Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 171 Sea of ​​Thunder

Xu Dong knocked the Protoceratops to the ground with one claw and stepped on it with his big foot, letting it experience the feeling of being stepped on by a dragon.

Protoceratosaurus struggled desperately to get up, but was firmly stepped on by Xu Dong and could not break free.

Xu Dong raised his head and shouted twice, asking the little guys to take revenge and complain.

Judas and Peter, who were almost trampled to death, were naturally the most active and continued to cut the flesh on the body of Protoceratops.

Because of their small size, the little velociraptors didn't have long claws, so they could only scratch out shallow blood marks on the Protoceratops.

Their attacks can be said to be not very harmful but extremely insulting.

Although the wounds made by the velociraptors were not deep, the pain was still very painful. However, because it was stepped on by Xu Dong, it could not resist and could only let the young dragons bully it.

I can't bear it anymore, no need to bear it anymore.

Protoceratosaurus was extremely angry and finally broke away from Xu Dong's control. He wanted to get up and become a dragon again and eat all the small velociraptors who kept humiliating it.

Unexpectedly, three hook claws had already arrived at its back and penetrated straight into the back of its head, sending this tyrannosaurus ancestor to meet nature.

He called the thirteen young dragons who were farther away to come back and began to share the flesh and blood of Protoceratops. Peter and Judas, who had escaped from death before, ate the most ferociously, as if to vent their fear of being hunted.

Xu Dong did not eat with them, but lowered his head to observe the black substance falling off Judas' body.

I fiddled with it twice with my claws and found that it was very similar to the iron block in my memory.

Because it had only been a day since he came here, Xu Dong didn't know where the broken iron came from. He only knew that he had just seen the broken iron falling from Judas' body with his own eyes.

They called Judas and asked him to touch these broken iron stones, but nothing unusual was found. What was going on? Xu Dong couldn't help but be confused.

Could it be that I saw it wrong?

It's impossible. Apart from anything else, the eyesight of these eyes is definitely much better than in the previous life.

He didn't know the specific situation, and Xu Dong didn't want to jump to conclusions. Anyway, there was still a long time, and he could always see the specialness of Judas.

After eating and drinking enough, Xu Dong returned to the cave with most of the remaining Proceratosaurus body, and distributed the flesh and blood to many young and old dragons.

Although he had some grudges about Xu Dong forcing his way out of the cave, there was never too much food. In prehistoric times, as long as food could be found, there was nothing wrong with anything.

When it got late, the adult velociraptor came back and discovered that there were other prey in the cave.

After the young and old dragons ate a whole Protoceratosaurus, the food brought back by the adult Velociraptor was not consumed and could be saved for emergencies.

It's a pity that there is no salt lake nearby, otherwise it could be marinated and stored for a longer time.

Days passed like this, and the little velociraptor continued to grow. From a dozen or twenty centimeters at the beginning, it grew to nearly one meter in more than half a year, which was nearly twice the size of other young dragons of the same age.

This should be the effect of the flesh and blood of the immortal species. The difference from the mutated pronucleus lies in the increase and duration.

The mutated prokaryotic is an amplifier. As long as it is eaten, the prokaryotic bacteria will continue to transform the bodies of living creatures, making them larger and stronger for a very long time.

The flesh and blood of the immortal species is a treasure of heaven and earth in myths and legends. The mutated pronucleus is transformed into prokaryotic cells and integrated into the living body, which can effectively slow down the aging of living creatures and make living creatures extremely long-lived.

Other creatures eat their flesh and blood, which can heal injuries, strengthen the body, repair the spirit, and improve the IQ, but it cannot continuously strengthen the host like the mutated prokaryotic.

Xu Dong was very happy that the little Velociraptor was growing vigorously, but he still had some regrets. In the past six months, Judah had never shown anything special, which made Xu Dong's progress in researching Zerg genes stagnant.

Now, as the Thirteen Young Dragons have grown in size, animals that could not be hunted in the past are no longer a problem.

Just like the Protoceratops that once ruthlessly crushed Judas and Peter, now it can't defeat the Thirteen Apostles of Velociraptor.

A group of one-meter-level Velociraptors hunted a three-meter-level Proceratosaurus. Isn’t this as stable as a mountain?

As soon as the Proceratosaurus was dealt with, the sky suddenly changed. Dark clouds covered a large area. It was going to rain, so we had to return to the cave quickly.

Except for a few aquatic creatures, most animals don't like rainy days.

The ectothermic dragons like to be dry and warm and need external heat to maintain their body temperature. Rainy weather will make their body temperature lower and affect their body functions.

Even warm-blooded dinosaurs don't like the feeling of being wet and will hide under trees to take shelter when it rains.

Fluffy mammals are more afraid of rain. Their wet body hair is not conducive to insulation and care, not to mention insects. In windy and rainy days, they may even be drowned, crushed to death, and suffocated.

Huh? what is that?

A group of bugs emitting blue light flew from a distance, and they didn't feel like normal bugs.

Sure enough, Xu Dong's prediction was correct. After several blue bugs were blown together by the strong wind, lightning burst out.

And that's not all. After the lightning spark hits a big tree, it quickly ignites the pines and cypresses. If the rain is not strong enough, the forest is likely to break out again.

Instead of worrying about forest fires, it is better to worry about your own life safety first.

The experienced Xu Dong knew it was broken at the first sight, and immediately put down the body of Protoceratops and ran wildly with the little Velociraptors.

The thirteen young dragons had great trust in Xu Dong, and Xu Dong would definitely not be wrong if he asked them to put down their bodies and run quickly.

So the fourteen velociraptors rushed towards the cave as if they were flying. Behind them were countless flying blue-light electric insects.

Every collision of the electric insects will trigger lightning sparks. Judging from the power of the big tree just hit, it will definitely be a piece of black charcoal.

The blue electric bugs were very fast and caught up with them before they ran out of the forest. Since they couldn't run away, they could only hold on until the bugs flew by.

The blue electric bugs are not targeting the Velociraptors, they are just passing by. However, there are too many of them, and it is an unavoidable thunder disaster for the creatures below.

When two blue-light bugs hit each other, they immediately triggered a bolt of lightning and struck down towards the group of dragons at high speed.

3D mode expands, speed 0.1.

Although the speed has slowed to the limit, the lightning is still incredibly fast. Xu Dong can only predict the impact point in advance and push away the young dragon who may be in danger.

Xu Dong pushed Andre away from where the lightning struck and successfully avoided the electric shock.

But the positions of Tatsuta, Jacob, and Domo on the other side will also face the bombardment of thunder.

Xu Dong didn't dare to turn off the 3D mode even for a second now, because if it was turned off, he would not be able to save these little guys before the thunder and lightning came.

Facing this natural judgment, personal power is too weak.

Five minutes later, the swarm of blue electric bugs had not finished flying, but the 3D mode could no longer hold on. Xu Dong had a splitting headache and fell into a trance. He just wanted to find a place to sleep for a few days and nights.

But he couldn't fall. Now that he had fallen, the thirteen young dragons didn't know how much they could survive.

After pushing away a young dragon again, Xu Dong staggered and fell directly onto the spot where the lightning struck.

The 3D vision was automatically turned off. Xu Dong opened his eyes and lay down on the ground. Was it his turn to be struck by lightning this time?

Okay, you can go back to the creature editor, and then come back to install powerful components. The Velociraptor cannot now dominate the earth like the red-scaled flying dragon dominates the sky.

At this time, a young figure stood in front of Xu Dong, raising his head to face the thunder in the sky.

Which one is it?

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