Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 189 Golden Lion

In the distance, a huge head suddenly appeared on a slope. The head was not like any other dragon in this era, but more like an orangutan.

No, to be precise, it looks more like a baboon, with golden hair, a slender face, two long horns on its head, a protruding mouth, and two sharp fangs protruding from the upper jaw, showing that this baboon is not easy to mess with. .

It just pushed hard with both hands, climbed over the slope and jumped down. The smoke and dust raised when it landed narrowed the eyes of Xu Dong and Lei Xunlong.

When he opened it again, the big golden-haired baboon had already come closer. It looked almost the same as the baboons of later generations. The forelimbs were strong and slender, supporting the ground, and the hind limbs were slightly shorter, but also very strong.

The upright height of the golden-haired baboon is nearly ten meters, which is only slightly lower than the small head of Apatosaurus Louisa and much higher than Xudong and Thunder Dragon.

Although Velociraptor and Thunderosaurus are also nine meters long, their hip height is only 2.5 meters. Counting their heads, they are only over three meters at most, which is only one third of the size of a giant baboon.

No, Xu Dong's countless years of combat experience made him choose to trust his instincts and run as hard as he could into the distance, avoiding the big baboon's grasp.

The Thunderbolt Dragon, who was stunned for a moment, was not so lucky. The big baboon grabbed the Thunder Thunder Dragon like a chicken.

Its big hands held the thunder dragon like iron pliers. No matter how the super dragon struggled and used electric energy to attack, the big baboon remained unmoved.

It just grabbed the thunder dragon and brought it to its mouth, and bit off the thunder dragon's head with a bang.

The legs of the Thunder Thunder Dragon, which was struggling desperately, fell down and could no longer move. It was eaten clean by the golden baboon as a snack.

Xu Dong, who had already run far away, couldn't help but sigh at the cruelty of this guy.

As we all know, the source of fear is the unknown. No matter how powerful a creature he encountered in the past, he would always have the memory of future generations as a reference to help him understand what the creature was, its height and weight, and its habits.

And this golden baboon should not appear at all in this era. Moreover, it is so huge. It may be a pseudo-legend that ate a mutated pronucleus, and it may even have super powers.

This kind of ignorant creature is the most troublesome. The orcs have been marching towards the land since they became extinct in the early Jurassic. Over tens of millions of years, it is not known how many of these mutated creatures have appeared?

After the giant baboon ate the Thunderbolt dragon like a snack, it looked at the feast in front of it, Louisa's Apatosaurus.

The huge Apatosaurus was not to be outdone and made a protest sound towards him.

The two behemoths demonstrated to each other for a while, and the golden-haired baboon was the first to take action. It hammered the ground with its forelimbs, ran wildly for about ten steps, jumped up with all its strength, raised its forelimbs high, and rushed towards the Apatosaurus.

Apatosaurus is not a vegetarian when it grows so big. Its neck is extremely hard, like a wishful golden hoop. It can break mountains and crack rocks with one hit.

Facing the big baboon's flying attack, Apatosaurus just slapped it away with a stick.

Maybe the golden-haired baboon didn't expect that the Apatosaurus' neck could be swung so fast. It couldn't dodge even though it was flying in the air, so it was knocked away.

The power of this neck is so great that ordinary creatures are basically smashed into pulp. Even the pseudo-legend will be seriously injured next, but this big baboon got up unscathed.

It is not only a pseudo-legend, it has also awakened powerful abilities, and ordinary attacks cannot break through its outer skin defense.

The big baboon sat up and shook its head, bared its fangs and roared at Apatosaurus.

Louisa's Apatosaurus is extremely dignified, and the baboon's tenacity is beyond its imagination. In the past, no creature could withstand its blow without dying. Not only did this unprecedented creature not die, it was not even injured. It couldn't help it. Not solemn.

The big baboon stood up and beat its chest hard, making a bang bang bang sound.

Then she rushed towards the Apatosaurus with both feet and quickly. This time Louisa's Apatosaurus turned around and pointed its tail at the big baboon. The slender whip tail made a pop sound in the air.

You must know that the most powerful weapon of the Diplodocidae is not the long neck, but their whip tail, which can be strong or soft.

The whip tail of Louisa's Apatosaurus pierced the air and whipped towards the golden-haired baboon, but the baboon, with its quick hands and eyes, grabbed one and swung it from side to side as the Apatosaurus vigorously swung it around.

But soon the golden-haired baboon gained a firm footing, pulled the Apatosaurus' whip tail to the limit, and then swung it forcefully.

This scene was just like King Kong swinging Godzilla, and it kept spinning five or six times. As soon as the big baboon let go, Louisa Apatosaurus flew out according to the inertia and hit the mountain wall.

The thirty-five-meter pseudo-legendary Apatosaurus crashed into the cliff, and the sharp stone wall pierced through its chest. It was nailed to the cliff, blood flowed from the huge wound, and its thick neck kept swollen. Lifting up, the little mouth opened and closed, letting out a cry of pain.

The golden-haired baboon stood upright on its feet again, slapped its chest with its fists, and screamed ho ho ho to express its joy.

The big baboon came to the seriously injured Apatosaurus, tore open its wound without mercy, and searched for something inside.

After a while, it grabbed a very small white bead. This is the source of longevity and power of living things, mutated prokaryotic bacteria.

The giant baboon was so big that the mutated pronucleus was smaller than a grain of rice in its hand. However, it was as excited as a child for such a small thing. It raised its hand to the sky and admired the beauty of the white beads through the sunlight.

At this moment, a ball of flame shot into the baboon's hand. Although it could not hurt it, the vibration caused made the mutated pronucleus the size of a rice grain slip from the fingertips.

It's now!

A Sun Flame Divine Dragon with a wingspan of fifteen meters rode the breeze and rushed towards the original core at high speed.

However, it was still not as fast as the big baboon's hands. Its left hand stretched out and firmly caught the mutated pronucleus, holding it firmly in the palm of its hand and refusing to open it again.

The Sun Flame Divine Dragon that rushed towards him opened his mouth wide and sprayed out a stream of venom, which ignited into blazing flames when it touched the air.

The golden-haired baboon ate a burst of flames without dodging, and rushed through the flames with its right hand to grab the Sun Flame Flying Dragon.

However, how could a flying creature be caught by a mere terrestrial creature? The Sun Flame Divine Dragon spread its black wings, and the whole dragon took to the air again, looking down at the big baboon.

The flying dragons are proud. There is nothing but the blue sky above their heads. There is food under their feet no matter how big or small. As long as they raise their black wings, no prey can hurt them.

But today there was someone who did not believe in evil. The big baboon pulled out a thigh bone from the body of Apatosaurus, used it as a javelin, and shot it towards the Sun Flame Dragon in the sky.

The powerful force made the bone spears so fast that they could tear through the air. The proud Sun Flame Dragon never thought that there would be creatures that could attack them from the ground.

He was too careless to dodge, and was pierced by the long bone spear, opening a large hole in his chest as thick as a water tank.

The Sun Flame Divine Dragon howled miserably but did not die. The Sun Flame Divine Dragon clan with regenerated cells, mutated prokaryotes, and chloroplasts would find it difficult to die as long as their heads were not shot instantly.

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