Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 188 Apatosaurus, Little Thunder Dragon

The little brontosaurus ran wildly in front, and the velociraptors fell behind slowly, just waiting for the giant dragon to be exhausted, and it was time for them to enjoy a delicious meal.

But sometimes, there will always be some changes.

There were shadows in the woods ahead, and a group of tall carnivorous dragons suddenly sprang out and threw the fleeing little brontosaurus to the ground.

The largest one among them, its huge mouth bit into the thick neck of the Brontosaurus. The sharp teeth and powerful bite force completely cut off the last vestige of life of this big guy.

These guys who came out halfway are very similar to velociraptors, with the same size and shape. The only difference is that the scales of velociraptors are cyan, and although they are generally cyan, they have blue stripes on their bodies. They are from A similar species that splintered from the Thunder Dragon clan, the Thunder Thunder Dragon.

Although Thunder Dragon and Thunder Dragon are from the same lineage, due to some historical reasons, they can now be said to be unrelenting enemies.

There were ten thunder dragons on the opposite side, and they were all strong adult dragons, especially the leader, which was even more than ten meters long.

Faced with this situation, the leader of the Thunder Dragon team made a decisive decision to retreat. If the little Thunder Dragon is gone, he can still hunt, but if his life is gone, everything will be over.

However, the feuding Thunder Dragon did not want to let go of these Thunder Dragons so easily. He actually dropped the dying Thunder Dragon and refused to eat it, and approached Xu Dong and other dragons step by step.

It seems that these guys are planning to catch them all in one go. They are really greedy, but why do they think they can surely eat Xu Dong and other dragons?

Although the Thunder Dragon has the advantage in terms of numbers, it is only three more than the Thunder Dragon, and it does not have an overwhelming advantage. Even if they can win in a real fight, it is destined to be a miserable victory, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

But they still came over and were not afraid of losses at all, which meant that they were confident. The only explanation was that there were supernatural dragons among them.

Thinking about Peter, he even killed a nine-meter-long Megalodon with a single blast from the electromagnetic gun. The power of thunder and lightning left a deep impression on Xu Dong's heart.


The captain shouted, and Xu Dong immediately understood the meaning of the cry.

This battle-experienced velociraptor obviously saw that the opposite thunder velociraptor was unusual, so he didn't even fight and simply let the velociraptors scatter and run away.

Facing a powerful enemy with superpowers, resisting is extremely stupid. You will only lose your life in vain. Only by spreading out and running away can you have a chance to escape.

Although the superpowers on the earth all come from the alien genes brought to the earth by the Zerg, it does not mean that a dragon can become extraordinary. In fact, just like the X-Men, there are still a small number of people with superpowers, and most of them are ordinary dinosaurs.

The Thunder Dragon that had just bitten the Thunder Dragon's neck was the only awakened dragon in the world, and it was also a strong contender to be the next leader of the Thunder Dragon clan.

As a branch of the Thunder Dragon clan, Thunder Thunder Dragons are actually not low in IQ, but they cannot grasp tools like Thunder Dragons.

This powerful thunder dragon looked at the fleeing dragons without any panic. It roared and let the thunder dragons chase each other. The blue electric bugs on its body glowed slightly, and as the electric current surged, its speed increased instantly. stand up.

Thunder rushes away, open!

The Thunder Dragon turned into a blue lightning and chased directly towards the strongest Thunder Dragon Captain. It only took less than a minute to catch up with it, and slashed towards the Thunder Dragon Captain with its thunderous claws.

Faced with such danger, the experienced Velociraptor Captain quickly turned sideways to avoid the Thunder Dragon's claw attack, but the crackling thunder and lightning still caused slight paralysis on him.

Because they have not evolved flexible knuckles and arms, the main attack weapon of thunder dragons is their hooks, but over millions of years of evolution, their hooks can withstand the blessing of thunder and lightning.

Flashing past Captain Velociraptor, Thunder Thunder Dragon kicked its legs, changed direction instantly, and arrived in front of Captain Velociraptor in the blink of an eye. The thunder claws stabbed into the chest, and the power of thunder and poison were almost instantaneous. This caused Captain Xunlong to lose his ability to move.

Then he bit off the head directly, and the separated body of the Velociraptor fell at the feet of the Thunder Thunder Dragon.

At this moment, the Thunder Thunder Dragon looked extremely ferocious with its mouth full of blood.

Xu Dong glanced back and felt that it was a bit tricky. After adding a few points of essence to his agility, he ran towards the distance without looking back.

If Xu Dong were to fight Thunder Dragon now, he would not necessarily lose, but it would be very troublesome.

Although there is no mutated pronucleus and no 3D mode, with his rich combat experience and attribute points, Xu Dong believes that he can have a shot at Chaofan.

The velociraptors escaping from the surrounding area were all overtaken by the thunder velociraptors. Although not everyone in this branch race had lightning powers, they did evolve faster than the velociraptors in terms of running speed.

There is only one exception, and that is Xu Dong.

Xu Dong, who had increased his agility, actually threw away the pursuing Thunder Dragon. This attracted the attention of the powerful Thunder Dragon, which immediately used Thunderbolt Speed ​​to chase Xu Dong.

After discovering the pursuit of this supernatural dragon, Xu Dong immediately topped up his agility and started to speed up.

The two dragons chased and escaped like this, traveling through the forest, knocking down new saplings, crossing rivers, trampling countless fish to death, raising clouds of smoke and dust on the loess, and captivating the Stegosaurus's eyes.

It sounds like a long time, but in fact I only ran more than 30 kilometers. I could still run at full speed for the first ten minutes, but then I lost the physical strength and had to gradually slow down. By the end, I was tired after running into the gravel forest. It's hard to move.




The two dragons were panting heavily, and Xu Dong was also frustrated. Why was this guy so stubborn? He still refused to give up after chasing for almost an hour.

For Lei Xunlong, the education he received since he was a child is to face up to difficulties and never back down in the face of a strong opponent. This is because he inherited Peter's personality and just rush forward.

Therefore, Thunder Thunder Dragon never gives up the prey it has obtained. Challenging prey like Xu Dong can arouse their interest even more.

I just didn't expect that this prey could run so well, and it turned from a hunt into a marathon.

In the gravel forest where they took a temporary rest, the ground vibrated, and something suddenly came out of the ground. Xu Dong and Lei Xunlong immediately became alert.

The huge dinosaur emerged from the ground, and its long neck revealed its identity. Apatosaurus Louisa, the largest type species of the Apatosaurus genus, how could this guy get into the soil?

Luisa Apatosaurus emerged from the ground, completely revealing its huge body in front of all creatures.

The normal Apatosaurus is 23 meters long, but this one is even more exaggerated, more than 35 meters long. One foot is higher than the head of Xudong two dragons, not to mention the neck that shoots straight into the sky. It really looks like a later generation. The widely circulated face-covering emoji.

This huge Apatosaurus simply ignored the two apex predators Xu Dong and Thunder Dragon, which were nearly nine meters tall, and instead turned its attention to the north.



The ground is shaking, something big is coming!

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