Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 198 The impact from the three gangsters in North America

Although the Velociraptor clan is the overlord of North America, this overlord is only in terms of combat power and quantity.

Just like the original history, Allosaurus will definitely not be able to defeat the Barbarian dragon in a single fight, but Allosaurus moves in groups, and Barbarian dragons can only avoid its sharp edges when they see it. Therefore, Allosaurus is the overlord of North America, not the bigger one. A big wild dragon.

When hundreds of velociraptors are mostly young dragons that are easy to hunt, then this overlord is no longer an overlord, but a group of moving lambs, a delicious meal for surrounding predators.

Even Tyrannosaurus, the undoubted emperor among dinosaurs, which is generally more than ten meters tall, is at risk of being hunted by other predators when it is young, not to mention the velociraptor group. There are only more than 20 adult velociraptors that cannot protect them at all. they.

A dozen fragile Allosaurus stood on the top of the mountain and watched. They were very smart and knew to let other predators take the lead, and the best person to take the lead was Barbarian.

The barbarian here is the barbarian among barbarians. King Edmarosaurus, as you can tell from the name, is a very awesome existence. It is 12 meters long and weighs 4.2 tons. Together with Saurophagosaurus, it is also known as the two giants of the Jurassic. It is the top killing machine evolved from the wild dragons and allosaurs.

Among the adult velociraptors present, Aniu can be said to be the largest, with a body length of 10 meters and a weight of 2.5 tons, but when compared with the king Edma, he suddenly became a dwarf.

But being small doesn't mean that he can't fight. Aniu grabbed his wooden spear and rushed towards King Edema. It was the only one here that could deal with this big guy.

Intercepting in the path of Edma's attack, Aniu roared loudly, intimidating the big guy so that it would not act rashly.

But the barbarian didn't care about this. Unless it was a predator larger than it, it would not pay attention to it at all. Ed Malon immediately opened his mouth and bit Aniu.

But what he got was a spear from A Niu.

A spear made of a whole small pine tree, with a sharp spike at the front, was thrust straight towards Ed Malone's open mouth.

The evolutionary trajectory of this group of apex predators is actually the same. In addition to upgrading their teeth, they also upgrade their bite force, so wooden spears often get bitten off in one bite.

Even if it is a head-on collision, these predators can instantly turn their heads to grab the wooden spear from the side, and then bite it directly.

A Niu is also experienced in this. Ed Malone suddenly turned its head and it also suddenly retreated. It predicted Ed Malone's movement and pulled its hand in advance. When Ed Malone took a bite, it used force again. , the sharp spearhead penetrated directly into its neck.

Ed Malone roared in pain, and his body was tilted to the left by the force of Aniu's stab. However, the Savage Dragon's hind limbs were very advantageous and he forcibly stabilized his body balance.

Ah Niu pulled out the wooden spear and brought out a handful of blood flowers. Then he lowered his head and rushed forward. The two sharp horns on his head penetrated into Ed Malone's chest without any hindrance.

The powerful force made King Edema unable to stabilize his body anymore, and he fell to the left. The arms of the barbarians were not very long, but of course they were still very long compared to those cute claws of the abelisaurids. .

Such an arm could not provide any help when it fell to the ground. It fell to the ground so hard that it crushed a large bush and broke several ribs.

Taking advantage of the victory, Ah Niu pursued the attack, stepped on Ed Malone's body with his feet, raised his wooden spear and stabbed downwards continuously, causing holes all over the body of the most powerful of the wild dragons.

At first, Ed Malone was still struggling, trying to get up from the ground, but Aniu suppressed it tightly, making it unable to get up. With the continuous attacks of wooden spears, Ed Malone finally couldn't get up and lay down. Waiting for death.

The vitality of dinosaurs is extremely tenacious. Even if it is dug into a hornet's nest, this Edmarosaurus is not dead yet. It is still breathing weakly, but it is not far away from death.

Seeing Edema's broken halberd, the wild dragon began to waver. The main threat in the distance, the numerous Allosaurus, finally couldn't bear it any longer and began to attack the Velociraptor group.

The Allosaurus here is not only the most common Allosaurus Fragile and Allosaurus Jameson, but also the mutant and powerful Allosaurus.

Their size is generally larger than the other two Allosaurus, almost all of them are over ten meters tall, and they are a great threat to the generally nine-meter Velociraptor.

Aniu no longer cared about the dying Edmarosaurus and launched an attack on the Allosaurus. The group mode of the Allosaurus destined them to have a backbone and commander.

A Niu's idea is very simple. As long as the heads of each Allosaurus family are killed, the Allosaurus will be defeated.

However, there were at least five families participating in the siege this time, and the number of Allosaurus was as high as fifty. How could it possibly kill so many leaders by itself?

At this time Xu Dong suddenly let out a cry, and he let go of an Allosaurus and let it run into the pile of young dragons.

Due to the existence of walls in the velociraptor's habitat, the little dragons have not encountered any danger in their growth. Although it helps to expand the number of the race, it makes their mentality very fragile. Such greenhouse flowers are destined to not withstand the wind and waves. of destruction.

No, after being scared out of their wits by the golden lion, hundreds of young dragons just hid behind the two dozen adult dragons and acted like ostriches. Even these ordinary predators did not dare to fight back.

So Xu Dong put an Allosaurus in to act as a catfish. Those who wanted to survive would naturally resist. Those cowards who ate it would be eaten. It was nothing to regret.

In prehistoric times, no one was anyone's nanny. If you wanted to survive, you had to rely on yourself. The law of the jungle was the essence of nature.

Sure enough, the eight-meter-long Allosaurus James broke into the group of young dragons as if they were in a deserted place. The young dragons did not dare to defend themselves and just ran away blindly. Under such chaos, the Allosaurus They didn't bite a few to death, but they trampled to death a dozen of the same kind.

Xu Dong howled casually, which meant something similar to trash in later generations. This was the most insulting cry of the Velociraptor clan. It was often a rubbish word that only appeared when robbing a spouse or the clan leader.

But at least these little dragons could understand it. They didn’t know who said it or where it came from, but the cry lingered in their ears for a long time, deeply hurting their young hearts. .

So four or five nearly adult velociraptors gathered together and rushed in the direction of the Allosaurus against the panicked velociraptors. They were the very few velociraptors who refused to be ostriches. They wanted to prove that they were not waste!

No matter how you look at it, five 6-7 meter velociraptors will lose against an 8-meter allosaurus. However, the clumsy and panicked little velociraptors are full of mistakes. They have forgotten all the hunting knowledge taught by their elders. They are completely Fighting on instinct.

Even though this Allosaurus James is not the best hunter in the group, it is still much better than the young velociraptors.

He raised his hand and slapped one head over, opened his big mouth and bit the second head, then shook his head left and right, scratching the velociraptor in his mouth with scars before throwing it out and hitting the third velociraptor.

Thanks to Shili City Wall for the tip

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