Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 196 The Golden Lion Attacks Again

Xu Dong dug into the Stegosaurus's abdomen and searched carefully, but found nothing bright. It seemed that this Stegosaurus was just a mutated individual, not a pseudo-legend.

The coward on the other side who was finishing up the Allosaurus was also finished, and the two began to enjoy a wonderful lunch.

From last night to today's noon, they didn't eat any meat. The two dragons were really hungry, so they started to eat wildly with all the meat and vegetables in front of them.

Because of the size problem, Xu Dong couldn't get any components after eating for a long time, and the source quality was only in single digits. As the Velociraptor continued to grow in size, it would be even more difficult to obtain future components.

After eating and drinking, Xu Dong and Coward continued on the road with some food. The predatory dinosaurs that had been waiting for them for a long time suddenly swarmed up and carved up the corpses in the tunnel.

After walking for two more days, we finally arrived at another velociraptor habitat.

There is actually communication between the velociraptors, and they will conduct concentrated hunting every once in a while. This is also an old tradition of the velociraptor clan.

Dormer is a very far-sighted leader. He knows that the quality of offspring produced by mating between groups will become increasingly poor, so every year he leads the newly adult velociraptors of each group on a ten-day hunt.

This can not only train the Velociraptor's ability and experience, but also promote the mating and merger of different groups, achieving multiple goals with one stone.

The coward is the velociraptor who just came of age last year. He has just been to the velociraptor royal court once. The velociraptor group that walked along this road had all walked there last year, so they looked familiar.

This tribe is also built in an area that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It also has huge stone walls, but it is useful when facing ordinary creatures, but it is useless when encountering pseudo-legendary or supernatural creatures.

Just like a golden lion, there is no need to break through the wall, just grab the top of the wall with both hands and pull it in.

After entering this group, the coward went to see the clan leader to warn them and remind them to pay attention, while Xu Dong stayed outside to observe the situation of this group.

The number of this group is similar to that of the previous one, with hundreds of them. This is also the limit that an ordinary velociraptor can manage. No matter how many more they have, they can't manage it with their IQ.

The little velociraptors here are also taught by the old velociraptors. The only difference is that the range of activities is much larger than that of 10 million years ago.

The baby dragon can run and play freely in the habitat without worrying about being attacked by predators. The old velociraptor no longer has to worry about finding naughty and lost baby dragons.

After all, times are constantly moving forward, and the existence of the wall is indeed of great benefit to the growth of the little velociraptor.

At this time, a small velociraptor accidentally bumped into Xu Dong's leg, and he sat down on the ground with a chirp.

It looked up at the tall velociraptor, barked twice, as if to say hello, and then ran away again. Behind it was an old dragon, shouting not to run, but the pace was still slow. No hurry.

Oh, it seems that no matter how the times change, the little velociraptor will always be a little naughty.

At this time, the coward finally came out from the head of the Xunlong clan, and told Xu Dong about the exchange between them.

Anyone who can serve as the leader of the Velociraptor Clan is not a fool. The leader here attaches great importance to the golden lion described by the coward. He immediately asked the tribe to increase vigilance and asked the hunting team to abandon all prey and run away if they encountered the golden lion.

But they don't agree with the migration that the cowards say. The spirit inherited by the Xunlong clan is the same as that of the Little Red Dragon, which is unity and ancestor respect.

The ancestors of this ethnic group have been born and buried here for generations and will never move away unless absolutely necessary.

It's hard to leave one's homeland, and one has deep love for its vegetation. Xu Dong also expressed his understanding, but when will he ever return to his homeland?

Say goodbye to the same kind and continue heading north. You only need to pass two more groups to reach the royal court of the Xunlong tribe. The tribe where the leader of the Xunlong tribe belongs is said to be a very large tribe with tens of thousands of people, far beyond the comparison of small tribes like them.

To the north is a large low shrub basin, inhabited by plant-eating dinosaurs such as Diplodocus, Stegosaurus, and Ankylosaurus that feed on low plants, and of course Ornithosaurus, Fruitodon, and Dwarfosaurus. There is no shortage of these small and medium-sized creatures.

Stepping into this bush, small and medium-sized creatures all ran away when they saw them. Large and medium-sized herbivorous dinosaurs also demonstrated towards them to show that they were not easy to mess with. Of course, Xu Dong and the coward who were full did not think of attacking them. .

This area is very huge, and it is the hunting ground of three velociraptor groups. It takes half a month to walk across this area, during which time you have to report to the other two groups.

Because it is the hunting ground of Velociraptor, they have been traveling smoothly in the past half month, and they have not encountered the previous ambush of Allosaurus. Who dares to hunt in the hunting ground of Velociraptor, it is the old man who has swallowed arsenic and is worried that his life will be long.

After receiving the report from the coward, the last two velociraptor groups also chose to strengthen their vigilance, but they did not listen to its advice and migrate. No tribe would leave their homeland rashly without confirming the news.

That night, Xu Dong and Coward decided to rest in this tribe for one night before setting off to the royal court the next day.

While they were sleeping soundly, Xu Dong and Coward were awakened by warning calls.

Opening their eyes and looking at the sky, the sky turned slightly white and it was almost dawn. They hurried to the city wall and saw that hundreds of adult velociraptors had arrived, and the velociraptor leader at the front was communicating with the guards.

Soon it ordered the door to be opened, the huge stone was moved away, and a large opening appeared in the stone wall, which could just accommodate an adult velociraptor to enter.

Suddenly, the velociraptors outside the door were about to swarm in, but were blocked back by the adult velociraptors of the tribe.

A group of strong dragons squeezed the velociraptors out. The velociraptors outside the door had no choice but to move to both sides to let the adult velociraptors come out.

Xu Dong also came out with the group of velociraptors. What he saw was a large number of velociraptors. There were no less than a hundred of them, and they were all panicked young velociraptors. The few adults were mostly injured.

What type of situation is this?

Under the comfort of the Velociraptor Clan Leader and the adult Velociraptors, the group of little guys finally calmed down, and the few remaining adult Velociraptors stepped forward to communicate with the Velociraptor Clan Leader.

But before the exchange lasted long, a big guy came from a distance. It was very tall, surpassing all the creatures that Velociraptor had ever seen.

Even giant beasts like Diplodocus and Brachiosaurus cannot compare with this guy in terms of height. Although their bodies are long, they are actually not too tall in terms of height.

The giant baboon can reach a height of 15 meters when standing upright, which is as high as a five-story building. It is holding an Apatosaurus neck in its hand, as if it is a snack, and is walking leisurely towards this side while chewing.

Good guy, this golden lion is eyeing the Velociraptor tribe, and it actually knows how to fish, letting the Velociraptor lead it to find the next Velociraptor tribe.

Xu Dong was horrified. Did he and the coward also become the Golden Lion's guide?

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