. They looked very familiar. Isn't this a trilobite, a celebrity in the world of paleontology?

Aren’t these old antiques all wiped out in the Permian mass extinction? How can we still see them after 15 million years? This is so unscientific.

But an even more surprising sight appeared. Long-extinct ancient creatures such as radiant corals, crinoids, orthomorphic clams, long-bodied clams, Tully monsters, and stickleback fish were actually surviving and swimming in this large lake.

Just as Xu Dong was watching enthusiastically, a scorpion-like animal about 1.5 meters slowly swam towards Xu Dong.

Xu Dong immediately retreated to the shore with vigilance. The scorpion-like creature lingered in the water for a long time, and then it swam away angrily when Xu Dong stopped going into the water.

This thing is a horseshoe crab, right? Is this guy here? What the hell is this big lake? How come there are so many extinct creatures? Or is the past paleontology simply wrong? Is the Permian mass extinction not as scary as imagined?

But after Xu Dong looked up at the surrounding mountains, he made a bold guess. This large lake was probably formed during the Permian period when the crustal plates merged and the mountains closed together to surround the sea water.

Many creatures were trapped in this large lake, and gradually rose higher as the mountains rose.

Although they can never return to the ocean, fortunately they escaped the devastating disaster at the end of the Permian Period and have survived until now, which can be considered a blessing in disguise.

Xu Dong walked along the stone beach beside the river for a while and found that there were no terrestrial creatures. Using the natural stairs made of stones on the side, he jumped to the towering pile of stones. This was a natural platform, and there was actually something behind it. A natural cave.

Xu Dong stood on the stone platform and visually measured the height. It was at least twenty meters above the water, basically eliminating the danger in the water, and it was a good place to live.

He jumped off the pile of rocks and returned to where the little red dragons were. At this time, they had eaten enough and were lazily lying on the ground to rest. Around them, there were scattered carapaces of a dozen stone horseshoe crabs. The dragons were obviously hungry, and they basically ate one at a time.

Xu Dong called out all fifteen little red dragons at once, and led them to surround Long Twenty-Seven in the center. Xu Dong put his paws together and made a funny kowtow gesture.

The other little red dragons didn't know what was going on. They wanted to follow suit but couldn't close their claws at all.

After bowing three times, Xu Dong looked up to the sky and howled, his voice still so hoarse and low. The little red dragons also howled with Xu Dong to see off their dead brother.

The last step was to bury him in the ground, but the place was full of rocks and couldn't be dug. Xu Dong thought that there was a deep cave in the cave. With the depth of the cave, he should be able to bury Long 27 permanently in it.

So he carried the body of Long Twenty-Seven and took the remaining fifteen little red dragons to the big lake.

At this moment, the rain in the sky has just stopped, the sky has cleared up again, and the sun that has been waiting for a long time has emerged again, emitting light and heat.

The sun shines on the lake, giving the calm lake a golden color.

Xu Dong was deeply shocked by this magnificent scenery, and stood there blankly. Like him, there were fifteen younger brothers around him, following his elder brother, standing dumbly, although he didn't know why. If you want to stand like this, you can just follow what the big brother does.

With Xu Dong's agility and strength, even climbing up the rock pile with Long Twenty-Seven was easy.

He carried Long Twenty-Seven on his back and took fifteen little red dragons with him until they reached the end of the cave. There was a small hole that was so dark that it was impossible to see the bottom.

The diameter of the small hole is still twenty centimeters wide. To the little red dragons, it is already a big hole.

Xu Dong just threw Long Twenty-Qi down. The hole was very deep, and Long Twenty-Qi's body passed without a sound of landing for a long, long time.

The dragons couldn't just wait here, so Xu Dong ended the first burial ceremony in the history of the little red dragon clan.

In the following days, Xu Dong prohibited the little red dragons from eating stone horseshoe crabs. Although stone horseshoe crabs are easy to catch, the metal content in their bodies exceeds the standard. What should I do if they eat too much and get poisoned? And there are so many cartilaginous fish and bony fish in the water, all of which are more delicious than stone horseshoe crabs.

Of course, many of the fish here are not easy to mess with, and each one is bigger than the last. It is not certain who Xu Dong will eat.

If you can’t eat fish, you can eat bivalves (that is, clams), small-mouthed shellfish, nautiluses, and echinoderms. It’s good to change your taste every day.

Of course, Xu Dong couldn't look for food alone. Otherwise, he would be busy all day long and wouldn't be able to get enough food for the little red dragons to eat.

Xu Dong began to teach them to fish for clams in the shallows. This method basically did not require fighting. Standing in the shallow water and fishing for a certain amount of food was still very popular with the little red dragons.

It's just that bivalve shells are more difficult to open. Many little red dragons hit them with their claws, but the shells didn't react at all.

If there is hot water at this time, the bivalves can open the two halves of the shell obediently to expose the tender meat inside. But is there hot water now? There is no hot water.

The little red dragons can only continue to use their claws to pry, pry, or smash them against the rocks. There is always a way to eat delicious abalone, but it just takes a little longer.

While his men were fighting against bivalves, Xu Dong had already set his sights on another species that would be common in later generations, decapoda.

The ancestor of shrimps and crabs, the current image is not much different from the shrimps of later generations, except that they are much larger, which is perfect for making lobster sashimi.

Thanks to Xiri Throne and Book Friends 20180331181650959 for the reward.

Small theater of paleontology: Bivalvia, also known as Axepodia or Lavalbranchia, is the general class of modern shells, clams, oysters, oysters, and clams. It belongs to the phylum Mollusca. It is born in oceans and freshwater areas because it has two shells. name. There are about 9,200 species in existence, with a maximum body length of 135 cm.

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