Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 181 Victory in the first battle

The mother of the Allosaurus rushed towards the baby dragon with all her strength, but no matter how late it was, the only two-meter-long baby dragon was killed by Matthias' claw.

The female Allosaurus roared wildly and strode towards her. It was no joke to be brushed and touched by this big guy. The Thirteen Velociraptors all moved out of the way.

The large Allosaurus slowed down and walked to the side of the four-meter-long young Allosaurus, and arched its body with its head, but received no response.

It took a few more steps forward and came to the two young dragons. It also arched its head, but there was still no reaction.

Allosaurus did not roar loudly, but just whimpered a few times. This was the sadness of an old mother. Allosaurus was far smarter than other dinosaurs, and it also valued family and children more.

Their dragon eggs are not thrown away after they are laid. This is a misconception conveyed by early documentaries such as Walking with Dinosaurs and The Death of Big Al.

As the excavation and research of fossils continues to advance, the characteristics of Allosaurus have gradually become clear. They are a group of dinosaurs that have family or even family activities.

The adult Allosaurus will take the baby dragons around to protect and raise them until they reach adulthood. When they reach adulthood, the Allosaurus will go out alone to develop, breed and build their own small family.

In the Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry mentioned before, Allosaurus accounts for 60% of the many Late Jurassic fossils, with a total of 46 fossils. You must know that the Allosaurus fossils in the entire Morrison Formation are also Just over a hundred of them.

It is conceivable that Allosaurus even began to progress from a small family model to a group model.

It can be said that if it were not for the Jurassic mass extinction, it is still unknown that this group of top predators would have reached the stage of the little red dragon.

The adult Allosaurus raised its head, its eyes became very fierce, and it exuded a dangerous aura. This showed that this big guy was already in an extremely furious state. Its eyes were as sharp as a knife, and it swept over the little Velociraptor one by one. , as if to say, none of you can escape.

Then he ran wildly towards the gathering place of the rapid dragons.

The little velociraptors immediately dispersed. Facing the seven-meter Allosaurus, these one-meter little guys had no effective way to fight back except running away.

Xu Dong was just watching the battle not far away. He wanted to see who else could stand out in this huge crisis. The fourth one had special powers.

The Furious Allosaurus found that after chasing it here and there, it couldn't catch anyone, so it bit one of the small Velociraptors and kept chasing it.

How could it run when being targeted by an Allosaurus? Although the Velociraptor was very nimble, its speed was still not comparable to that of the Allosaurus, which was four or five steps ahead of it. It wasn't long before the big guy caught up with it.

The female Allosaurus opened her big mouth suddenly, lowered her head and was about to swallow the baby Velociraptor into her belly.

Xu Dong was startled and wanted to turn on the 3D mode to save the dragon, but he quickly gave up the idea because the little guy being chased was Judas.

If it was Judas, he should be able to withstand a bite from the Allosaurus. Even if he couldn't, he wouldn't die with the armor's defense.

Sure enough, the Allosaurus opened its big mouth and bit it in one bite, but instead of the scene of blood splattering as imagined, it made a click. The Allosaurus only felt that it had bitten a stone, and almost broke its own teeth. Collapse.

It spat out the big stone. It had broken a few of its teeth just now due to excessive force, making its mouth full of blood. Its small eyes looked at the black stone stained with saliva and blood on the ground. Dazed for a moment.

Allosaurus, although intelligent, cannot yet understand why a living dinosaur would turn to stone.

I fiddled with it twice with my feet and found that it was indeed a stone. What happened? The one he just bitten was obviously a dinosaur, he was extremely sure of it.

The sound of crackling electricity sounded not far away. It was very subtle at first, and the Allosaurus didn't pay attention to it, but the sound became louder and louder, making it look sideways.

What I saw was a very special little velociraptor, with sky-blue horns on its head, and bugs of the same color lying on its body, turning the original cyan scales into blue.

The Allosaurus didn't care what color it was. When it saw the Velociraptor, its anger, which had been interrupted by doubts, was raised again, and it rushed towards Peter with its long legs.

Peter's railgun is amazingly powerful, but its shortcomings are very obvious. First, the charging time is too long. Of course, adding blue electric bugs can speed up the charging time. Second, it cannot move while charging, making it a living target.

These two shortcomings have kept Peter from using this trick, because ordinary prey can be dealt with by just jumping on it. For stronger ones, using Thunderbolt Sprint is enough. Those large predators that are more than five meters tall will run away when they encounter them. That's it, why bother fighting?

Besides, animals won’t stand there stupidly waiting for you to save up for a few minutes and then take a shot. That would not be an animal, but a fool.

If it weren't for the fact that the threat of the large Allosaurus was too great this time, and it was almost unrelenting, Peter wouldn't want to risk his life with this trick.

call out

The Allosaurus ran for about ten steps, and when it almost reached Peter with its big mouth open, the electromagnetic gun was finally charged, and a blue beam of light shot out from the sharp corner of its head, hitting it directly. Allosaurus up close.

The powerful power of the railgun penetrated the head of the Allosaurus without any hindrance, and then penetrated from its back, and the blue light shot straight into the sky.

The Allosaurus took a few steps forward again due to inertia, and then fell to the ground after stepping over Peter, killing him with one blow.

A large hole was opened in its body, extending from its mouth to its back. Both sides of the hole were completely carbonized, with wisps of gray smoke coming out and an unpleasant burnt smell.

The black stone not far away cracked, revealing the appearance of Judas. It climbed up from the ground and looked around cautiously. It found that there was no trace of the Allosaurus, so it must have left.

It shook the black gravel on its body and walked towards the gathering place of Xu Dong and other velociraptors ahead.

As a result, after passing through the dragons, he discovered the large Allosaurus that had just almost killed it, and discovered the huge wound that penetrated its body. Only Peter could use this kind of power.

Sometimes Judas was very envious of Peter for having such a powerful ability, unlike his supernatural powers which were useless except to save his life.

Xu Dong walked out of the queue first, cut off a piece of plump flesh from the lower abdomen of the Allosaurus, and handed it to Peter.

Peter looked at the flesh and blood, then looked at Xu Dong, cracking his jaw and looking very happy.

The Xunlong who contributed the most was the first to eat. Xu Dong had been practicing this method he learned from Xiao Chilong for a long time. It was not surprising, and everyone knew it.

But this was the first time that Xu Dong cut it and handed it over with his own hands, which proved that even Xu Dong recognized Peter's achievements.

However, sometimes taking too much credit is not necessarily a good thing.

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