Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 195 Counterattack against Allosaurus

The sword-shaped bone plate rolled down from the back of Stegosaurus, turning faster and faster, and the tip became sharper and sharper. It even made a swishing sound, like two electric saws, speeding towards Xu Dong and Coward. Cut it off.

It doesn’t matter if your tail spur can be fired, but your bone plate can turn into a chainsaw, which is a bit outrageous.

The Stegosaurus's bone plate was about one meter long, and its rotating attack range was even more astonishing, and its speed was extremely fast, but it was still dodged by the experienced Xu Dong.

After all, a coward is a dragon that can be chosen by the leader of the Velociraptor clan. His strength and experience cannot be underestimated. When the bone plate chainsaw approached, he narrowly avoided a rollover.

And the Allosaurus behind them suffered again.

It wasn't that they were inexperienced or not agile enough, but that their sight was blocked by the bodies of Xu and Dong's two dragons. After the chainsaw was dodged, they didn't have much time to dodge.

With these two swords, two Allosaurus were killed again.

The leader of the Fragile Allosaurus is furious. They are a race that lives in a family form, so those who died are the children of the leader.

Four were killed or injured, and the combat effectiveness of the twelve Allosaurus family was directly reduced by one-third. Such a loss made the leader of the team, the father of all Allosaurus, very distressed.

Each Allosaurus is a valuable asset. Although they share food, they can also hunt more prey.

Moreover, the greater the number of family members, the greater the security and the more prosperous the population will naturally be.

A qualified leader must make a decision at this time. Just like if you lose one-third in stock trading, it is wise to stop the loss in time, rather than continue to top up with a give-and-take mentality.

The Allosaurus leader seemed to be blinded by anger and actually continued to pursue.

The Stegosaurus let out a low roar, and the four bone plates on its back fell off again, turning into a chainsaw and rolling towards the predators.

The four chainsaw blades completely occupied the space in the tunnel. As long as you were still stepping in the tunnel, there was no way to avoid this move.

It's just that Stegosaurus ignored the earth walls on both sides. Xu Dong had extremely high agility. He actually imitated the light kung fu in the movie and stepped on the earth walls on both sides and took three or two steps in the air, successfully avoiding the bone plates.

The coward also imitated Xu Dong's method after seeing it. Although he didn't take two steps, he still dodged the bone plate while staying in the air.

The smartest Allosaurus leader in the rear knew something was wrong when he saw the Xu and Dong dragons jumping up, and began to make preparations.

When he saw the bone plates scraping against the Velociraptor coming towards them, he immediately imitated the actions of a coward.

If Xu Dong's movements still have a hint of Qinggong, they are faithfully restored. After all, he is highly agile.

That coward is the spiritual sequel, and only the spirit remains.

The Allosaurus leader who imitated the coward in the back was a complete mess. Not only did he fail to show the floating effect of Qinggong, but he used too much force and broke a wall of earth with one foot, causing him to fall down when he was unsteady.

The light skill failed and it fell, but the Allosaurus leader was so lucky that the bone plate just rolled over when he fell. If it had been a second or two earlier, it would have been a mutilated corpse by now.

Look at the seven Allosaurus at the back. Except for the smallest one, the others have basically been cut into several pieces and can no longer move.

Now there are only two members of the Allosaurus family left. The leader of the Allosaurus is like a gambler who has lost his money. He has lost his mind and does not care about moving forward.

Xu Dong and Coward took advantage of the Stegosaurus' next attack before it started, and stepped directly on its back to cross over.

The weight of nearly six tons stepped on it, causing the Stegosaurus to wail, but this weight was not enough to crush the ten-meter Stegosaurus. After all, people have to bear the weight of the same kind when mating, six tons, sprinkle on it.

Stegosaurus waved its tail to attack Xu Dong, but it seemed to have forgotten that the bone spur on its tail had already been shot out.

The tail of Stegosaurus is not as thin and long as Diplodocus. Just swinging it is very powerful. The thick tail swings very slowly, and Xu Dong easily dodges it.

After avoiding the bone plates and tail and leaping over the Stegosaurus, the Xu and Dong dragons were finally safe.

The Stegosaurus wanted to turn around, but the Allosaurus leader was already approaching, forcing it to deal with it.

Lowering its head and pointing the tips of the bone plates on its back forward, the Allosaurus would inevitably hit the bone plates if it wanted to attack.

In response, the leader of the Allosaurus jumped directly to the side and grabbed a claw on the side of the Stegosaurus.

The smaller juvenile Allosaurus also took advantage of its small size and lowered its head to bite the Stegosaurus' neck.

Xu Dong and Coward, who had been saved by the Stegosaurus before, did not feel any gratitude for the life-saving grace at this time, and attacked the Stegosaurus's hind limbs and tail from behind.

Under attack from both sides by the Allosaurus and Velociraptor, the ten-meter-level Stegosaurus finally fell and fell under the shameless siege of its opponent.

It fell sideways and fell directly against the earth wall, leaving half of the trench empty. Velociraptor and Allosaurus met again.

The enemies were extremely jealous when they saw each other. When the leader of the Allosaurus saw the two culprits who caused the destruction of his family, he lost some of his rationality again and rushed towards Xu Dong and the others regardless.

However, the embarrassing thing is that because it rushed too hard, it got stuck in the tunnel. On its left was the dead Stegosaurus, and on its right was the tunnel wall. It couldn't rush forward, and couldn't get out if it retreated. It could only get stuck. Struggled inside.

This was a God-given opportunity. Xu Dong raised his wooden spear and stabbed the Allosaurus leader in the head.

Even though he was stuck in the tunnel, this guy was still extremely ferocious. He opened his mouth and bit the wooden spear that was thrust at him, and bit it into two pieces with a click.

Hey, if you can't protect yourself and are still so vicious, you need education.

Xu Dong wanted to let it return to the embrace of nature as soon as possible and prepared to send it on its way.

At this time, a small Allosaurus suddenly rushed down from the Stegosaurus. Xu Dong let the coward deal with it, while he waved his tail and hammered the Allosaurus on the abdomen with its tail spines.

No matter how sharp its teeth were and how strong its bite force was, it was all in vain if it couldn't move. The abdomen was dripping with blood from Xu Dongwei's stab.

The battle on the other side is also over. The cowardly Velociraptor is still an adult after all, so it is not easy to fight an underage Allosaurus.

In front of the Allosaurus leader, the coward bit off the neck of the young Allosaurus.

The death of the tribe and the pain on its body made the Allosaurus completely crazy. Regardless of the narrowness on both sides, it pushed forward with all its strength, even if there were blood marks on its body.

But after all, it was not the lucky one among ten thousand, and it did not awaken its superpower in the end.

Under the constant pounding of Xu Dong's tail, the long bone spurs penetrated the Allosaurus leader's head, completely cutting off its vitality.

In endless pain and anger, it died in this tunnel and became food for Xu Dong and the cowards.

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