Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 22 Dunkleosteus VS Helicodon

The ultimate ace technology religion of the terrifying Ape erectus can be said to be a powerful force that surpasses all living things on earth throughout the ages.

Climbing the moon in the sky and catching turtles in the five oceans, actions that were once unthinkable were actually accomplished by these little upright apes.

Therefore, it may seem like an impossible task to withstand 40 million tons of water, but for Ape erectus, it is only a matter of time.

They are that kind of power that creates a dimensional gap in other species, that kind of special power, a powerful brain that can imagine almost anything, and a Scientology that turns fantasy into reality.

But now, Xu Dong didn't have the sense of superiority that the terrifying erect ape had. He was deeply immersed in shock.

This aquarium was much more spectacular than the aquarium in his previous life. Various aquatic species were not far above his head. He could clearly see the wriggling little feet of trilobites and the strange-looking echinoderms. Antics, seeing the shimmering body of the little krill, and seeing the winged horseshoe crab showing off its power like a boss among the cute new animals.

While Xu Dong was intoxicated in the Blue River, a big fish disrupted the life of the pond.

It was a huge and unparalleled fish. A slap of its tail stirred up a stream of water and rushed towards Xudong. From its cold and ruthless predator eyes, all it could see was food and killing.

Xu Dong was shocked. How could he still be seen in the bacteria?

Fortunately, the target of this big fish seemed not to be himself, but to the winged horseshoe crab not far above his head.

After all, the winged horseshoe crab is also the overlord of the Silurian period. With a height of nearly two meters, it can be domineering in this large lake. However, when this big fish arrives, the winged horseshoe crab's size is completely insufficient.

It was easily bitten into two pieces by the big fish and swallowed.

The whole picture of this big fish can be clearly seen from under the cap of the river bottom. Xu Dong immediately recognized it. This was not the internet-famous monster before time travel, the absolute overlord of the Devonian ocean, a fish with its own helmet. Dunkleosteus?

Dunkleosteus belongs to the genus Dunkleosteus of the class Placodermidae, family Dunkleidae, and its head is covered by a thick carapace, like a helmet, which reduces their movement speed and sensitivity.

Dunkleosteus does not have teeth in its mouth, but its helmet has sharp edges that form a beak-like structure that replaces the teeth.

Dunkleosteus ate the horseshoe crab several times and then slowly swam away from Xu Dong's head. Looking from the bottom up, you can see its white belly and four short fleshy fins.

Xu Dong was not surprised. Since the creatures of the Permian Period are all there, what's the problem with the existence of creatures from the Silurian and Devonian Periods?

It’s just that we have to push back the formation time of this lake by a few hundred million years.

Soon, Xu Dong discovered another big guy, which is also a very famous fish in modern times.

If the Dunkleosteus in front is the representative of placoderms in the Paleozoic Era, then this guy is the representative of cartilaginous fish. It is the dominant race of the Permian oceans, the cartilaginous fish Eugeniodon helodon.

If the Mesozoic era was dominated by sea reptiles, then the Paleozoic era was the era of arthropods, cephalopods, placoderms, and cartilaginous fishes.

This maverick, well versed in the characteristics of a chainsaw murderer, and a terrifying shark with a body length of 7 meters, Xu Dong dared not say that it was the Overlord of the Permian Period; he only dared to say that the shark was the Overlord of the Permian Period.

The reason is that, according to the research of modern paleontologists, the seemingly terrifying chainsaw teeth are actually used to suck ammonites. . .

This is like a muscular man like the governor, wearing a full Terminator costume and carrying a big chainsaw on his body. He looks like he is going to save the world, but in fact he just goes to a roadside stall to eat snails.

A familiar sound came from above his head. Xu Dong immediately looked up and saw a confrontation between the Helicopteron shark and the Dunkleosteus from before.

There is not much difference in body size between the two. Helicopteron is over seven meters tall, while Dunkleosteus is less than eight meters long, and they are in the same tonnage.

