Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 169 Thirteen Apostles

The sun shines into the cave the next day, and the velociraptor group welcomes a new day. After eating the remaining meat from yesterday, the adult velociraptors are going out to hunt again.

There were only a group of left-behind lone dragons left in the cave where they lived, living with the old dragons. In order to make it easier to call them, Xu Dong named all the thirteen little ones.

Instead of the previous Long One and Long Two, he decided to have some fun and name the little ones one by one after the Thirteen Apostles.

Among them, the one closest to Xu Dong was named Judah by Xu Dong, taking the evil fun to the extreme.

Many of the baby dragons in the cave are larger than the thirteen baby dragons from outside. As an outsider, the thirteen baby dragons are obviously a little shy, but their aura far exceeds that of these children who are older than them.

Xu Dong shouted and wanted to take the thirteen young dragons out, but he was stopped by other old velociraptors. They shouted and pointed at Xu Dong, trying to express that it was dangerous outside and they should not take the dragons out.

For these old dragons, being able to survive after decades of ups and downs means that they are the best among velociraptors. They are very aware of the dangers in the wild. If the little dragon gets lost, it will most likely die.

Therefore, for the safety of the little velociraptors, they prohibited all young dragons from leaving the cave.

As the saying goes, care leads to chaos. They are like the old grandfather who uses crutches to block the door and prevents the children from going out. The starting point is for the safety of the children, but the flowers in the greenhouse are destined not to grow into towering trees.

Xu Dong's education method is to allow children to maximize their abilities while ensuring life safety.

After eating the meat of the Immortal Seed, these thirteen little guys have great potential. Xu Dong wants to train them to become the future pillars of the Velociraptor Clan.

After some friendly discussions with the old velociraptors, he still took the young velociraptors out of the cave. After all, he was the ancestor of the Red Dragon clan. After tens of millions of years of ups and downs, he showed off his power with great momentum. Even the red scale flying dragon can be scared.

This time Xu Dong took thirteen small Velociraptors out of the cave for training. The target he chose was the two-meter-long Carnosaurus lepiensis. If you just heard the name, you would think it was a small or medium-sized predator, but in fact it was a small and medium-sized predator. Huo is a vegetarian.

At first, I didn't notice the teeth and mistook it for a meat-eating dinosaur. However, after processing the fossil, I discovered that it was actually a herbivore. However, according to the rules of the paleontological world, it cannot be changed after it is named, so the name was recorded. .

Similar ones include the oviraptor, which has the reputation of stealing eggs but does not steal eggs, and the phytosaur, which was clearly a freshwater predator before being a crocodile.

Xu Dong, who saw the appearance with his own eyes, would certainly not be mistaken. Carnosaurus lynchii belongs to the suborder Ankylosaurus. Compared with the previous legosaurs, this creature has gone a step further in its armor. It is quite similar to the armadillos of later generations. It is just one step away from the classic Ankylosaurus image.

Although Carnosaurus lynchii is small and does not have anti-armoured spines on its body, it is not an easy dinosaur to hunt. Its tail hammer has evolved, but it is not as big as Ankylosaurus, but it still costs 40 points if it is hit.

With the size of a young velociraptor, it is absolutely no problem to smash all the bones in the body with one hammer.

Xu Dong explained to them the precautions for dealing with Li's Carnivoraosaurus, especially the tail hammer, which made the young dragons pay special attention.

Compared with the previous baby velociraptors, the velociraptors were smarter. The communication between Xu Dong and the thirteen young dragons was very smooth, and they both paid attention to the tail hammer of the carnivorous dragon.

Perhaps it’s the predator genes ingrained in them that make the little guys so excited about hunting.

Facing this huge opponent they had never seen before, they had no fear. Judas rushed out first. He was the strongest among the thirteen young dragons and the one who trusted Xu Dong the most.

Even during the charge, it also kept Xu Dong's instructions in mind and always paid attention to the tail hammer of the Li's Carnivorous Dragon.

Faced with the charging Velociraptor, the Carnosaurus leech turned around and pointed its side at the enemy. It swung its tail from side to side to show that it was not easy to mess with.

Facing the first charging little velociraptor, it swung its tail hammer and hit Judah, but it jumped away nimbly.

With its strong leg muscles and longer ankle bones, the little Velociraptor jumped onto the back of the Carnosaurus levitra, raised its claws and stabbed at the back of the Carnosaurus.


The hooked claws did not penetrate the carapace of the Carnosaurus. After all, it was also a member of the order Ankylosaurus. The armor was thick enough, far beyond what a young Velociraptor could penetrate.

The remaining twelve velociraptors also arrived one after another. The slow tail-swinging speed of the carnivorous dragon was unable to hit the nimble little velociraptor. They all jumped on the back of the carnivorous dragon one by one, slashing like a clanking sound. But there was no way to hurt the flesh-stealing dragon at all.

Faced with this situation, Judas turned his eyes and came up with a solution. He slid down the carapace and began to attack the sides and limbs of the carnosaurus.

The abdomens of these four-legged reptiles are their weak point, but also very dangerous.

The weight of four-legged dinosaurs is often greater than that of bipedal dinosaurs of the same length. The swing of their limbs can cause huge damage. The most terrible thing is that if they lie down, it is a weight that predators cannot bear.

Therefore, predators rarely attack the lower abdomen. Most of them attack the lower abdomen, scraping and drawing blood.

Although the skin of Carnosaurus without carapace is very thick, it is not bones after all, and it can still be cut by Velociraptor's claws.

Seeing that this worked, the remaining small velociraptors also jumped down one after another, harassing and attacking around the flesh-stealing dragon, causing the plant-eating dragon to run.

It seems to have returned to the most common hunting method of dinosaurs in the Mesozoic Era. As long as the Carnosaurus can't hold on and stops, that's when it will die.

The little velociraptors were very smart, but inexperienced, and they were almost tricked by the running flesh-stealing dragon.

This beast with thick eyebrows and big eyes can actually walk like a cat and twist its butt. Although it can't run fast enough, it can expand the attack range of its tail hammer. In order to avoid being hit by the tail hammer, the velociraptors can only try their best to fight with the tail hammer. The flesh-stealing dragon distanced itself.

In this way, the little Velociraptors were pulled further away and could no longer keep parallel with the Carnosaurus, let alone hurt it.

When passing by a dead tree, the flesh-stealing dragon suddenly exerted force and hit the root of the dead tree with a heavy hammer. The huge force caused the already rotten and crooked dead tree to completely fall down, just in time to fall. Behind the Carnosaurus.

The fall of this tall dead tree immediately broke their formation into two pieces. The only ones who ran past before the tree fell were Judas, Peter, and Thomas.

Now that the array is divided into two parts, it will take some time for the following ten small velociraptors to climb over the dead trees. Should they continue to pursue the carnivorous dragons, or wait for their companions to join together.

The three small velociraptors on the dead tree split into two pieces again. Judas and Peter chose to continue chasing the carnivorous dragon, while Thomas chose to stay behind to support his companions.

Perhaps it was this initial choice that gave these thirteen velociraptors, who had grown up together, a different life trajectory.

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