Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 186 Xu Dong’s Funeral

The morning light first appeared, and the sun shone on the earth. Xu Dong held the stone carving in one hand and the stone ax in the other. He lay down peacefully on the unknown hill. Thirteen velociraptors surrounded him, calling out to their only one. relatives.


Wow wow

Death is so common, but they never thought that the god-like figure would one day fall.

Tears flowed like a bursting river, and the screams were louder and sadder than the last. The emotions were mixed with sadness, shock, reluctance, disbelief, and it was difficult to calm down.

When the sun was high in the sky, all the velociraptors stood under the Wuming Mountain. The ten little dragons struggled to dig the soil on the ground. Even though the hole was large enough, they still refused to stop. Perhaps they were numbing their hearts with labor. Be sad.

Judas, Peter, and Thomas carefully carried Xu Dong's body and moved towards the pit step by step at a turtle's speed. With every step they took, Xu Dong's former voice and appearance would appear in their minds.

He rescued the tuatara from its mouth, pushed it away without hesitation when facing the thunder, and stroked the top of its head with a smile.

This scene is like a slideshow, rolling in my mind. The more it rolls, the more tears can't stop flowing.

The Thirteen Velociraptors are the cornerstone of the entire Velociraptor Tribe, the pillar that supports the entire tribe, and Xu Dong is the backbone of the Thirteen Velociraptors.

From childhood to adulthood, it was he who held up the sky, shielded them from the wind and rain, cared about them, protected them, and raised them into dragons.

Now that the pillars have collapsed and the sun has gone out, all the velociraptors are as confused and helpless as if they were in darkness.

In the outside world, they are majestic velociraptor commanders, commanding thousands of velociraptors to hunt and conquer like butchers.

Only in front of Xu Dong will they reveal their true colors, Peter is proud but reckless, Judas is calm but naughty, Thomas is witty but autistic, Jacob is reckless but affectionate and loyal...

These natures that cannot be seen by outsiders can only be displayed unscrupulously in front of Xu Dong without worrying about bad influences.

Now, the passing of Xu Dong has taken away their former youthfulness. Maturity may not necessarily mean growing up, it may just mean losing the person you can trust wholeheartedly without worrying about other people.

They may be parents, wives, brothers and sisters, and only in front of these people can one show his childishness and immaturity unscrupulously.

This was a grand funeral that had never been seen before. Thousands of dragons gathered under the nameless mountain. The dragons moved to both sides, leaving a road open for Peter and the three dragons to pass.

The road that carried Xu Dong finally came to an end, and ahead was the pit where everything was buried.

Standing at the top, Judas, the oldest of the thirteen young dragons, burst into tears again and cried out Wow!

After hearing its cry, the other little velociraptors couldn't hold it in any longer, and all of them burst into tears. Even Peter, who had always shown himself proud, cried like a child.

Gently placing Xu Dong'an in the pothole, he closed his eyes peacefully, as if he was asleep, as if he had never left.

Surrounding the pothole were thirteen velociraptors who were crying heartbrokenly. Perhaps they were crying too sadly, which affected the ordinary velociraptors around them.

They don't have a deep relationship with Xu Dong. The old Xu Dong used to sit in the habitat like a mascot and rarely come into contact with them.

Now some velociraptors were infected by the sad Thirteen velociraptors and started crying together.

Social animals often have a perceptual side and are easily infected by the group. This is the ability brought by cells.

The sun gradually set towards the west, and the crying finally subsided. Thirteen Xunlong stood in the first row of the pit and began the ceremony passed down by the Xunlong clan.

Pa Click

Hands together.

Tens of thousands of velociraptors clapped their hands in unison, and the sound spread throughout the fields, startling the flying insects around them.

Bow your head in silence and say goodbye to your forever elders and relatives.

Cover Xu Dong with soil, bury this old dragon who dedicated his life to the Xunlong under the Nine Springs, and let his soul witness the rise of the Xunlong clan in the starry sky.

However, Xu Dong, whom they longed for, had returned to the creature editor and started another journey of transformation.

This time, during the Karloff Period of the Middle Jurassic of 166 Ma, I stayed for almost four years. The components obtained did not appear to be anything special, but they paved the way for launching into the water in the future. The fish fin, tail fin, and secondary palate will be installed when the time comes. You can go to the sea.

This time, I gained more source of energy, 226 points, which is enough to completely remodel the Velociraptor as long as I don't install those that cost a lot of money.

A total of five components were obtained, including the viviparous mother's nest of Ichthyosaurus incisor, the grasping knuckles of Dandacosaurus, the tail fin and secondary palate of Redondasaurus, and the square skull of Megalodon.

In Xu Dong's plan, the viviparous mother's nest, the grasping knuckles and the dagger teeth of the happy fish are must-haves.

In fact, there is no superiority or inferiority between viviparous and oviparous ones. There is only a difference in adaptability.

Oviparous trouble requires guarding the immovable egg after giving birth, while viviparous trouble occurs before birth and reduces the mother's mobility.

But as an upright ape that evolved from viviparous life, Xu Dong is of course more inclined to viviparous life.

However, when he was about to install it, he was reminded that it was an aquatic component. Unless the Velociraptor was transformed into an aquatic species, it would not be possible to install it.

It seems that I can only install it for aquatic species when I go to the sea in the future.

The next step is to install the gripping component on the Velociraptor. This is the real artifact. The two pieces of hardware that allow humans to dominate the world are smart brains and flexible hands.

Select to install Dandako Dragon's Grip Knuckles, the system prompts.

[If you install this component, the hook will automatically become shorter. Do you need to install it? 】

Xu Dong knew that long hooks would affect the flexibility of fingers. Imagine if the five human fingernails were as long as Mei Chaofeng. The attack power would be strong, but would they still be able to grasp things normally?

In other words, if Xu Dong wanted to pretend to have a grasp, he would have to sacrifice the hook claw, the most powerful weapon of the Xunlong clan.

And that's not all. The body structure of Velociraptor is similar to that of dinosaurs. Both have bipedal T-shaped structures, so their heads are at the front.

The big mouth of other dinosaurs is the main attack weapon, so it doesn't matter if the head is at the front, but Velociraptor's teeth and bite force have never been very good. Without the claws, the bite force must be increased.

Therefore, the masseter muscles of the Megalodon crocodile and the dagger teeth of the crocodile must be installed.

This set cost a total of sixty-four points of essence, mainly spent on the arm adjustments required to grasp the knuckles.

After installing this set, Xu Dong turned his attention to those awesome special components. The first choice was of course chloroplasts. This thing can be called the most powerful charger. Installing one is equivalent to installing a death-free gold medal for Xunlong. .

Just when Xu Dong was about to make a choice, he received a system prompt.

[Special components cannot be installed repeatedly]

Damn, it’s such a trap!

Thanks to Mengyou Xingyu for the reward.

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