Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 190 Bring the compatriots back to their graves

The wound as thick as a vat looks scary, but it is not fatal to the Sun Flame Shenron. The components Xu Dong installed are simply crazy, making the Sun Flame Shenron's vitality even smaller than Xiaoqiang's.

Although the big baboon is still a little unwilling, it can only do this. After all, it cannot fly and cannot catch up with the Sun Flame Dragon.

Xu Dong knew that there was no good show, and he didn't dare to stay. He turned around and ran away.

The golden-haired baboon threw the mutant pronucleus the size of a rice grain in his hand into his mouth, roared twice and left on his forelimbs. Although they were traveling in opposite directions, they might see each other again soon.

After running for a long time, he finally returned to his tribe. Xu Dong was shocked by this sight.

Can these guys build a wall now? So outrageous?

Velociraptors are very large, with a length of nine meters and a height of about three meters. Their gregarious nature means that it is difficult to accommodate them in ordinary places.

The habitats chosen for this purpose are close to mountains and rivers, which can save as much preparation as possible.

The habitat of the Xudong ethnic group is in a mountain valley, surrounded by mountains on three sides and by a river on one side. The only thing that needs to be guarded against is the junction of the mountains and the river on the northwest side, where enemies may attack.

So in order to ensure the safety of the habitat as much as possible, the leader of I don’t know which generation came up with a way to build a wall!

They are huge in size and powerful, so they can carry very heavy stones, but the stones are not reliable if they are just stacked there. For this reason, the genius leader searched all over the world and finally found a kind of clay that can stick the stones together. Together, they built the first wall of the Xunlong clan.

Then the wall method quickly spread to all velociraptor groups in North America and has been spread to this day.

As the mortal enemy of the Velociraptors, Thunder Thunder Dragons also imitated Velociraptors in building fences, but their slender hooks could not flexibly grasp and carry them, so it didn't take long for them to give up this idea and return to the simple primitive life.

Passing through the city wall guarded by the strong Velociraptors, and stepping into the habitat of the Velociraptors, there are not many Velociraptors, only a few hundred in the sky, far less than the scale when Xu Dong died millions of years ago.

This is because the velociraptors are too big, and if there are too many, it will be difficult to maintain an ecosystem. Therefore, the velociraptors spread out and bloomed all over North America and Europe.

Soon the leader of the group and a dozen strong velociraptors came back with their prey. When they saw Xu Dong alone, they immediately called out to ask what was going on.

Although they haven't invented language yet, simple communication is no longer a problem.

Xu Dong began to use his fingers and screams to explain what he had experienced today, indicating that the rest of the tribe was ambushed by the Thunder Thunder Dragon and the whole group was wiped out. He was the only one who escaped.

Faced with this situation, all the velociraptors lowered their heads in silence for their fellow victims.

Although they haven't seen the ending of all the velociraptors, both Xu Dong and the velociraptors here know that it's mostly a disaster.

But even if the Velociraptor dies, it cannot just be exposed in the wilderness and become food and habitat for other creatures. Returning fallen leaves to their roots is Xu Dong's deepest obsession as an upright ape.

After being passed down to the Little Red Dragon, the Swift Lizard and the Swift Dragon, settling into the grave has become the most important ritual and destination for the Swift Dragon clan.

The leader of the Xunlong clan immediately stated that he would bring the bones of his clan members back for burial, so that they could return to the embrace of their ancestors.

Many velociraptors around are eager to try and actively want to participate in this operation.

But the leader of the Velociraptors only ordered nineteen of the strongest Velociraptors. After eating and drinking, he followed Xu Dong to the place where he was killed.

Xu Dong did not expect that the Velociraptors would have such courage. You must know that even though they had just arrived in the Jurassic World for just one day, they had already encountered two hostile species, the Thunderbolt Dragon and the Golden Lion.

This shows what? It shows that today's North America is full of dangers. You must know that the three gangsters of Allosaurus, Barbarian, and Ceratosaurus, the Blade Wolf of the Beast Tribe, and the Broken Dragon, a branch of the Velociraptor Tribe, have not appeared.

Faced with such a dangerous situation, it is simply crazy to go out and take risks for a group of velociraptors that have been sentenced to death.

However, as the founder of the Xunlong Clan, Xu Dong felt a little emotional and was pleased with the friendship between the Xunlong Clan and the emphasis on burial.

He led twenty velociraptors in the direction of the previous hunting, trying to keep a low profile along the way. They just wanted to bring back the corpses of the same kind instead of hunting. It was best not to cause a big noise.

However, while traveling on a well-traveled forest road, I encountered a group of closely related barosaurs passing by. These fifteen-meter-long giants were usually the food of velociraptors, but now they were in groups and had nothing to fear.

There are too many of these big guys, and all kinds of creatures have to make way for them when they pass by the elephant herds of later generations. The leader of the velociraptor is not stupid, so he can't force his way into the dragon group and just wait obediently for the heavy dragon to pass by.

It's just that some of the velociraptors are sensible but some are not. A big golden baboon fell from the sky and landed directly among the dragons, surpassing the height of the giant dragons.

The closely related Barosaurus belongs to the subfamily Diplodocus, and it also has a long neck and a long tail. How to easily distinguish Mamenchisaurus, Diplodocus and Brachiosaurus, the three major Jurassic idiots, is to look at the body shape.

The body shape of Mamenchisauridae is \\, with the neck pointing upward and the tail pointing downward.

Diplodocidae have a / neck downward, a tail upward, and dorsal spines on their back.

As for Brachiosaurus, it is the most recognizable of the three giants because their forelimbs are long and their entire body structure is similar to that of an orangutan, with their heads held high and their chests held high.

However, even if Barosaurus could raise its neck, its height would only be no more than five meters, less than half that of a giant baboon.

This furious and gluttonous baboon grabbed a barosaur by the neck with one hand after falling down, roared at Tian Chang, and then threw the two 8-ton giants up and started spinning around in the group of dragons.

The closely related Barosaurus is 15 meters long and weighs 8 tons. The giant baboon swings like a storm of blades. It will die if it rubs against it and fly away if it touches it.

The clever Velociraptor leader took the Velociraptors away from the heavy dragon group when the baboon first landed. After asking Xu Dong back, he decided not to provoke the giant baboon and chose to pass through the barren rocky field on the side.

The Barren Stone Plain is as its name suggests, with barren land and stones everywhere, but even in such a place, there are still creatures living in it, and that is the Rock Dragon clan.

These guys who like to bury themselves in the soil and pretend to be rocks were in the same family as the Velociraptor tens of millions of years ago. It was the Sand Rock Lizard that evolved from the Velociraptor. After acquiring Zerg genes, it mutated into the special species Rock Dragon.

Rock dragons are not picky eaters and will eat meat, plants and even stones. Because their appearance is so similar to stones, they often lurk in wilderness, rocky beaches, mountains and other places to ambush passing creatures.

The Wild Stone Plain is a place where rock dragons have been confirmed to exist. Under normal circumstances, Velociraptors used to hunt through forest roads and rarely detoured to the Wild Stone Plain.

But now a giant baboon that looked like a god of death was blocking the way, and they had no choice but to risk crossing the stone plain.

Thanks to Mingmen for the reward.

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