Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 193 Bloody Massacre

Blade wolves migrated from Europe to North America millions of years ago. They thought they could kill everyone and become the predator at the top of the food chain. Little did they know that North America is just a meat grinder.

Velociraptor, Thunderbolt Dragon, Allosaurus, Barbarian Dragon, Ceratosaurus, none of them are easy to mess with. After being severely beaten by the society, the Blade Wolf family finally found their own ecological niche.


What are the nocturnal animals at this time? Those are all small and medium-sized creatures that fight against the five scum.

The night vision inherited from Morgan beasts allows them to see at night, and group hunting makes them unmatched in the night ecology. This successfully allowed the blade wolves to survive in North America and started their own radiation evolution.

The dozens of green will-o'-the-wisps here are the light emitted by the blade wolves' night vision eyes, and they are eating here at this time.

The fight between the Thunder Dragon and the Thunder Dragon is just because of a feud, a hatred passed down from the ancestors, not for eating meat, so after having a prey as big as the Little Thunder Dragon, they will naturally not eat the meat of the Thunder Dragon again .

The Thunder Thunder Dragon waited for a while after eating, but seeing that the sky was dark, the Mutated Thunder Thunder Dragon still did not come back. Naturally, the other Thunder Thunder Dragons did not wait any longer and went directly back to their habitat.

The velociraptor carcasses on the ground are so cheap for small and medium-sized predators. They have to fill their stomachs as soon as possible before night comes, otherwise they have to wait for the blade wolf to finish eating before they have any leftovers to eat.

When the Blade Wolf arrived, it drove away the small and medium-sized creatures and monopolized the food here.

The Velociraptor and his party just happened to encounter a blade wolf eating. Of course, because the environment was too dark, they could not see the specific situation, but think about it and know that so many blade wolves gathered here can dance besides eating meat?

And aren’t the most numerous corpses of our own kind here?

Even if they couldn't see it, they couldn't allow the corpses of the same kind to be destroyed by blade wolves like this. The leader of the velociraptor clan led the velociraptors towards the green eyes in the dark.

Sometimes Xu Dong doesn't know whether to say that this leader values ​​​​love and justice, or that he is stubborn.

Xu Dong thinks that he is still relatively stubborn. Although there are times when he is relatively reckless, those are only a few cases. Generally speaking, in someone else's home court, shouldn't he focus on protecting himself?

As long as they wait quietly for the blade wolves to eat enough, they will leave naturally. The velociraptors are all dead anyway, so it doesn't matter if they lose a few pieces of meat.

But after all, it is a race that has evolved on its own, so it is hard for it to question anything. Instead, it is challenging the authority of the patriarch, which is very irrational.

And looking at how actively the tribe is taking this matter, it shows that they attach great importance to collecting the corpses of the same kind.

Okay, just fight, it doesn't want to use its brain anymore, it can just go with the leader of the Velociraptor.


Blade Wolf, who has night vision, was the first to spot the Velociraptor. Even though it had a mimicry skin, it was so big and there were so many of them. Blade Wolf was not a fool, so it was natural that he would not miss it.

It's just that the vision is blurry in the dark night. Even if they have night vision, they can't see clearly what kind of creature is coming over until.


The leader of the velociraptor roared, and then the twenty velociraptors behind them also roared, frightening the Blade Wolf for a moment.

Although this group of blade wolves from Europe have reproduced in North America for millions of years, their body length is only just over three meters. In terms of enlargement, the orcs are firmly suppressed by the dragons.

Therefore, even if there are dozens of blade wolves here, they would not dare to provoke the nine-meter-long apex predator Velociraptor.

If there was only one, it was still possible to risk trying to hunt, but now there were more than twenty velociraptors here, and the blade wolf would not dare to attack them unless it was for his own life.

Blade Wolf stepped aside knowingly and watched the movements of the velociraptors on the hillside not far away. Although they did not dare to attack the velociraptor group, they were still reluctant to give up the food.

After groping in the dark, they finally found six dead members of the same kind. Many of them had been eaten by various creatures. After carrying the remains of their kind, the velociraptors turned around and returned to their habitat.

This time there is no need to detour through the barren rocky plains, and we can save several hours by going back directly through the forest road.

Today was a really tiring day. He was busy from morning to night. Xu Dong decided to have a good sleep after going back to rest and refresh himself.

We didn't encounter any twists and turns on the way back, and we just returned to the habitat smoothly. When we saw the stone wall, everyone was very happy. After all, this is the place that these velociraptors, who are hunting desperately outside, are most attached to. That is their home.

A place where you can be free without restraint or fear is the warmest harbor for velociraptors.

But why is the habitat a little strange today?

The experienced leader of the Xunlong clan discovered something unusual. There was no one guarding the door? Even at night, arrangements are made for the Velociraptor to come over and keep watch. Is it because it is no longer lazy?

The leader of the Swift Dragon became increasingly uneasy and ran towards the stone wall.

Pushing open the door, the dragons were shocked by the sight in front of them.

Because the habitat is close to mountains and rivers, the starlight in the sky and the light reflected on the water surface cannot be seen clearly, but at least the visual range is much larger than outside.

The habitat at this time was covered with blood, mutilated limbs and broken meat. These were their relatives, all dead now, and not a single corpse was found.

The culprit who caused all this was lying peacefully by the lake and sleeping soundly, holding the half-bitten carcass of the Velociraptor in his hand.



Seeing this scene, the velociraptors went crazy and let out roars of grief and anger. They were furious and gnashing their teeth. They looked like crazy demons and rushed towards the big baboons in front of them.

They want to kill this butcher who eats the entire tribe and cuts off their bloodline!

The golden lion seemed to be sleeping soundly, even the roars of the velociraptors did not wake it up.

Twenty velociraptors rushed forward, biting with their teeth, poking with spears, and stabbing with their tails, but they could not even break the skin of the big baboon, which clearly showed the gap between the two sides.

Their useless attacks successfully woke up this gluttonous baboon. Today, it ate Thunderbolt, Apatosaurus, Barosaurus, and Velociraptor almost non-stop. Is this guy's stomach a bottomless pit? ?

No, this guy is in the stage of advancing from longevity species to immortality species. At this time, he needs to consume a lot of energy.

Xu Dong, who had been promoted once, guessed the situation of the giant baboon. Unless the existence of this level was called the red scale flying dragon, it would not be matched by the velociraptors.


The big baboon sat up and stretched, and the Velociraptor caught by its hand suddenly hit the stone wall like a kite with its string broken.

Seeing so many velociraptors around, the giant baboon smiled happily. As soon as he woke up, he had breakfast delivered to his door. How could he be so polite?

He quickly stretched out his hands, grabbed two velociraptors, threw them directly into his mouth, chewed them twice and swallowed them.

Not caring about the attacks of the velociraptors, it stood up from the ground. It was at least one or two meters taller than when they first met, and it was stronger than before in terms of hair and muscles.

Isn't it because of promotion? But this guy's superpower is that he can become stronger by eating?

This is too outrageous.

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