Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 187 Re-armed to Attack

Can't install special components that have already been installed?

Xu Dong couldn't help but count the special components he had not installed. It seemed that there was only one dark night light cell left. The problem was that Velociraptor was not a nocturnal animal and had no need for this thing at all.

However, the common component, the mimetic skin of the Salamander, can be installed, which is very useful in complex terrain and is very suitable for assassin-style tactics.

After installing the mimicry skin, imagine that in the forest, a herbivorous dragon was going to eat the young leaves on the tree. Just as it was approaching a big tree, a bald head suddenly appeared and swallowed it in one bite.

It feels pretty good, I need to install it.

The cost of installing the mimetic skin of the salamander is much more expensive than teeth and masseter muscles. Because the outer layer of the Velociraptor is basically scales, the skin cannot be directly adjusted. Each scale can only be modified, which consumes a lot of time. Sephiroth.

But considering the profit, Xu Dong still spent 60 points to install it. After that, the Velociraptor can flip its scales like Mystique in the movie, almost deforming.

There are more than a hundred points of source material left. Do you want to install the fire-breathing component?

No, the flame of civilization should not come from God, nor should it come from fire-breathing venom. What civilization needs is to discover fire, generate fire, and use fire. If you want to truly become a terrifying creature like the upright ape, you have to do everything yourself. .

After returning to the world, Xu Dong will take them to ignite the flames and create a civilization belonging to the Velociraptor clan.

Since you don't need to breathe fire or anything like that, let's install something that is useful. I tried the subdermal bone formation of the Crocodile before when I was a red-scaled flying dragon. It was quite easy to use. Install it, and use the remaining source matter to install a leg. The dragon's thrust is not much better.

As a result, subcutaneous bone formation appeared on the Velociraptor's body, a row of rib-like ridges appeared on its back, and there were several bone spurs on its tail, making it look very ferocious.

The last step is to use the jump points. I didn't know that I could only click once at a time, which wasted many opportunities to become stronger. Now Xu Dong has a lot of jump points, so I can't waste them anymore.

Without any hesitation, he clicked on the third eye on his head. The third eye combined with the 3D mode of sharp angle awakening is a magical skill. Although it is more brain-intensive, it is very easy to use. It can be used for single-on-one fights and group fights to save people. Get on.

Adding the second point to the third eye, I don’t know what more powerful abilities will appear. Xu Dong is very much looking forward to it.

After the transformation was completed, he chose to enter the world. This time, the transformed Velociraptor had no mutations, and Xu Dong could not see what the evolution looked like now.

The long river of time flows quickly, and it once again entered the sea-viewing mode.

But this time it was a little different, there were two more things.

In the upper left corner is a long series of numbers that regresses rapidly, and in the lower right corner is text that keeps flashing.

what's the situation?

I saw something that Xu Dong paid attention to appeared in the rapidly beating text.

[Thunder Dragon King failed in the fight for the throne, led nearly half of the clan to leave, and the Swift Dragon clan split]

The text flashed by without giving Xu Dong a chance to take a closer look.

[The mutated evolution of the beast race appears in Europe]

[Allosaurus fragilis appears in North America]

[The two North American overlords, the Velociraptor Clan, fought a battle. The Thunder Dragon clan was defeated, and the Velociraptor clan was severely damaged.]

[The appearance of the red-scaled flying dragon clade North American flying dragon]

[Allosaurus has a different variant and a powerful Allosaurus, and it begins to radiate and evolve rapidly]

[The Blade Wolf tribe crosses the strait and reaches North America]

[Barbarian dragon crosses the strait and reaches North America]

[Rapid radiation evolution of the genus Saberwolf and Brutosaurus]

[The mutated and specialized genus Ceratosaurus spotted in Ceratosaurus appears in North America]

[The genus Ceratosaurus begins to radiate evolution]

[The emergence of the Velociraptor clade, Shatterosaurus]

Xu Dong almost didn't look at the earth during the entire sea viewing, and all his attention was focused on the information bar.

The information bar scrolled so fast that Xu Dong had no time to remember it. He basically just glanced at it and skipped it instantly. He could only keep picking out key words for reading.

As a result, he didn't remember a few until he was kicked into the world.

[Time: 151 Ma Late Jurassic Tithuan Period]

Opening his eyes, Xu Dong's bright eyes almost blinded him.

Getting up from the ground, I looked around for the first time. Fortunately, they were all normal species of the same kind. There were about six or seven of them, and they were ambushing in the jungle, preparing to hunt a small Brontosaurus.

Well, it's not a juvenile Brontosaurus, but its scientific name is Little Brontosaurus.

Everyone is familiar with Brontosaurus, and it is also one of the most well-known vegetarian dinosaurs. It belongs to the Apatosaurus subfamily of the Diplodocidae family and is a behemoth of the Jurassic.

This little Brontosaurus eating leaves is 19 meters long and has thick limbs. The most eye-catching thing is its thick and hard neck, which is nothing like the thin and long species evolved from the Diplodocidae family.

The 19-meter-long adult baby Brontosaurus has a hip height of 4 meters and a weight of up to 14 tons. It is impossible for ordinary dinosaurs to hunt such a big guy.

But Velociraptor can. Velociraptor has super-giant cells. In more than 10 million years, it has grown from four meters to nine meters. It is not inferior to Tan's Barbarian, the largest in North America today.

The most egregious thing is that Velociraptor is also a swarming animal, almost a terrifying killing machine that combines the advantages of savage dragon and Allosaurus.

In this Morrison group, Velociraptor really suppressed the three North American gangsters and achieved an achievement that Scale Dragon could not even imagine.

But underneath this imperial hegemony, there is an extremely turbulent undercurrent that can topple the Xunlong Empire at any time.

From the information obtained when looking at the sea, we can know how chaotic this land in North America is at this time.

The external threats are not only the three North American hooligans in history, but also difficult opponents such as Blade Wolf and North American Flying Dragon.

Within the Thunder Dragon Clan, the Lightning Thunder Dragon is already determined to fight to the death, and the newly evolved Broken Dragon doesn't know what the situation is and whose side it stands on.

It's a headache. Just by hearing the name, I knew that the Thunder Dragon was the bomb it left behind back then. I didn't expect it to actually explode, and it exploded so hard, interrupting the civilization process of the Thunder Dragon clan.

If he could see Peter again, Xu Dong would definitely give him a taste of what the iron fist of love is.

But now it was useless to think so much. It was still more important to fill his stomach. Xu Dong picked up his wooden spear. Yes, the dragon took the spear. At least the Velociraptor was not left behind when it came to tools.

Follow the surrounding Velociraptors and approach the Little Thunder Dragon.

The mimic feather scales on their bodies can hide their bodies very well and confuse these stupid dragons with small heads.

When they got closer, the hunting captain who took the lead even walked under the Brontosaurus's neck. Without it noticing, he stabbed the little Brontosaurus in the chest with a spear.


The sound of the wooden spear entering the flesh seemed to be a signal, and the surrounding velociraptors all returned to their original appearance and rushed towards the nineteen-meter-long guy.

Stabbing with wooden spears, chopping with stone axes, and gnawing with teeth, the velociraptor uses all its methods in hunting.

Even the huge Thunder Dragon could not withstand the attacks of so many Velociraptors. After a while, his body was covered with wounds and blood flowed out uncontrollably.

The little Brontosaurus howled and ran away in the distance, but how could the clumsy vegetarian dragon outrun the predators? In this constant chase, the Brontosaurus was destined to fall first due to lack of physical strength and become a delicious meal for the Velociraptor family.

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