Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 172 Electromagnetic Gun

Due to excessive mental exhaustion, Xu Dong fell to the ground and could not get up again. Facing the landing of thunder, he had no fear at all. His only regret may be that he could not see the little velociraptors grow up to become dragons.

Most of the thirteen young velociraptors around did not react. Only Judas and Thomas rushed towards Xu Dong. Peter, the young dragon who was closest to Xu Dong and had just been pushed away by him, suddenly turned around at this most dangerous moment. He stood in front of Xu Dong.


Thunder exploded and lightning flashed across, illuminating the dark sky for a moment.

The small figure stands between heaven and earth, so small, so humble, so fragile, yet so tall in the face of the mighty power of heaven.

The lightning generated by the collision of the blue electric bugs zigzagged towards Peter. At this time, the young dragon had closed its eyes in fear and its legs were trembling.

Although it is afraid, its belief in protecting Xu Dong will not waver. Although it is afraid, it will not run away.

In the past, it was Xu Dong who protected them. This time, it was its turn to protect Xu Dong.

The terrifying lightning hit Peter's highest point, but it did not carbonize. Instead, it underwent a strange change.

Peter's sharp horns turned dark blue, thunder and lightning surrounded him, making a crackling sound, and a sharp and ear-piercing scream came out of its immature throat, and even the air vibrated.

Peter lowered his head sharply, and the blue luminous sharp point suddenly shot out a stream of electricity, like a super electromagnetic gun. One shot shattered all the big trees in front of him, and all the ferns on the ground turned into powder. It continued for thousands of meters before stopping. Come down.

After this shot, his body seemed to be hollowed out. Peter sat down weakly on the ground, breathing heavily. He was obviously very tired.

Around it, countless blue light bugs were flying around it as if they had found relatives, very docile.

Peter turned to look at Xu Dong, who was lying unconscious on the ground, and grinned. Finally, he was saved.

When Xu Dong woke up, he didn't know how many days had passed. Anyway, he was very hungry. He opened his eyes and looked around, and the little velociraptors were surrounding him.

After discovering that Xu Dong was awake, these little guys danced happily, some spinning in circles, some running around, and some jumping, to celebrate Xu Dong's return.

Xu Dong got up and his stomach growled with hunger. Knowing that it had not eaten for a long time, the little velociraptors quickly dragged half of the dinosaur over to satisfy Xu Dong's hunger.

After feasting, he was able to pay attention to the surrounding situation. Outside the thirteen small velociraptors forming a circle, there were still the group of local young velociraptors and old velociraptors.

This group of velociraptors is really good. Xu Dong didn't even eat or throw it away after lying there for so long.

He got up and prepared to say hello to the old dragons. Who would have thought that when these old dragons saw Xu Dong, they felt as if they had seen a ghost. They were all so frightened that they backed away, fearing that they could avoid him.

What is the situation?

Xu Dong, who had the emotional intelligence of an upright ape, soon felt something was unusual. These young and old dragons clearly looked frightened.

What are they afraid of?

A large number of young and old dragons huddled in a corner of the cave, while the better and larger place was occupied by thirteen young dragons.

There was a conflict between the young dragon and the velociraptor group?

Xu Dong walked out of the cave and wanted to see what was going on outside. He hadn't seen the sun for a long time, and it was so dazzling that he couldn't open his eyes for a while.

After getting used to it for a while, the scene in front of Xu Dong appeared in front of him, which shocked him.

Originally there was a dense forest outside the cave, and Xu Dong trained Xiaolong in the forest.

But now the lush forest has become a mess, with overturned trees, broken rocks, and scattered creatures. The lively scene in the past is no longer there.

hurricane? Thunderstorm? Or is a legendary creature passing by?

It doesn't look like it at all, but it looks like the gun sister fired a dozen rounds of electromagnetic cannon into the forest.

Xu Dong was about to turn around and ask the thirteen young dragons behind him, but was surprised to find that one of them was actually surrounded by blue light, huh? It's Peter. Why wasn't he in the cave before?

But Xu Dong soon discovered that the blue light surrounding Peter was the blue electric bug that almost killed them before.

They just kept flying in the air, and when they saw Peter coming out, they came up to him, and Peter was very close to them.

Xu Dong took a deep breath and had only one thought in his mind. Peter has awakened his superpower?

After receiving the information transmitted by the fireflies, Xu Dong knew that the creatures would definitely undergo strange changes. He had doubts when he saw Judas turning into stone before, but he did not find any specific characteristics and it was difficult to judge.

Now that he saw Peter's appearance, he naturally connected the current situation of the forest with it.

Xu Dong shouted at Peter, then pointed at a big tree that was still standing and let him attack.

Peter nodded obediently, and the blue electric bugs surrounding him all lay on Peter's body. The blue electric current lingered on the scales and converged above the head.

Soon the color of the white horn on Peter's head began to change. It started from white to bluish, and slowly turned into light blue. When the color of the sharp horn was almost the same color as the blue sky, electric light spurted out.

Like a laser cannon, the blue electric light flashed past. Wherever it passed, the big tree that was the target was blown up. The electric light continued unabated, and it stopped after breaking a dozen trees behind it.

This power is so terrifying.

After releasing this move, Peter fell to the ground, breathing heavily and looking very tired.

Sure enough, such a powerful move cannot be used continuously, otherwise would other creatures still have a way to survive?

Entering the forest, I visually measured the shooting distance. It was almost two to three hundred meters. Although it was very alarming, it should not reach the level of damage to the forest.

Maybe its skill will become more powerful during thunderstorms.

The adult velociraptors returned to their habitat with their prey. When they saw Xu Dong waking up, the velociraptor leader was obviously startled, and then carefully walked around them towards the cave.

Xu Dong keenly felt that these velociraptors were afraid.

Is it Peter? Did Peter have conflicts with them or did he lose control?

He knew too little about mutated genes to draw any conclusions.

Although there was a gap between the local Velociraptor and the Thirteen Young Dragons, they still sent food to Xu Dong.

The leader of the velociraptor carefully pulled half of the prey not far from Xu Dong and other dragons. Two or three of the thirteen young dragons would receive the corpse of the prey.

Did the food he ate when he woke up today also come from a group of velociraptors? They were actually willing to provide food for the thirteen young dragons, obviously they were so afraid of Peter.

Could it be?

Looking carefully at the group of velociraptors, although the adult velociraptors and old velociraptors are very alert and fearful, there is still a trace of fear in them.


In fact, worship is not a very advanced thing, it is just a psychological need, a subconscious need for security, certainty, and strength, even if the object is illusory.

Some animals have prayer-like behaviors, such as when it rains after a long drought, or when they find a lot of food, chimpanzees will do some dance-like movements.

Elephants will have ritual behaviors similar to worshiping the moon, such as taking collective baths under the full moon.

Dolphins also perform ritual behaviors such as funeral ceremonies.

Not to mention that in the Skinner box experiment, mice and pigeons were able to perform great dances. Other animals will also have different forms but the same effect.

Now that there is worship, it means that we can begin to improve our wisdom and form the basis for the cognitive revolution.

Thanks to Lu Wen for the tip.

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