Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 173 Xunlong joins the battle

The era of genetic mutation has arrived, and various creatures on the earth may be born with different superpowers.

Imagine the future scene. It is possible to hunt a stegosaurus, and someone will just throw out a few bone spurs from their tail and stab you to the core.

When hunting an Ankylosaurus, the tail hammer might evolve directly from 80 to become larger than the body, shaking the earth with one strike.

When you encounter a Ceratosaurus with spikes on its head, it will savagely charge towards you and crack mountains and rocks with its impact.

As for the Titans among the vegetarian dragons, Mamenchisaurus, Diplodocus, and Brachiosaurus are already huge, and they might become as big as legendary beasts in the future.

At that time, you will really transform from an ancient creature into a monster hunter.

It is nothing special for the Xunlong clan to worship Xu Dong. When it comes to worship, the little red dragon and the red scale flying dragon also worshiped Xu Dong, which is nothing special.

But what is different this time is that transcendence really exists. Legend will no longer be the path that creatures must take. Maybe they can reach the intensity of legend by developing super powers.

Of course, Xu Dong, a celestial dragon who has not awakened his powers, can only follow the system path honestly.

Some people always think that legend is easy to reach, and Xu Dong can become a legend as long as he stays in the host body for a while.

If legends are so easy to promote, then why has it been more than 30 million years since the Triassic mass extinction that no legendary creature appears?

Only after you truly reach the Immortal Seed do you realize how vast and vast the Legend is. Although Xu Dong was already extremely powerful during the Zerg War, even if he was not number one among the Legends, he would still be in the top three.

But when encountering an Ultralisk, you have to use a suicidal sonic impact to break through the defense. Facing the Leviathan made of the legendary corpse, you still have no power to resist.

The basis for the promotion of longevity species to immortal species is a sufficient amount of mutated prokaryotes, and then this huge amount of mutated prokaryotes are broken up into the most basic prokaryotic bacteria and integrated into the body, integrating with the complete cell structure.

This is the first threshold to enter immortality. This threshold can be said to have a narrow escape from death. It blocks the vast majority of longevity species. This can be seen from the comparison of the number of immortality species and longevity species.

During the Zerg war, almost every race had longevity species, and their number was not even less than fifty.

They are not much larger than ordinary creatures. Under the attack of endless insect waves, they are almost no different from ordinary creatures. Only the huge immortal species are the main force in this scale of war.

If you pass the threshold for a longevity species to be promoted to an immortal species, you will have a lifespan of tens of millions of years. If you cannot cross it, your genes will collapse and your body will completely turn into ashes.

The mutated prokaryotic bacteria will return to nature and wait for the day when they become mutated prokaryotes again.

It is already so difficult to be promoted to an Immortal Seed, but it is hundreds of times more difficult to become a Legend. That is not an existence that an Immortal Seed can evolve naturally. It requires some special factors.

To put it simply, Xu Dong was stuck at a bottleneck at that time and could not find a way to be promoted. He would always be a pseudo-legend until he finally died on the spot.

After gaining temporary natural power, Xu Dong finally found the key to promotion, which was the power of the earth, fungi.

Although I don’t know how legends such as Sky Mica and Starry Sky Fish were promoted, at least the Deep Sea Fear definitely relied on fungi.

Under the great lake, on top of the archaea, bacteria, fungi, and cells reached the most perfect triangular relationship at a certain key point, successfully making the fear of the deep sea reach a legendary level.

It can only be said that it is so lucky that other creatures cannot envy it.

Xu Dong didn't know how to use the power of fungi to advance, but being too far away from the fungi in the sky was not conducive to progress.

For this reason, Xu Dong returned to the earth, not only for the legendary road, but also to lead the ethnic groups on the earth to complete his original idea.

Let the Red Dragon clan dominate the sea, land and air and become the most powerful overlord on earth.

Today's Xunlong actually has some shadows of the little Red Dragon of the past. More than 30 million years have passed, and it is time for the glory of the Red Dragon clan to spread across the earth again.

The next day, Xu Dong took thirteen young dragons and left the cave where they had lived for more than half a year.

He has had enough rest. Although the thirteen-year-old dragon is only over a year old, his strength is comparable to that of most three- and four-year-old dragons, and he is already capable of facing any danger.

The most important thing is that Judas' abnormality and Peter's awakening made Xu Dong understand that the mutated genes from the Zerg are more likely to be activated in a life-or-death crisis.

As the creatures closest to the explosion of the fireflies at that time, the thirteen young dragons should all have the talent to awaken supernatural powers. Xu Dong wanted to lead them into the extraordinary realm.

The thirteen extraordinary velociraptors will be the most important fighting force of the velociraptor clan in the future for hegemony in the world. Xu Dong is paving the way for his next reincarnation.

Xu Dong shouted his thanks to the leader of the Swift Dragon Clan and left the cave with thirteen young dragons.

The velociraptors moved closer to the entrance of the cave and watched as Xu Dong and other dragons gradually disappeared from sight. Only then did the velociraptor leader raise his head and shout.

It feels that the opportunity missed this time may be an opportunity for the rise of their tribe.

But soon the leader of the Velociraptor put that regret aside and continued the day-to-day life of his tribe.

This time, Xu Dong planned to continue to the west, to the center of the Second Dynasty of Dinosaurs, the most famous fossil formation in North America.

Morrison Group.

Stegosaurus, Apatosaurus, Diplodocus, Brachiosaurus, Allosaurus, Ceratosaurus, several of the most well-known dinosaurs of the Jurassic are all from the Morrison Formation.

During the 14 million years from 155Ma to 141Ma, the three rogues of the Jurassic, the indomitable Diplodocus Brachiosaurus, and the extremely stacked Stegosaurus and Ankylosaurus, will engage in countless joys and sorrows in this area, the law of the jungle and the strong, and dominance. journey.

Finally, it will be sealed and burned into time, and will wait until 150 million years later, when it will be discovered by the upright ape of the feuding beast tribe and reappear in the world.

Among the four great dinosaur dynasties, the second dynasty can be said to be a melee between princes, among which the most dominant one is Allosaurus.

In fact, in terms of quantity and proportion, it is not an exaggeration to call them Jurassic overlords.

However, what is better than a good thing, Barbarian will always be the most annoying stone on the road to Allosaurus' dominance. These two gangsters will start a battle for hegemony in the two continents of Europe and the United States for tens of millions of years.

Then they died together in the end-Jurassic extinction event. [Manual funny]

Xu Dong's trip is to let Velociraptor's footprints set foot on the Morrison Formation, so that Velociraptor has a place at the center of the stage of the Second Dynasty.

Of course, with the spread of Zerg genes and the awakening of more and more extraordinary abilities, even ordinary small and medium-sized predators may have the ability to instantly kill other creatures.

At that time, Allosaurus, Barbarian Dragon, Ceratosaurus, Velociraptor, and the resurgent Orcs will be added, as well as blind box-like abilities, and possible pseudo-legendary creatures.

This dynastic battle for hegemony in the Late Jurassic is bound to be more exciting than any other era.

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