Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 192 Counterattack and Night Walk

Is this Dragon Broken? Xu Dong glanced at this last evolved species of the velociraptor clan with admiration. The special thing should be its hard tail hammer.

But now that Broken Dragon has evolved, and we still don’t know whether it is an enemy or a friend, why would the leader of the Velociraptor clan give up on escaping and turn around to counterattack?

Unless the relationship between Velociraptor and Broken Dragon is not as tense as that of Thunder Dragon, they may even be relatively friendly.

Under the leadership of the big Broken Dragon, twenty-one Velociraptors rushed toward the Big Rock Dragon.

The most important thing about the biosphere is mutual growth and mutual restraint. Although rock dragons have hard shells and it is difficult for ordinary creatures to eat them, nature will not give you a chance to lie flat. No matter how buggy the species is, it can create natural enemies for you.

The exception, of course, is Homo erectus .

And what are the natural enemies of rock dragons?

Broken Dragon said: That's right.

The dragon's iron tail hammer has four rib-shaped protrusions on it, which are similar to the base of a missile. This structure can break rocks very well. In the same way, it can also easily break the rock dragon's back armor.

It's just that the big rock dragon is too big and its back armor is too hard. The broken dragon can't be broken in one go. If it were an ordinary rock dragon that's only a few meters long, it would be like a hammer smashing a walnut. It would fall apart with one hammer. It could be easily broken. Eat the meat inside.

Although the Big Rock Dragon is big, its back armor and the stones embedded in its body are too heavy, so its movements are not flexible. Of course, it only refers to its turning. If it is allowed to run in one direction, it can still run very fast.

The strategy of the Broken Dragon and Velociraptor is to attack in circles. The ten-meter-long Broken Dragon wields a gravel tail hammer and keeps wandering around the big rock dragon, avoiding attacks while looking for weak points.

As the natural enemy of the Rock Dragon clan, Broken Dragon is very familiar with the body structure of the Rock Dragon.

The rock dragon's body structure is similar to that of a turtle. The back and breastplate are very hard, and the whole body is mixed with stones to form a protective stone shell. When it is not moving, it looks like a hill.

Naturally, you can hit anywhere you want to deal with the small rock dragon, but to deal with this large rock dragon, you have to focus on the weak points of the head and limbs.

But first, the rock armor on its body must be removed, otherwise even its head and limbs cannot easily break through the defense.


The gravel tail hammer hit the right hind limb of the big rock dragon. The hard blue rock shell was cracked, revealing the original appearance of the right limb of the rock dragon.

Seeing this, the Big Rock Dragon once again got up on all fours and prepared to jump up. As a result, Broken Dragon completely shattered the rock shell of its right hind limb with a heavy hammer, and successfully hit its right knee. Although the bones were not broken, it caused some damage. The pain also prevented the big rock dragon from jumping up.

Just when you were about to take off, an arrow suddenly hit your knee. You couldn't keep your balance on your feet and could only fall to the ground.

The giant rock dragon has four limbs, and the other three legs support it from falling, but its body balance cannot be maintained.

This gave the leader of the Velociraptor an opportunity. He took advantage of the big rock dragon's instability, jumped up and bit its neck, and hung on it, increasing the rock dragon's load.

Dragon Broken took advantage of the victory and pursued it, raising its tail hammer again and striking at the exposed right hind limb of its body.


There was a loud noise, followed by the big rock dragon's cry of pain, but even then its legs were not broken. The body of the pseudo-legend was indeed strong, but no matter how strong it was, it had its limits.

Obviously, the Big Rock Dragon is not a powerful longevity species. Xu Dong has encountered many longevity species before, but they are not much stronger than ordinary creatures.

In the past, you could still have a size advantage, but now that you have superpowers, it's not surprising that ordinary creatures can defeat long-lived species.

The sun sank below the horizon and the sky became dark. The rock dragons had poor vision because they had been buried underground for a long time.

But the corresponding hearing is very sensitive, but the sensitive hearing cannot allow it to distinguish the location of the enemy, not to mention the interference of the Velociraptor.

After dark, the large rock dragon with poor vision was attacked more frequently. Its right hind limb was finally broken after multiple blows from the broken dragon. The broken leg completely made this pseudo-legend completely lose its ability to escape.

With the efforts of Broken Dragon and a group of Velociraptors, we can have a pseudo-legendary feast tonight.

Under the constant hammering of the gravel sledgehammer, a hole was finally opened in the dead big rock dragon. The broken dragon took the lead in tearing open the flesh and got in, and then came out again after a while.

Xu Dong knew that it was looking for the mutated proto-nucleus, so it was no pity. After all, the Broken Dragon was the most powerful in this battle. Without its appearance, the Velociraptor would not even be able to break through the Rock Dragon's defense. It would be great if it could escape, let alone Killed back.

And now Xu Dong is more interested in supernatural powers than in mutated prokaryotes.

Judging from various signs, superpowers can actually be inherited, but they are not easy to awaken. Just like the Thunder Thunder Dragon and this Broken Dragon that can use thunder to move quickly, they are both unique existences in the group. .

If I guessed correctly, Shattered Dragon should be a descendant of Judah and inherited Judah's superpower, but I don't know why instead of controlling magnets, his tail turned into a broken hammer.

It may be that there has been a mutation in the genetic inheritance process. From this point of view, Xu Dong actually has a chance of awakening Domo's telepathy.

While eating rock dragon meat, I unexpectedly obtained a component.

[Acquired component: Rock Dragon's eardrum]

Okay, at least it can enhance your hearing.

After eating the meat of the Big Rock Dragon, the velociraptors, who were in high spirits, continued to search for their tribesmen.

The leader of the Velociraptor seemed to know this Broken Dragon and wanted to invite it to go with him, but was rejected. The Broken Dragon was used to being a solitary creature and would not have much contact with its kind except for hunting.

The only difficulty on the road ahead this time is darkness. Velociraptor is not a nocturnal animal, and Xu Dong does not have night vision, so the darkness is very disadvantageous for Velociraptor.

Because you can't see clearly at night, you don't know what monsters are hidden in the darkness.

Fortunately, Velociraptors are so large that ordinary small and medium-sized predators would not dare to approach them, and large predators basically do not move at night, which makes the night relatively safe, but it is difficult to see the direction and easily get lost.

Fortunately, Xu Dong had a good memory. In later generations, he often walked at night and could identify the general direction.

It took several hours of walking to find the place where the Thunder Thunder Dragon was ambushed. Firstly, it was difficult to see clearly at night and it took time to identify the road. Secondly, it was also because it took a long detour through the deserted rock plains.

When the dragons arrived at the same clan's location, they found that there were more than a dozen green will-o'-the-wisps swinging in the air.

What the hell is this? Could it be that Zerg genes still have the ability to turn into ghosts?

But soon the experienced Velociraptor leader identified the ingredients of these will-o'-the-wisps. These were not will-o'-the-wisps at all, but the eyes of creatures, but the light emitted by their eyes was somewhat special.


Following a howl, there were shouts one after another from the front.

They are the orc blade wolves that invaded from Europe, a group of terrifying killers in the night!

Thanks to Eucalyptus Salt for the tip.

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