In terms of equipment, one is wearing a helmet and the other is wearing an electric drill. It can be said to be the ultimate showdown between spears and shields in the Paleozoic ocean.

In order to frighten the opponent, the ferocious helmet bones of Dunkleosteus clicked loudly, demonstrating its bite force of up to 600 kilograms.

The Helicoprion did not show any signs of weakness. The rotating teeth on its lower jaw turned like a chainsaw, making a buzzing sound and driving the water to rotate rapidly.

The familiar sound that Xu Dong heard before was made by the Helicopteron shark. Could it be that the paleontological excavation went wrong again? Are the teeth of this guy really a prehistoric chainsaw?

Although Xu Dong really wanted to see a battle for ocean supremacy in the Paleozoic Era, he also knew that it was almost impossible for them to fight. On one side was the boss of the placoderm fish, and on the other was the boss of the cartilaginous fish. In this big lake, they were both at the top of their ecological niches. It's impossible not to recognize him.

As long as it is not at a critical moment of life or death, or when there is a huge temptation, it is impossible for two creatures at the top of the ecological niche and both at their peak to engage in a deadly fight. The general process is like this, each showing off their power and showing off their muscles. Then walked away disdainfully.

But this time it seemed a little different. The two monsters demonstrated to each other for a long time, neither fighting nor turning away. They just kept spinning in place.

This is a bit unreasonable. Is there something attracting them?

Xu Dong walked in the direction where the two monsters were swimming and found that the center point surrounded by the two fish was a very special fungi column. This fungus column was very thick, with the cap protruding from the tip and extending into the lake to form a white pillar. , the column made of mycelium is still emitting a faint white light.

In the underwater space full of blue, you can actually see different colors. You can imagine how extraordinary this fungus column is.

Xu Dong couldn't help but touch the mesh-like pillar with his paws, and saw that the originally motionless fungus column suddenly shrank, and then a white ball of light erupted from the top of the fungus column.

Seeing this white ball, the eyes of Dunkleosteus and Helicopteronia suddenly turned red, and they rushed towards the light ball regardless.

All kinds of creatures from all directions rushed towards the white ball like crazy. For this thing, echinoderms attacked the bivalves. The krill actually dared to use its pair of small pincers to cut the nautilus. Even the king of life Trilobites dare to attack their natural enemy, the horseshoe crab.

Xu Dong was stunned and crazy. This underwater world was completely crazy.

The source of their madness was the white ball of light. The biological instinct told Xu Dong that this was a very important thing, something more important than survival and reproduction, so hurry up and get it.

But in the soul of the terrifying erectus, human nature is greater than animality, and reason is greater than instinct. Xu Dong will not be controlled by instinct, making him the only calm animal among all the creatures in this crazy underwater city.


The harsh friction sound of the chainsaw cutting metal came from above the head. Among this group of small fish and shrimps, the only two overlords who had the strength to compete for this light ball finally came together.

The spiral tooth shark bit Dunkleosteus's helmet in one bite, and the spiral teeth on its lower jaw rotated wildly, cutting through the thick helmet of Dunkleosteus like a chainsaw, even in the water, it saw sparks.

The battle between placoderms and cartilaginous fishes in the Paleozoic Era has officially begun.

Small theater of paleontology: The classification of the submandibular phylum under the phylum Chordata is actually very easy to understand. It represents the placoderm fish with exoskeleton armor, the cartilaginous fish with cartilage inside the body, and the teleost fish with hard bone inside. , it’s easy to understand.

Dunkleosteus, also known as carcass fish and dino fish, is a primitive placoderm fish from the Late Devonian Period (about 382 million to 359 million years ago). The largest species can reach 8.79 meters in length and weighs It could reach 4 tons and was the top predator in the ocean at that time. The head of Dunkleosteus was covered by a thick carapace, which reduced their movement speed and sensitivity. There are no teeth in the mouth, but the carapace has sharp edges, forming a beak-like structure.

Phylum Chordata - Submandibular phylum - Placoderms - Order Arthrichidae - Dunkleidae - Genus Dunkleosteus

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