Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 174 Classic Reappearance

Not long after heading west, we reached the coast. Looking westward, we could vaguely see the American continent on the other side of the sea.

After the Early Jurassic extinction, not only Laurasia and Gondwana were disconnected, but also Europe and North America, but the distance was not large.

The rise and fall of the sea level will affect the opening and closing of the connecting zone between the two continents. Therefore, the two continents continued intermittently throughout the Jurassic Period, and creatures in North America and Europe had the phenomenon of crossing over to each other.

For example, the feral dragons that came to North America and the allosaurus that came to Europe are stealing each other's nests.

So don’t be afraid when you encounter the sea. As long as you walk along the coast, you can always find a connecting area.

Although I don’t know which part of Europe we are in now, judging from the climate, it should be in the north. Going south is definitely more likely to encounter the connecting belt.

As the sun sets all the way, it’s time to eat something.

At this time, the only thing Europe didn't have to worry about was food. This period could be regarded as one of the peak periods for the number of Jurassic species, which was only inferior to the peak period of Allosaurus.

Xu Dong stared at a group of furry prehistoric dinosaurs. These dinosaurs were 2 to 3 meters long and had black hair all over their bodies. They were eating stone ferns on the ground with their heads down.

They are a very common small plant-eating dinosaur in Europe, called Callovosaurus leech, which belongs to the family Oakosauridae, an early basal species of iguanodonts. The most famous of the iguanodonts is probably the Hadrosaurus of the Cretaceous period. .

As small herbivores, they have neither the armor of Stegosaurus nor the huge size of sauropods. The only thing they can do is huddle together and increase their running speed.

In the fern field in front, there are dozens of Karlovsaurus leech, which is just right for the little guys to hunt.

Because he was too big, it was easy to scare others away from him, so Xu Dong stopped getting close and let the little dragons play freely.

The little dragon is currently only a little over one meter long, and is not even as tall as those ferns. It has its own hidden buff when moving forward on the plains.

Karloff dragons are very alert. Not only do they have sharp eyes, but they also have very developed hearing.

A Karloff dragon raised its head and looked around with a fern leaf in its mouth, and soon discovered the trembling ferns in the distance.

Although they were not sure whether they were predators, they were alert and immediately warned each other and fled away.

The most obvious thing for herbivores in the biological world is that it is more economical to eat less than to never eat in the future.

The movement in the ferns may or may not be predators, but they can't afford to gamble. Plant-eaters can win countless times, but lose once and they end up being eaten.

Seeing the Karloff dragon escaping, the thirteen young dragons who had not yet taken their position also started running and chased the Karloff dragon.

The biggest advantage of the ornithopod, which is less armored and less gigantic than Karloffsaurus, is its speed. Of course, it is only compared with other bulky vegetarian dragons. It is completely incomparable with runners such as predatory dragons.

In later generations, iguanodons would develop advanced tooth grinding capabilities and more sophisticated methods of raising offspring. This is the reason why ornithopods became the most numerous vegetarian dragons in the Cretaceous.

The reason why velociraptors are called velociraptors is that they are very good in terms of speed. Of course, they can't match the group of ornithomimosaurs that run like the wind, but they can still outperform 90% of the dinosaurs.

The best runner among the herbivorous dragons and predatory dragons started a running race on the fern plains.

Among the thirteen young dragons, Peter's performance was the most eye-catching. He always carried a lot of blue light bugs on his body. Whenever they landed on him, they would emit a weak electric current, stimulating Peter's muscles and making his speed faster.

At this speed, it quickly caught up with a Karloff dragon and threw it to the ground.

However, due to its size and inertia, the high-speed running Karloff Dragon rolled Peter forward with it, overwhelming many ferns.

After the rolling stopped, Peter climbed up from the side of the Karloff Dragon. Its claws were now stained with blood, which belonged to the Karloff Dragon.

When it pounced, its sharp claws had penetrated into the body of the plant-eating dragon, and the wound area was even larger during the roll. When it stopped, the Karloff dragon could no longer stand up.

Peter stood up, walked over to the prey, and cut its neck directly.

The other twelve velociraptors were not as fast as Peter. They chased for several hundred meters before hunting two more Karloff dragons.

The harvest this time was pretty good. Fourteen velociraptors shared three Karloff dragons over two meters long, which was enough for them to eat.

While he was eating, Xu Dong found a Megalosaurus barensis hiding behind a stone, peeking out with its head exposed.

It was the smell of blood that attracted other predators. Xu Dong visually estimated that this Megalosaurus was still underage, otherwise with its six-meter size, it would have definitely come up and snatched it away.

Sure enough, when Megalosaurus barensis walked out from behind the stone, its size was clearly visible, only about five meters.

Such a body size is naturally a bit weak when faced with Xu Dong's four-meter velociraptor and thirteen one-meter-long baby dragons.

But hunger still forced it to try its luck and see if it could frighten Xu Dong and other dragons into grabbing meat.

Facing a predator larger than himself, Xu Dong had no fear at all. Even though this body had never eaten a mutated proto-nucleus, the longevity meat and added attribute points that were comparable to elixirs made him worthy of any medium-sized predators. By.

But before the battle officially started, the Megalosaurus barbari fell.

It is located on the coast, and it should eat the marine life that washes up to satisfy its hunger.

Originally, the situation of the underage dinosaur was extremely dangerous. It could not hunt enough prey and could only find these things to eat.

Unexpectedly, the predator would one day become prey. When it stepped out of the rocks and was about to come towards Xu Dong, a huge creature jumped out of the sea.

I swallowed Megalosaurus barbari directly into my big mouth, turned sideways and turned back to the sea again. Just like what Xu Zhimo wrote in his poem, I waved my fins without leaving a trace of cloud.

Xu Dong had seen this huge creature emerging from the sea before. It was an immortal Liopleurodon that was nearly 40 meters long.

The scene where it ate a Megalosaurus just now is a classic restoration of the oolong scene in the BBC documentary.

Although what it ate was not Mesospendosaurus but Megalosaurus barbari, it was still a close relative of the same family.

In the BBC documentary Dancing with Dinosaurs in 1999, the model of Liopleurodon was made 25 meters long, which is very outrageous. You must know that the body length of Liopleurodon is only 7 to 10 meters.

However, the main reason was that scientists at that time mistook a tail bone fossil of a sauropod dinosaur for the backbone of Liopleurodon, and came up with an estimate of about 20 meters in length.

The BBC believed that there were larger specimens, so the 25-meter Liopleurodon appeared in the documentary.

In this world where legendary creatures exist, it is not surprising that Liopleurodon grew to nearly forty meters, not to mention twenty-five meters, and it was even easier to eat Megalosaurus on the shore.

Keep a low profile and don’t do anything basic.

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