Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 191 Rock Dragon in the Wasteland

The wasteland is full of white stones, some big and some small. No one knows which rock is the disguise of the rock dragon.

They are buried very irregularly. Big rocks are not necessarily big rock dragons, and small rocks are definitely small rock dragons. Some big ones are buried deep, and a little bit is exposed on the land, making them look like small rocks.

This place is like land with mines buried in it. Every step you take may detonate the rock dragon.

The previous experience of the Velociraptor leader was of no use in the wilderness of wasteland. The only thing he could do was to stay away from the rocks as much as possible.

Stay away from rocks.

Stay away from the rocks!

It's just that the stones here are too dense, and the Velociraptors are also very large. Twenty-one of them walking together form a long formation of nearly 100 meters.

At this time, a Velociraptor accidentally stepped on a small stone. It may not have noticed it, after all, the stone was too small.

But this small white stone began to tremble slightly after being stepped on, and then the ground shook.

The leader of the Velociraptors keenly sensed something was wrong, and immediately shouted at the Velociraptors to disperse.

Soon, the small stone just kept popping up and getting bigger, and a big blue-gray head emerged from the ground and bit into the nearby Velociraptor.

However, this Velociraptor nimbly dodged it. After all, they were all experts in the clan selected by the leader of the Velociraptor clan. They were all experienced and strong old hunters. Naturally, they would not be attacked so easily.

The rock dragon quickly emerged from the ground. This guy was actually not that big, only about three meters. He was wide and fat, with short limbs and a towering rock carapace on his back. The whole dragon became almost like a turtle. .

With the appearance of this rock dragon, rock dragons soon began to appear all around. The big ones of these guys were only about five meters, and the smallest ones were only about three meters. They couldn't be compared with the huge velociraptor. After all, Because of the installation of super-giant cells, Velociraptors can grow to giant size much faster than other species.

But the trouble with rock dragons is that their carapace is as hard as stone. Even with the bite force of today's velociraptors, they cannot bite it open.

If you can't bite open the Velociraptor's carapace, you won't be able to eat anything. If you fight against the Rock Dragon, you'll be eaten by the one you can't defeat. If you can't defeat the Rock Dragon, you won't be able to break the defense. The gain outweighs the loss. Over time, no creature will want to tangle with the Rock Dragon. What a waste of time.

The Velociraptor originally didn't want to confront the Rock Dragon, so it walked cautiously, but these guys were stubborn and would attack relentlessly as long as they dared to break into their territory.

Facing the rock dragon's attack, Xu Dong knocked it away with a stick.

The Velociraptor's body is nine meters long, and the wooden spear it holds in its hand is made from a whole tall tree that has been pruned and processed.

In this way, the whole tree is heavy and hard enough, and even without the thorns at the top, it is powerful enough to swing.

Xu Dong's stick was like hitting a baseball, sending it flying far away.

The leader of the Velociraptor clan was more aggressive. He stepped on one and kept beating the carapace with wood.

It was smart enough to know that sharp weapons were ineffective against rock dragons. On the contrary, hitting them with blunt objects was more likely to damage the main body in the stone armor.

Other Velociraptors also followed the same example and kept knocking the Rock Dragon away and knocking it unconscious. However, more and more of these stone-like creatures were beaten and kept emerging from the soil.

Seeing that the leader of the Velociraptor Clan would be consumed sooner or later if this continued, he roared and asked the Velociraptors to break out with him.

The T-shaped body structure of the Velociraptor during the breakout was not without its benefits. At least its downward-facing forelimbs could clear the way for the Rock Dragon.

The big tree stick kept swinging, and the rock dragons in front were knocked down. A group of velociraptors quickly rushed through the group of rock dragons along the path opened by the leader.

After rushing for half an hour, the sky darkened. The Velociraptors finally rushed to the edge of the barren rock plains, and they could see the sparse ferns in front of them.

There is just a raised gravel belt in front of them. With so many stones, there should be many rock dragons. As long as they break through this final interception, the road to the burial ground of the same kind will be smooth sailing.

It's just that the leader of the Velociraptor and Xu Dong were overly optimistic. They didn't expect that what emerged from the gravel belt ahead was not a group of rock dragons, but a huge rock dragon!

When the gravel area rises up, the white rocks lie in front of the Velociraptor like a stone mountain.

This stone mountain is thirty meters high and fifty meters wide, completely blocking the path forward of the velociraptor.

The leader of the velociraptor made a prompt decision and let the dragons disperse and escape from both sides.

The Big Rock Dragon may have just woken up, and its movements were not very flexible. It raised its huge forelimbs and almost hit the leader of the Velociraptor, but it turned its head to avoid it.

With the speed of the velociraptor, it quickly bypassed the big rock dragon and ran towards the fern plain.

The Big Rock Dragon roared angrily, and slapped the ground with its short four legs. Its whole body actually bounced up, turning into a mountain and pressing down on the Velociraptor.

This is truly a prehistoric earthquake.

The big rock dragon is square, fifty long and fifty wide, almost the size of half a football field.

Although the velociraptors were running scattered and sparsely positioned, two of them were still shrouded in the shadow of the big rock dragon. One of them was on the edge and still had hope of running away, but the other one in the center was almost certain to die.

The leader of the Velociraptor turned around and shouted, and was about to rush to the rescue, but it was obviously too late.

Seeing that it was about to be crushed to death by the falling rock dragon, this velociraptor had already closed its eyes and accepted death.

But it didn't feel the huge pressure, but heard a huge explosion, which made its head feel dizzy and its inner ears buzzed.

Out of nowhere, a huge velociraptor about ten meters tall appeared. Its appearance was exactly the same as that of a velociraptor. The only difference was the large and heavy fusiform tail hammer.

In the animal kingdom, the tail is of great use. It can maintain body balance and coordination during exercise, and can also be used as a weapon. For example, the strongest weapon of sauropods is the whip tail, as well as the sword tail and armor of Stegosaurus. Dragon's tail hammer.

The tail fin of fish crawling in the sea is the driving force for forward movement. Kangaroos can use their tails to support their bodies. Monkeys can hang their tails on branches and wander around. Peacocks' tails can intimidate and frighten enemies. Platypus's tails can even store fat.

The loud noise that had just been made was the roar of the large velociraptor hitting the rock dragon hard with its tail hammer.

The final result was that the large rock dragon was hit sideways, and the velociraptor that was destined to die escaped, but the large velociraptor that saved it was knocked to the ground by the backlash.

At the call of the leader of the velociraptors, the velociraptors that had escaped the disaster immediately ran back into the formation. Twenty-one velociraptors gathered together and roared towards the big rock dragon.

Xu Dong was a little confused, why didn't he run away? You can run out of the wilderness in no time.

But soon the leader of Xunlong gave a reason, which translated into a meaning that Xu Dong could understand: Broken Dragon is here, we don't have to run away anymore, we can follow Broken Dragon to do its thing.

Shattered dragon? Is this the last species that evolved from Velociraptor?

In the distance, the large velociraptor got up again, struck the ground with its huge tail hammer, and roared at the rock dragon, fuck it!

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