Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 182 Westbound Road

After settling the four Allosaurus, Xu Dong began to search for suitable stones. Redondasaurus was an old friend from tens of millions of years ago. Although it has passed away now, Xu Dong still hopes to build a stone for it. epitaph.

After searching for a long time, I finally found a suitable stone slab on the coast. I moved it to the tailbone and raised my paws to think about what I was going to carve.

Was it the first sight of the Jiucha River fifty million years ago? Or a battle of wits and courage with him on Haikou? Or is it the final battle between two dragons?

It's still a battle between two dragons. Since this old friend has chosen the most tragic end, let him sink into the long river of time with glory after death.

The claws started to move, and the stone chips slid down.

A sea separated the two sides of Europe and America, and a giant dragon trampled on thousands of corpses.

Its scales and claws are distinct, its limbs are knotted, its huge head, and its sharp fangs reveal at all times that this is a terrifying ferocious dragon.

And in the sky, a flying dragon with fourteen wings on its back looked down at the world.

This is a duel between the sky and the sea, a war between dragons and dragons, and a battle between the strongest people in the world. Xu Dong named it.

Dragons and dragons!

Two days later, the tail of Redondasaurus was finally eaten clean by the velociraptors. The tail bone and subcutaneous bone were very hard and could not be bitten, so they had to stay there.

All the meat on the tail fin of Redondaosaurus was eaten away, but the bones still maintained the outline of the tail, allowing the long tail to maintain its original shape.

Such a huge tailbone will be a priceless treasure to future generations and can drive all collectors crazy.

Xu Dong mobilized the dragons to bury it into the ground together with the stone carvings, forming a bulging shape.

Xu Dong stood in front of the drum with thirteen little velociraptors, and Xu Dong took the lead in bidding farewell to the last old man.

The old man has passed away, and he is getting old. It may not be long before he succumbs to old age and illness and returns to the creature editor.

He turned around and looked at the thirteen small velociraptors of different shapes behind him.

The future belongs to them.

Say goodbye to Redonda Dragon, say goodbye to the past, and continue to move towards the west with the little guys.

Perhaps because they defeated the large Allosaurus, these little guys became more confident and felt that they were invincible. Xu Dong did not take this mentality seriously.

What's wrong with pride? How can a Tyrannosaurus Rex be the king if it's not proud? How can a lion be the king of beasts if it's not proud? This invincible momentum is the essential element to compete in the world in the future.

The two continents of North America and Europe were intermittent during the Jurassic, so species exchanges between the two sides were very frequent. It is not surprising to see European animals in North America.

So there are actually velociraptors here. Xu Dong encountered a large group of velociraptors within a few days of walking.

However, compared to the friendly velociraptors in Europe, the velociraptors here in North America are obviously less hospitable.

Perhaps it is also because there are too many dragons such as Xu Dong. The former velociraptor group accepted them because the dragons were still very young and could be absorbed into the group.

Today's thirteen velociraptors, including Peter Judas, are almost two meters long. If they are accepted as young dragons, it won't take long for them to rob the female resources of the group. There will be conflicts between the two sides, and maybe they will. Starting a war.

The velociraptors in the North American ethnic group are all related to each other, dating back to one person three generations ago. When the descendants reached adulthood, they did not go out to develop independently, but formed new families nearby. When there are many such small families, they naturally become ethnic groups.

Xu Dong was actually not very optimistic about inbreeding, as the genes passed down in this way would become worse and worse, and would be far less healthy than those of young dragons that wandered around and then formed families with females who were distantly related by blood.

Faced with such a group that rejected Xu Dong and other dragons, the little velociraptors did not back down. They set foot on this land just to conquer it and then unify it.

The two parties were in a stalemate, but they didn't really take action. This time was perfect for Peter to play.

The blue electric bug fell on it, and the electric current surrounded it. Peter began to accumulate energy. It was ready to give these local dragons a big showdown. Under the power of the electromagnetic gun, I believe that as long as you have some brains, you won't be able to think about confrontation.

The leader of the local velociraptor was no ordinary person. He saw Peter among the dragons turning blue, which gave him a very urgent sense of crisis. The last time he had such a strong sense of crisis was when he was a child. Almost eaten by other dinosaurs.

The leader of the velociraptors made a prompt decision, no longer caring about the friendship of the same kind, and ordered the velociraptor group to attack.

Dozens of adult velociraptors, led by their leader, launched an attack on the thirteen young dragons.

The smallest among them was three and a half meters tall, and the largest leader was even about four and a half meters tall. Such a group of grown men shamelessly attacked a dozen underage kids. Xu Dong was ashamed of them.

However, the little velociraptors are not vegetarians. These little guys have eaten too much meat from the longevity species. In the world of Xianxia, ​​it is a group of children who are feeding the genius treasures such as Zhu Guo, Ten Thousand Years Polygonum multiflorum, and Red Blood Ginseng. Make yourself into a being on the same level as your elders.

Of course, the meat of the immortal species is not that outrageous, and it is better at recovering injuries, enhancing physical fitness, and enhancing mental strength.

At least today's little velociraptors, in a real fight, are no weaker than adult velociraptors in strength and speed. Moreover, they don't need to go head-to-head with the velociraptors. As long as they protect Peter in the middle, everything will be over when the electromagnetic cannon comes out. The dust has settled.

Xu Dong quietly stayed away from the Thirteen Velociraptors. He had experienced many battles with them with more and less, but now it was the other way around. This was the first time that they were fighting them with their numerical advantage.

As the backbone of the velociraptor clan in the future, these little guys need to be able to deal with various forms of battles. It is impossible for them to fight with more and less. After all, Allosaurus is also good at fighting with many.

What's more, the existence of superpowers also adds infinite variables to the battle of ancient creatures. A velociraptor like Peter, which is only over one meter, can kill a seven-meter allosaurus with one shot. It is difficult to guarantee that other creatures will not counterattack. Get rid of them.

The attack of the adult velociraptors is very fierce. Even if this group is all underage, they have no intention of holding back. The enemy is the enemy. Since they are defined as enemies by the leader, there is no basis for sympathy.

The paleontologists are very clear on this point. They will not have the stupid sympathy of the erect ape. Human nature can exist, but not on the battlefield.

It is embarrassing to say that dozens of adult velociraptors did not break through the defense line of the young velociraptors for a long time. Peter in the middle was still as stable as a rock. Seeing the sense of crisis getting stronger and stronger, the velociraptor leader finally couldn't help but take action.

With a loud roar, four or five of the largest velociraptors came. They turned into sharp knives and led the charge, breaking through the defenses of the smaller velociraptors and directly killing Peter.

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