Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 180: Tune the tiger away from the mountain, attack the enemy and save it

The four Allosaurus tilted their heads, staring at the tail fin of Redondasaurus and salivating.

They are very intelligent dinosaurs. At least in this Jurassic period, their IQs were definitely among the best.

High IQ, large size, sharp weapons, fast speed, eugenics and large numbers were the keys to their later dominance in North America.

Take the dinosaur fossils excavated from the Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry in North America. Allosaurus accounts for 60% of the fossils, which is more than all other carnivorous and herbivorous dinosaurs combined.

Although eugenics and eugenics do not mean that wisdom can be developed, it can at least ensure the continuation of the ethnic group. The number and strength of species are the basis for the birth of wisdom, just like the little red dragon in the past, which took this route.

It is precisely because of its higher IQ that Allosaurus left the shoal early, escaped the crisis, and prepared to come over to fight the autumn wind.

The flesh and blood of immortal species has a natural temptation for other creatures. This is an instinctive temptation, and it is the most primitive evolutionary desire of cells to devour.

Xu Dong stood up, walked out of the group of velociraptors, and stood directly at the front.

Compared with the four-meter-long Velociraptor and the seven-meter-long Allosaurus, it's like comparing The Rock to a kindergarten kid.

But fighting is never about being big, and at least that doesn't work for Xu Dong. With the 3D mode, he is confident that he can kill any opponent instantly.

Sure enough, the Allosaurus couldn't help but take the lead. The huge adult Allosaurus moved its heavy feet, and every step it took was a small earthquake. The three little Allosaurus behind it also followed its mother. Charge forward.

Facing the speeding meat truck, Xu Dong didn't panic at all. He didn't take action until he was two meters away.

I originally wanted to use the 3D mode for a quick battle, but then I thought about it. Sooner or later, the Velociraptors will have to fight against the Allosaurus, and contacting them earlier can help them understand their opponents better.

They would definitely not be able to defeat the seven-meter giant Allosaurus, so Xu Dong could only lure it away and let the small Velociraptors deal with the three small Allosaurus first.

Handing over the command of the velociraptors to Domo, the smartest among them, Xu Dong prepared to deal with the adult Allosaurus alone.

Through his agility, he avoided the oncoming bite of the Allosaurus and successfully scratched a claw mark on its body. The big guy immediately came back to bite the dragon, but Xu Dong avoided it again and left another mark. A claw mark.

As the two dragons continued to fight, Xu Dong, who was nimble and small, kept moving and dodging, leaving blood marks on the big dragon's body. He successfully locked its hatred value on himself and moved away from the center of the battle step by step. Give up your position to the dragons.

Thirteen little velociraptors versus three little allosaurs, even if they don't have special powers, the little velociraptors have a huge advantage.

One of the two parties is more numerous, and the other is larger. The four-meter young Allosaurus among the Allosaurus is the biggest threat in this battle.

The velociraptors have never dealt with a four-meter dinosaur in the past. This time it depends on how strong the little guys have grown.

Thirteen small velociraptors surrounded Allosaurus in a circle and continuously attacked from the side. Faced with this situation, the young Allosaurus immediately faced the other two dragons with their tails facing outwards, effectively resisting them. Velociraptor's siege tactics.

As long as their tripod does not disband, there will be observers on every side, and the side-cutting tactics of the Velociraptors will be ineffective.

The only way to deal with this method is to separate the three Allosaurus and eat them separately to defeat them all.

Dormer looked at Peter. Only Peter could attack the Allosaurus Formation without getting hurt.

The thirteen young dragons had a telepathic connection, and Peter immediately knew what Dormer was thinking, and immediately used Thunderbolt to rush into the middle of the three Allosaurus, leaving blood marks on their butts.

The Allosaurus who had its butt cut off immediately screamed and ran forward a few steps. The gap between them naturally widened. Dormer seized the opportunity and let the small Velociraptors quickly insert themselves into the middle of the Allosaurus to divide and surround it.

Using the three-three-seven tactic, it took three small Velociraptors to deal with the two-meter Allosaurus, and seven to deal with the four-meter young Allosaurus.

Three velociraptors of over one meter should be enough to deal with a two-meter Allosaurus. The main threat is the four-meter young Allosaurus. Peter and Judas, two people with special powers, are also placed there. Among the seven that dealt with it.

The young Allosaurus was surrounded by seven one-meter-long Velociraptors. He suddenly became a little nervous. He kept looking left and right with his head, and kept moving and rotating his feet to minimize visual blind spots.

After all, it is not its experienced mother, and it is still somewhat inexperienced in dealing with a large number of enemies.

With a roar from Domo, the twelve little velociraptors all rushed towards their opponents, leaving Domo to take charge of the situation from the outside.

Stimulated by thunder and lightning, Peter jumped onto the back of the young Allosaurus and raised his claws to wreak havoc, but was thrown off by the Allosaurus. Andre lowered his head and bit the Allosaurus. On the right limb, the teeth broke through the skin and penetrated into the muscle, and blood spurted out instantly.

The young Allosaurus roared, raised his right foot, lifted Andre up with him, and then swung it out.

As a bipedal upright animal, raising one foot would inevitably make it unstable. Thomas immediately roared when he saw this, and Judah and the other three dragons immediately understood and bumped towards the right side of the Allosaurus.



Standing on one foot, it was collided by the three-headed and one-meter-meter Velociraptor. The young Allosaurus could no longer maintain its body shape and fell directly to the left.

When dinosaurs fall down, their bones are not broken and unable to rise again as imagined by humans. They are actually not much different from human falls.

An adult with a body length of 1.8 meters and a weight of 160 would only scratch his skin if he fell on the ground. If the weight was heavy, he would break a few bones at most.

Dinosaurs are generally lighter in weight, have rough skin and thick flesh, and have tenacious vitality. There are many Allosaurus like Crooked Mouth and Big Al who are physically disabled but still alive.

This young Allosaurus only broke a rib when he fell. It was not fatal, but the fatal thing was at the back.

The six velociraptors quickly attacked the fallen Allosaurus, and the fragile lower abdomen was continuously cut by the small velociraptors.

The most dangerous thing was Peter. This guy launched a thunderbolt and rushed towards the Allosaurus. At high speed, his sharp claws directly cut open its belly, and the blood from its internal organs flowed all over the floor.

With such an injury, the Allosaurus was certain to die. It let out a long cry, and finally fell to the ground with its head heavily, losing its voice.

The female dragon who was angrily attacking Xu Dong in the distance was shocked. She woke up from her rage and turned to look in the direction of the young dragon.

I saw that two of the three baby Allosaurus had fallen, and only one two-meter-long baby dragon was still struggling, but it was covered in wounds all over its body and was about to lose its hold.

The adult Allosaurus no longer cared about Xu Dong's harassment, turned around and ran towards the remaining young dragon with his legs wide open.

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