Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 199 Arriving at the Royal Court

The ordinary Allosaurus James did not expect that he would have such a ferocious day. He went straight into the group of velociraptors and killed them seven times in and out. There was no place in sight. It was simply the peak of dragon life.

Five velociraptors that were just a smidge smaller than it came over, slapped one, mouthed one, tailed one, and knocked one down with its head. It stepped on the last young velociraptor, raised its head and roared, showing off My own excitement.

In the past, with its size, it would have been beaten violently by an adult velociraptor, but now it can be said that it is thirty years east of the river and thirty years west of the river. Don't bully the small Allosaurus.

It's just that it didn't know that there is another famous saying on the Internet, that is, pretending to be so powerful that it will be struck by lightning. Although it was not struck by lightning, its existence did deeply sting the little Xunlong's self-esteem.

Velociraptor is the overlord of North America. Once it reaches adulthood, it is at the top of the food chain. But now, hundreds of baby dragons have been killed by an Allosaurus. It is humiliating enough. The adult Velociraptors around them are acting as a line of defense. Extremely disappointed. Is such waste really worth their efforts to protect?

After all, it was the overlord cub. More and more baby velociraptors stood up and rushed towards the Allosaurus, but they were knocked down by it one after another.

But as the number of dragons increased, the Allosaurus gradually became exhausted. After all, it was just an ordinary Allosaurus James, neither a pseudo-legend nor a mutant. Facing the impact of the Velociraptor's sea of ​​dragons, Nature is unstoppable.

Soon, the Allosaurus Jameson, which had been majestic for a few minutes, was finally trampled to a pulp by the little velociraptors.

At this time, the seedling velociraptors were no longer panicked, no longer afraid, no longer confused. They turned their attention to the surrounding predators, their eyes filled with hatred.

They couldn't deal with the invulnerable giant baboons and couldn't avenge their relatives, but this group of ordinary predators had eaten dinosaurs countless times. How could they still not defeat them?

With the addition of hundreds of young dragon troops, the pressure on the besieged adult velociraptors suddenly eased, and the front line pushed towards the outside.

This war is destined to be extremely cruel. The predators on the periphery are all strong and strong adults. Although there are many velociraptors, 90% of them are old and weak.

Even if this battle is won, the number of velociraptors killed will be astonishing. However, the little velociraptors have been stable under the wings of their elders for so long that they can hardly adapt to the cruelty of nature.

Even if most of us die in this battle, it is worth it. The future of the little velociraptor that can survive is absolutely limitless.

The fight didn't stop until the sun gradually set in the west, and the two parties who fell into madness finally stopped, because the predators who besieged the velociraptor group found that they could not defeat the velociraptors, and finally left here with pain.

After the battle, there was naturally a feast. Xu Dong roughly observed the number of velociraptors. From hundreds at the beginning, there were only seventy or eighty left.

All the old velociraptors were wiped out, and there were only nearly 70 young velociraptors left. However, the adult velociraptors like Xu Dong suffered the least losses. After all, they are also experienced warriors and know how to avoid being injured as much as possible. .

After eating, there was no time to clean up. The velociraptors could only clasp their hands and bow their heads in silence at the corpses of their kind on the ground. Their number was too small and they could not take away so many of their kind for burial.

Even if they want to bury them on the spot, they can't do it. The big baboon is right behind them, and there is no time for their kind to be buried in peace.

Only Xu Dong in the entire group of velociraptors knew that the golden lion wanted to fish, and it was impossible to attack the bait before catching the next string of fish.

But what's the use of knowing it? Its current status is just an ordinary adult velociraptor. Aniu will not listen to its advice at all. Of course, their brains cannot understand what fishing tactics are.

We can only wait until the Xunlong Royal Court to see what the trump card of the place with the longest inheritance of the Xunlong clan is, and whether it can defeat the Golden Lion.

Xu Dong always believed that Peter, Thomas, Judas, and the others were not dead yet. They were fully capable of becoming immortal species. If they took action, the Golden Lion should not be a problem.

Passing through the shrub valley, there is a salt lake in front.

Salt is something that living things must take in. Carnivores can obtain salt by eating meat, while vegetarian animals can also supplement additional salt through various methods.

The most common thing is eating soil. Animals such as camels, antelopes, and elephants often lick some rock and soil to obtain salt.

Table salt contains sodium chloride, iodine, calcium and trace elements, which can maintain the electrolyte balance in animals, stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, promote the secretion of gastric acid, and enhance digestion.

Darwin also explained the reason for animals' need for salt in his theory of evolution:

All animals on land today originated from the ocean. While the ocean created life, it also determined certain forms of life.

Almost all animals living on earth have salt in their bodies, and the concentration of sodium chloride in blood, sweat, and other body fluids is very high, almost reaching the same level as seawater.

Generally speaking, it is a genetic problem that has not been solved even on land. However, most organisms will not think about evolving away from such a small problem, and it will not affect normal life anyway.

The salt lake here can replenish salt and moisture for most herbivorous dinosaurs. With more herbivores, there will be more natural predators.

The Velociraptor Royal Court is located not far from the Salt Lake. As the overlord of North America, the Velociraptor family naturally dominates the herbivorous dinosaurs in the Salt Lake and regards this place as their own hunting ground.

I rested for one night in a small habitat by the salt lake. Although the Velociraptor Royal Court is close to the salt lake, it would take more than half a day to walk there. One day would pass with one trip and one trip.

For this reason, Wang Ting specially built small habitats in various directions of the salt lake, which can accommodate hundreds of velociraptors for one night.

After a night's rest, I woke up the next day and caught two 13-meter trabelodocus Sibel to eat, and they headed east again.

Since entering the Salt Lake area, groups of large predators have been invisible. This is the territory of Velociraptor, and it is normal for some blind predators to break in occasionally.

If there are really hordes like Allosaurus entering, it can only mean that the dominance of Velociraptor is no longer in effect.

Simply put, at least now the Thunder Dragon Court is still strong and no predator dares to cause trouble.

When they were walking halfway, they met the hunting team of the Velociraptor Royal Court. After communicating with A Niu, these ten or so Velociraptor warriors immediately gave up hunting and escorted the fleeing Velociraptor back to the royal court.

It was the first time for Xu Dong and many young dragons to come to the King's Court of Swift Dragons.

In front of them was a large sparkling lake. Standing by the lake, they could not see the end at a glance. The continuous lake surface connected with the blue sky, making it look like the sea.

The royal court's habitat is actually located in the lake, a vast tidal flat with an area of ​​at least hundreds of square kilometers.

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