Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 197 Going to the Royal Court

The golden lion was not in any hurry and walked towards the group of people, like a fisherman enjoying the moment of harvest when fishing for fish trapped in the net.

Facing this nightmarish figure, the fledgling baby velociraptor suddenly panicked and ran around in fear. No matter how much the adult velociraptor was comforted, it was of no avail. In the end, the velociraptor clan leader had no choice but to open the door and let the baby dragons in.

Facing the golden lion walking slowly, the leader of the Velociraptor Clan looked solemn. Whether it was the coward's report yesterday or the tragic situation of the fleeing Velociraptors today, it all showed one thing. This big baboon did have the rumored genocide. strength.

It couldn't help but regret not listening to the coward's advice and migrating. If it had moved away at that time, it might have survived.

But it was too late to regret at this time. The leader of the Velociraptor clan called an adult Velociraptor next to him. This was the bravest warrior of the tribe. He had been praised by the patriarch of the Velociraptor clan and was the default next leader.

Now facing such a situation, the old patriarch did not let him lead the charge, but asked him to lead the fleeing velociraptors and the little dragons in the tribe to the velociraptor royal court to find shelter.

Of course, this brave warrior did not agree with such an order. He would rather die in front of his habitat and fight to surround his home than run away like a coward.

Yes, in its view, both the Xu and Dong dragons and the group of escaped velociraptors are cowards and cowards.

The Velociraptor man should die in battle, instead of running away with his tail between his legs like a bereaved wolf.

But the last words of the leader of the Velociraptor clan touched it. They can die, but the clan cannot be destroyed, and their bloodline cannot be cut off. It needs it to shoulder the important task of revitalizing the clan.

With this set of principles suppressed, this brave dragon warrior and future clan leader could only nod silently, turn around and run towards the clan.

In addition to it, there are about a dozen adult velociraptors rushing towards the group together. They will lead the group's young dragons and old dragons as well as the escaped velociraptors to the Velociraptor King's Court.

The golden lion did not attack immediately. Instead, he sat down, took out two Apatosaurus necks and started chewing them.

It is waiting, waiting for these fish that have slipped through the net to escape, so that there will be fish in the next fish pond to eat, and in this way, it can have an endless supply of meat.

For an outsider like him, food is everywhere in North America, including the big and meaty Diplodocus and Brachiosaurus, the ferocious predators Velociraptor, Allosaurus, and Brutalosaurus, as well as some chewy Stegosaurus. , Ankylosaurus.

But its favorite food is carnivorous dragons, because the meat of these guys can give it more energy, and it can grow bigger than big guys like Diplodocus and Brachiosaurus.

Xu Dong did not guess wrong. The golden lion's ability is to continuously become stronger by eating meat. After it ate a lot without any scruples, it was finally determined that eating velociraptors would lead to the fastest growth. After all, it is now the overlord of North America. Nature also gives the most energy.

This made the golden lion focus on the velociraptors, and through fishing tactics, it found that a velociraptor group would eat one.

After eating it for more than half a month, its size has swelled, and its strength is increasing day by day.

After chewing the sixth Apatosaurus neck, all the velociraptors that could run finally finished.

The golden lion also clapped his hands and stood up from the ground, ready to start today's dinner.

The vigilant velociraptors in the distance were also relieved. The little dragons of the tribe ran away, and their bloodline could continue.

Without worries, they will fight the Golden Lion here to the death, avenging the people who died at its hands and buying time for the descendants who escaped.


The leader of the velociraptor clan roared loudly, and hundreds of adult velociraptors behind him also roared in unison, and then launched a desperate charge under the leadership of the clan leader.

The future leader of the clan, a brave Velociraptor warrior who had just left his habitat, ignored the roars and cries behind him. His mission was to lead the clan to the royal court.

Therefore, it will not look back. It is afraid that if it looks back, it will never be able to harden its heart and leave its comrades and habitat who are fighting to the death.

The future leader of the Velociraptor Clan, Xu Dong called it A Niu because it had two horns on its head, which was a very rare mutation in the Velociraptor Clan.

It's just that this mutation does not bring it special abilities, it is just limited to its appearance.

There are nearly 300 velociraptors in the group led by A Niu. Nearly 80% of them are young dragons, and the remaining 10% are old dragons. Only about 20 of them can really be used as combat power.

The large number of young velociraptors couldn't help but make the predators have other thoughts.

This group of predators only knows about eating and reproducing, but they are the most courageous in sneak attacks on young dragons.

The largest among them is Ceratosaurus, the third of the three gangsters in North America.

Although the old Triceratops couldn't defeat the Allosaurus or the Barbarian, he still managed to gain a foothold in the Morrison group.

The status of the three of them in the ecology at that time was equivalent to that of the lion, tiger and leopard. The barbarian dragon was the solitary tiger, the Allosaurus was the lion that moved in groups, and the Ceratosaurus was the leopard that circled around the edges looking for opportunities.

It's just that the speed of this beast is far inferior to that of later leopards. Fortunately, there are not many Morrison groups, and there are many herbivores, so many that even parallel imports like Ceratosaurus can hunt for food. .

Ceratosaurus is an opportunist. They don't care whether it is a velociraptor or not, whether it is the overlord or not. At this time, all they see are the baby dragons, and the baby dragons are equal to food, so the groups of velociraptors in front of them are Dragons are all food.

The experienced Aniu would naturally not fail to notice the thoughtful predators around him, but the number of adult velociraptors was too small and scattered in all directions. There were only five on each side, but the five velociraptors had to watch. Living in an array of hundreds of meters is really too much.

At this time, a Ceratosaurus finally couldn't help but rush towards the young dragons, and its direction was right in the middle of Xu Dong and the Coward's defense line.

How could they let Ceratosaurus break in and eat the little dragon? Xu Dong strode over and bit the Ceratosaurus on its back.

Ceratosaurus is the most common Ceratosaurus type species in North America. It is only 5.5 meters long and weighs only 550 kilograms. In the eyes of other predators, it is basically a scumbag.

Xu Dong and the coward bit the attacking five-headed Ceratosaurus to death in two or two blows.

Other lines of defense were also attacked by predators at the same time, but this attack was not only Ceratosaurus, but also small and medium-sized predators generally three to four meters in size such as Marshosaurus, Long-armed Venator, and Strososaurus.

It's just that no matter how many of these guys there are, it's useless. Even if some of them break through the defense line of the adult velociraptors, they may not be able to defeat the young velociraptors.

After all, although the baby velociraptors are small, they are still three to four meters in size, and there are many individuals close to adulthood. Although they are frightened by the big baboons, they are not at a disadvantage in fighting these predators.

It would be fine if it was just this group of guys, but the trouble now is that the Allosaurus and the Savage Dragon among the three North American gangsters have also been attracted, which makes it difficult to deal with.

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