Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 184 Night talk in the forest, the king’s choice

The stars were shining brightly, and the aging Xu Dong stood alone on a high slope, looking down at the thousands of sleeping dragons below.

I can't help but think of a bad joke from later generations. Looking out the window, that's the country I built.

Three years have passed since Xu Dong and the Thirteen Young Dragons came to North America. In these three years, relying on the strength of the little velociraptors, they gathered dozens of groups and established an unprecedented Ten Thousand Dragons tribe.

An excessive number of animals would be a catastrophe for other creatures, not to mention that these were four-meter-long carnivorous dragons with powerful attack capabilities.

This time Xu Dong did not choose to teleport directly back to the creature editor, but was prepared to experience the feeling of old age and death.

I feel myself getting older little by little. The scales on my skin have become dry and no longer have the same color as before. My body has become rickety and thin, and my body length has also shrunk. My muscles have become shriveled, my bones have become prominent, and I no longer have the high-spirited look that I once had.

Only those who have truly experienced aging will know how terrifying this feeling is. It’s like you are walking on a cliff, and you may fall into a bottomless abyss with every step you take. You don’t know where the end of the cliff is, and you don’t know where you will fall. As a result, there is nothing to do but move forward.

This is aging, a path destined to death, the difference is just sooner or later.

No wonder emperors and overlords from ancient times to the present would go to old age to pursue the elixir-like fairy. It is precisely because they don’t know what lies in the abyss ahead and are reluctant to lose everything they have, that they have attachment, reluctance, and fear.

But this has nothing to do with Xu Dong. Unlike all creatures facing death, he knows where he will go after death, so there is no so-called fear.

Under the moonlight, dark shadows appeared behind Xu Dong. These were the Thirteen Saints that Xu Dong called over. They are now all majestic and majestic, and they are all heroes of the Velociraptor Tribe who can stand alone.

The lifespan of a velociraptor is generally about forty years. It only takes five years for a young velociraptor to reach sexual maturity. After thirty years of adulthood, it will enter the aging period.

Xu Dong's body is already forty-two years old, a rare longevity among Velociraptors, but without eating the mutated pronucleus, the creature is destined to die.

Of course, the five-year juvenile period is only a general standard. Young velociraptors like these have eaten so much longevity meat, and their bodies develop much faster than ordinary velociraptors.

The young velociraptors became sexually mature and ready for mating and reproduction a year ago, when they were actually only three years old.

Now, these thirteen little velociraptors are larger than ordinary velociraptors, each of them is over four meters tall. The growth period is not over yet, and they will continue to grow until they become giant dragons of the velociraptor family.

Xu Dong called them here this time, in fact, to hand over the funeral arrangements. He had already sensed that his end was coming, and it was just in the past two days. He needed to choose the next leader before he died.

Among the thirteen dragons, only three dragons, Peter, Judas and Thomas, are actually qualified to be leaders.

Peter relied on his own powers to make the greatest contribution to the expansion of the Velociraptor clan, and he was also the strongest one.

In the animal world where the strong are respected, Peter is the well-deserved number one choice for leader.

Domo is also a very suitable candidate. He is very smart and good at strategy. Although in this era when power is king, the role of wisdom is not prominent. But as an upright ape with wisdom, Xu Dong knows better than any other creature how wisdom really plays a role. How terrifying is the power that comes out.

It's just that Thomas has a low-key personality and is usually quiet, so his prestige obviously cannot be compared with Peter's.

Judas, on the other hand, has the powerful ability to control magnetism. In the past three years, Xu Dong has opened up the mind that was bound by it.

Who says that iron blocks can only be used for defense? Thinking about Magneto in later generations, who dares to say that he can't fight?

Similarly, Judah is also changing to the offensive position. In the previous battle with a tribe in the west, he showed his prowess, wielding a huge iron block and was invincible on the battlefield, unbeatable.

With the rapid expansion of the number of velociraptors, there were almost no velociraptors in the tens of thousands that could be commanded. Therefore, Xu Dong split them into thirteen branches, led by thirteen apostles, each with thousands of tribesmen. Conquer, hunt, and develop everywhere.

This is indeed better than what Xu Dong brought to train them before. These little guys have grown up rapidly in these wars, and they no longer live up to their former naivety and youthfulness.

Although they are all underage according to their age, they are more mature than many adult velociraptors mentally.

Under the bright stars, Xu Dong sat on the ground. A circle of small velociraptors standing around him also sat down at Xu Dong's signal and formed a circle.

Xu Dong opened his old eyes and scanned these little velociraptors one by one. Looking at this group of energetic dragon men, his memory couldn't help but return to the habitat four years ago.

Having just been handed over to the position of leader, he looked at the lively and cute little dragons, watching them play and play, and retrieved Judas from the woods who was almost attacked by a tuatara.

In the blink of an eye, these little guys have grown so big.

It seems that I am really old, and I am actually starting to reminisce about the past.

Xu Dong smiled casually and began the test of the next leader.

He raised a finger and pointed at the center of the circle where the little velociraptors were. There was a pile of messy things, including various shapes of stones, bones, teeth, armor, branches, leaves, vines, and soil. , there is even a small pool.

Xu Dong shouted, his voice low and dry, like a rusty old machine, very unpleasant.

The little velociraptors were very curious as to why Xu Dong displayed these things, but Xu Dong didn't explain anything and just let them make their own choices.

Although they didn't understand, the little velociraptors still followed Xu Dong's wishes and picked out the things they liked.

Peter stood up first. He was the undoubted leader among the Thirteen Velociraptors, and he had no choice but to be chosen first at this time.

The powerful Velociraptor stood among the objects, lowered his head and looked around, and finally chose a Megalodon fang.

This Megalodon was huge, fifteen meters long. It was the strongest opponent that the little Velociraptor had faced in the past few years. It almost destroyed the newly established Velociraptor clan. In the end, Xu Dong used 3D mode to kill it.

Yes, this is a pseudo-legendary creature. Xu Dong dug out the mutated pronucleus in its body but did not eat it. This world is just a preparation. The real war will still be in the future. Its transition points are not too few. You can't use it even if you take it. In this case, it's better to leave it to the next leader of the Xunlong clan.

Peter took the teeth of the Megalodon to show that it was determined to surpass the Megalodon.

The next one is Judah's turn. Judah has been naughty since he was a child, but as the power of magnets deepens step by step, his temper gradually becomes more stable.

Because it knows that it is the strongest shield for its brothers.

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