Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 183: The weak and the strong, the leader is in another position

The leader of the Velociraptor is very smart. Although he doesn't know Newton's laws, he still uses them in battle.

Moving backward to a high slope, five velociraptors formed an arrow, with the leader of the velociraptors serving as the tip of the arrow. Five large velociraptors over four meters in height accelerated and ran towards the array of small velociraptors.

The besieging velociraptors consciously made way for their leader. This tactic was obviously not used for the first time, and they all knew what they should do.

Xu Dong couldn't help but sigh: The quality of these local velociraptors is good. They are very smart and ferocious. They are very good soldiers. They must be included under his command this time.

Among the escorting little velociraptors, Jacob was the first to face the dragon arrow charge.

Jacob doesn't stand out among the Thirteen Thunder Dragons. He doesn't have Peter Judas's superpowers or Thomas's wisdom. His strength isn't outstanding, but he's not at the bottom either.

Just like this, an extremely ordinary little dragon, after looking back at Peter who was unable to move, resolutely faced the charging dragon arrow.

It had time to dodge. As long as it dodges, it can survive. But after it dodges, Peter will face the impact directly. In Peter's current state, there is no way to dodge. If it is hit by these four-meter velociraptors, it will definitely die.

Although Jacob is afraid, he will not hide.

As if to cheer itself up, it yelled, as if to say:

Come on! Step over my body!

Then he closed his eyes carefully.

But after not feeling the impact of the dragons for a long time, Jacob secretly opened one eye, only to find that everything in front of him was pitch black. He quickly opened his second eye and saw clearly a dark hill in front of him.

This not-so-big iron mountain appeared so suddenly that the leader of the fast dragon had no time to dodge, and just hit the iron mountain with his head.


The heart-stopping sound of breaking bones sounded, and there were actually more than one, one after another, and they didn't stop until all five velociraptors hit the mountain wall.

In fact, when you see the iron mountain, you can think that this is the handiwork of Judas, but this time the condensed iron blocks actually formed a hill over three meters high, which greatly exceeded Judas' record.

This iron mountain successfully protected Jacob and Peter behind, and also successfully allowed Peter to accumulate energy to complete the mission. After completing the mission, the iron mountain instantly disintegrated and turned into a pile of small iron filings, scattered on the ground, revealing Judas inside.


Peter blasted the charged railgun into the gap between the young velociraptors, turning the adult velociraptor that hit directly into fly ash, and the other three velociraptors that were touched could only fall to the ground. Wail.

The power of this move was so terrifying that it frightened the surrounding velociraptors. At this time, their backbone velociraptor leader also fell there, not knowing whether he was alive or dead. The velociraptors had no idea for a moment.

Xu Dong saw the opportunity and walked out, came to the little velociraptor, and roared at all the velociraptors around him.

The meaning is clear, surrender or die.

The local velociraptors looked at each other, but they couldn't make up their minds.

One of the ordinary adult velociraptors took two steps forward, and under the gaze of all the velociraptors, took the lead in lowering its head towards Xu Dong and the thirteen young dragons.

With this leader in the lead, the other adult velociraptors were no longer reserved, and all lowered their heads to show submission.

After all, this is the animal world, where the strong are respected. Since Xu Dong and other dragons have shown their strength, there will naturally be no die-hard elements among the velociraptors.

After all, the biggest opponent of animals at present is naturally not their own kind. When it develops to the point where only one's own race can fight against one's own race, emotions such as loyalty and shame will naturally arise.

Xu Dong came to the leader of the Velociraptor who had broken his bones when he hit the iron mountain. He fiddled with it twice and found that this guy's bones were completely broken. It would be very difficult to survive such an injury, let alone return to normal.

It's a pity that it is also a smart dragon. If it hadn't been so seriously injured, Xu Dong would have wanted to take it under his command as a staff officer.

The presence of this local snake in North America will also be helpful to the Velociraptor Clan's struggle for hegemony.

But it was a pity that it was of no use now, so Xu Dong decided to give it a ride to prevent it from finding that it had become a useless dragon when it woke up.

I think even a strong velociraptor would not accept the fact that it is useless. They would rather die in battle than live in an ignoble existence.

Digging a pit and throwing all the dead velociraptors into the pit, Xu Dong stood by the pit, clasped his hands, bowed his head and mourned in silence.

This action had not been done for a long time, and Xu Dong felt a little unfamiliar. After turning into a velociraptor, the dragon would either not die, or almost die completely, and even the body would be hard to find.

Until now, the little Xunlong who followed Xu Dong was no longer good at it.

After all, they were still young at that time, and they were still little dragons who loved to run, make trouble, and be naughty, and they had never done it a few times.

Now that they saw Xu Dong's actions, they all followed suit. The little velociraptors who had eaten longevity meat had different IQs, and they quickly learned the simple clapping action.

The Velociraptor behind them had no idea what Xu Dong was doing, but for some reason, when they saw his hands clasped together and heard the click sound, they felt an instinctive impulse.

Some velociraptors stared blankly at their hands, while others had already learned to imitate them.

But these forelimbs have been used for killing for so long that it is difficult for them to serve other purposes.

But some still managed to clasp their hands together, listening to the click sound of their claws, and their eyes were stained with a layer of red for some reason, as if they saw a dark voice saying something.

Although they didn't know what this sudden and fleeting hallucination was, they couldn't help but start to shed tears in their eyes.

They don't understand, but they seem to understand something.

After the ceremony, Xu Dong followed the adult velociraptors back to their original habitat, and the young dragons ran out to greet their parents.

But there were about ten lonely figures at the scene. They were the descendants of the Velociraptor leader. In the past, their father always stood at the front of the team.

But today, their father has not come back.

The young dragons screamed and expressed their uneasiness and looked around, but could not find their father.

Several female velociraptors walked out of the group of dragons and entered the group of young dragons to calm these restless emotions. They must be their mothers.

These female velociraptors looked very sad, sticking out their tongues and licking their children. After this time, it is likely that these lovely children will never be seen again.

There is a very cruel law in the biological world. In order to ensure the continuation of his own bloodline, the new leader will often kill the young dragons of his predecessor.

But Xu Dong has no such interest. Does he really think that there will be a prince's revenge like the Lion King?

That is really too high a view on animals. It is true that animals can remember revenge, but they will not remember the revenge of killing their father. The so-called revenge of the prince is just another young and strong lion challenging the old leader, the old lion.

Just like the young lion is challenging their father.

In the final analysis, it is still the four bloody characters of the weak and the strong.

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