Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 170 The First Awakener

Judas and Peter chased the carnosaurus, but were blocked by a dead tree and were already pulled away some distance.

Fortunately, the traces of the carnosaurus running are clearly visible. If they follow the traces, they can eventually catch them.

However, after chasing for a while, the cry of the flesh-stealing dragon suddenly came from the front. The sound should not be far away, so they immediately accelerated and rushed over.

In front, a Protoceratops less than three meters long was biting the neck of the Carnosaurus. The cry just now was made by the Carnosaurus after it was attacked by a sneak attack.

Although the name of Protoceratopsaurus only has one more original word than Ceratosaurus, it is not the same type of dinosaur at all. Ceratosaurus belongs to the suborder Ceratosaurus, while Protoceratopsosaurus belongs to the superfamily Tyrannosaurus, that is to say This guy is the ancestor of Tyrannosaurus Rex, one of the internet celebrities in the dinosaur world.

The Protoceratops released its blood-stained mouth and raised its head to look at the two little guys emerging from the ferns. The scene was momentarily awkward. Fortunately, Judas and Peter were too small and had bigger meat-stealing capabilities. The dragon is here, and it doesn't even bother to care about these little things.

After howling at the Velociraptor to indicate that the carnosaurus belonged to it, the Protoceratops lowered its head and started eating.

Although the two little guys Judas and Peter were reckless, they still knew how to size up the situation and pursued the carnivorous dragon because they had seen through all the carnivorous dragon's attack patterns and were confident that they would not be hurt.

Nowadays, this three-meter-level strange carnivorous dragon is not a big piece of armored grass that lacks attack methods. Whether it is the dagger-shaped fangs or the powerful masseter muscles, it is a terrifying weapon for killing enemies. It is basically a small Velociraptor with one mouthful.

Proceratosaurus tore open the skin of Carnosaurus's flanks and feasted on it. Judas and Peter couldn't help but swallowed when they saw how delicious it was, and slowly moved forward to see if they could rub it. Order some meat.

Usually good-tempered predators will turn a blind eye to the movements of small things, but this one doesn't seem to have a good temper.

The Protoceratosaurus raised its head, snorted, opened its big mouth full of blood and roared at the approaching little Velociraptor, just like in later generations yelling Get out to the two children watching helplessly while eating.

Facing the roar of the dragon at close range, the smell mixed with bad breath and the smell of blood could be clearly heard. Judas and Peter were obviously frightened, and actually sat down and collapsed on the ground with a snap.

Protoceratosaurus looked at the two stupid little guys, and his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

In this mountain forest ecosystem, Velociraptor's position in the food chain is obviously higher than that of Protoceratops, not to mention that they still hunt in groups.

In fact, even if one were taken out alone, Protoceratosaurus would not be able to defeat it.

In order to survive, Protoceratops was often eaten and bullied by velociraptors, and the food they had worked so hard to hunt was wiped out by the velociraptor group.

Now there are two little velociraptors in front of me. Maybe they are not enough to fill the gap between their teeth, but at least they can reduce the bullying that their future descendants will encounter.

The Protoceratops suddenly became vicious and took the initiative to attack the two young dragons.

At the size of a small Velociraptor, Protoceratops could kill them in one bite.

Faced with this sudden attack, Judas and Peter, who had been frightened to the ground, suddenly stood up again and ran towards the rear.


After one bite, the Protoceratops roared and chased after the small Velociraptor.

How could a small young Velociraptor be able to outrun a large dinosaur that was ten steps ahead of them in one step? It was not long before it was overtaken by Proceratosaurus.

Every time its big foot falls, it is a crisis. As long as it is stepped on, it will be a dead end.

Faced with this life-and-death crisis, the two little Velociraptors used their shell-breaking strength and increased their speed to the highest level, hoping to completely escape the threat of Protoceratosaurus.

But with such a huge difference in body size, how could they defeat Protoceratosaurus? Their fast running made them lose their pace, making it even more difficult to avoid the trampling of Protoceratosaurus.

Peter accidentally tripped over a dead branch while sprinting and fell forward. But by chance, the big foot of Protoceratops fell towards the place where it fell.

With the size of a young Velociraptor, if it were stepped on by Protoceratops and weighed down by a hundred kilograms of weight, it would definitely be fatal.

At this moment, Xu Dong was heading here with the young velociraptors. No one could stop that overwhelming kick. Peter's young life might disappear before adulthood, like countless underage animals in the animal world.

At this critical moment, a cyan figure flashed past. Judas pushed Peter away, but he fell at the feet of Protoceratops. It was an unimaginable miracle that Velociraptor would sacrifice himself for others.


The giant foot fell, shaking the ground. The soil dented a little, and then rebounded slightly. Protoceratops looked down and saw that it had actually stepped on it.

But there's something wrong with the feeling of my feet. Shouldn't it feel like my body is being crushed and my blood is splattering? Why does it feel like stepping on a stone and it hurts.

Lifting his left foot, he saw a dark stone on the ground. This kind of stone is very common in the surrounding mountains, but how could it come to its feet? The one under its feet should obviously be the little velociraptor.

Peter next to him was also stunned. He didn't know how the place where his companion Judas should be was turned into a stone. His little mind couldn't think of any explanation.

In the distance, Xu Dong came here with eleven small Velociraptors. The movement of their walking attracted the attention of Protoceratops. It raised its head and roared at Xu Dong, but it lost its previous arrogance.

Facing an adult Velociraptor with a body length of four meters and a weight of nearly 200 kilograms, Protoceratops had no chance of winning.

Just when this guy was thinking about how to escape, the black stone under his feet suddenly cracked and turned into a small velociraptor curled up into a ball. The black gravel slipped from its body, revealing its true appearance. It was... The Judah who disappeared under the feet of Protoceratops.

Judah was lying on the ground, holding his head with two paws. The whole dragon was trembling with fear. Perhaps it felt a different atmosphere. It slightly opened one eye and looked around.

The tall Protoceratosaurus is still on top, not far away is his companion Peter, and in the distance are the closest old dragon Xu Dong and his eleven brothers.

Xu Dong's arrival obviously gave Judah courage. It jumped up from the ground and rushed towards Xu Dong. Peter was stunned for a moment, and then escaped from the attack range of Protoceratops with Judah.

At this time, Protoceratosaurus was on full alert, and all its attention was focused on Xu Dong, but he actually let the two little guys escape like that.

Since there was no baby dragon under his feet, Xu Dong didn't need to worry about anything, he stepped on the ground and charged quickly.

The protoceratopsaurus itself is not as powerful as the adult Velociraptor, let alone facing Xu Dong who has added attribute points and eaten the flesh and blood of the immortal species.

Xu Dong quickly exchanged steps, reaching the limit of speed. When Protoceratops turned around to escape, he slapped it directly on the head.

The sharp claws scratched three bloody marks on the face of Protoceratops, and the huge force directly knocked it to the ground. If you dare to bully children, you must be prepared for revenge from the parents.

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