In the center of the explosion, a carnivorous fish swam to the side of the mountain-like beast, opened its mouth and bit into the raised bones under the skin.

The result can be imagined. Its teeth that had not yet degraded were broken, but the giant beast lying down felt no pain or itching.

The carnivorous fish looks at the huge meat but cannot eat it, just like the treasure mountain is in front of them but cannot get any bit. Who can know such pain.

At this moment, the sea surface suddenly shook, and the turbulent currents confused the predatory fish.

The giant beast that had been lying on the ground before, the pseudo-legendary Redonda Dragon raised its limbs and got up.

Although it nearly lost its life after eating the self-destruction of the Dark Firefly, fortunately, its defense was strong enough. It stood far away when the Firefly self-destructed, and its reaction was quick enough. It turned around and used its hardest part. The back was aimed at the explosion point.

The powerful explosion shattered Redonda Dragon's back armor, but it was not killed after all.

After a period of recovery, Redonda Dragon finally got up again and dived into the water with its bloody back. With the terrifying physique of the immortal species, it could recover in a few months at most.

Some time after Redondasaurus left, the more seriously injured Velociraptor and Morgananth also got up and left. Only the Liopleurodon, which was the most seriously injured, was stranded on the river bank and was dying. It was estimated that he would not die soon. .

A large number of dinosaurs broke through the Sun Flame Shenlong's interception and came to the shore to enjoy the delicious flesh and blood. A Buckland hybrid dragon was very smart and did not compete with many predators. It crossed the ground and ran toward the immortal species. .

Directly in front of it was the dying Liopleurodon.

The broken flesh and blood all over the body made Liopleurodon even more attractive. In the eyes of the Heterosaurus, it was no longer a terrifying pseudo-legendary dragon, but today's lunch.

Just when the Heterosaurus approached the side of Liopleurodon and opened its mouth to enjoy a delicious meal, the huge head suddenly attacked and swallowed it in one mouthful.

Rules of the biological world: Even a severely injured and dying pseudo-legend is far more threatening than an apex predator.

The Heterosaurus that originally wanted to fill its stomach became the bioenergy of Liopleurodon. With the intake of this large piece of flesh and blood, it successfully extended the life of this Liopleurodon.

With this bit of biological energy, Liopleurodon finally moved its body into the sea. Once it entered the water, it was like a diving dragon entering the sea. Nothing could threaten it anymore.

What the Sun Flame Dragon in the sky had been waiting for for a long time never appeared, and in the end it could only leave reluctantly.

This kind of instinctive throbbing is essentially the attraction of Zerg genes to the DNA of earth creatures. It is like a fragrance that can be smelled even from a long distance.

The simpler the brain of a creature, the easier it is to be controlled by instinct, and the less persistent it is. After the firefly explodes, what they chase becomes flesh and blood instead of the thing that triggers the instinctive throbbing.

The smarter Sun Flame Dragons are not like this. They will wonder if the source of this instinctual throbbing is still there.

This is also the reason why the Sun Flame Dragon still stayed for so long after the big explosion. It was not only unwilling to die in the same kind of battle, but also the thought that something would appear.

But as more and more dinosaurs gathered below, and things failed to appear, the Sun Flame Dragon finally had no choice but to give up.

Xu Dong headed inland with a dozen or so well-fed velociraptors. There were too many dinosaurs on the tidal flats. Although they would not attack other creatures rashly when there was food everywhere, there was a chance that some dinosaurs would move back. Two steps happened to trample the little velociraptor to death.

Carefully passing through the group of dinosaurs, the carnivorous dragons were all concentrating on eating meat. The ones closest to the ocean were the predators at the top of the food chain, and beyond that were many secondary predators. Quickly attracted by the flesh and blood, Dragons are also in this position.

Xu Dong squeezed away a velociraptor that was eating meat. The guy raised his head to see who dared to squeeze it, but he saw an old dragon and about ten young dragons that only reached its ankles.

Although the Velociraptor family is extremely ferocious to the outside world, they are still very tolerant towards their own kind. They will even take the initiative to raise young dragons who have lost their parents and stray old dragons.

Because adult dragons need to hunt, it can be said that the velociraptors were brought up by the old velociraptors when they were young, so that they are closer to the old dragons than to the adult dragons. Even if they have grown up now, the old dragons have already passed away, but not Preventing them from respecting the now old Velociraptor.

The adult velociraptor turned its head and roared. The velociraptors who were gnawing on meat looked up one after another. After seeing Xu Dong and the young dragons, they actually made a way for them to pass. In nature, which is full of dangers, there is no place like the inside of a group of dragons. safer.

In this way, Xu Dong joined the new group of velociraptors. The velociraptors were very friendly to this small group, and some adult dragons took the initiative to give up their positions so that they could have a place to eat meat.

However, Xu Dong and the thirteen young dragons were full and rejected the adult dragon's kindness. It didn't care and continued to lower its head and eat its own food.

After a while, the velociraptors were full and left with their blood food. There were many young and old dragons waiting for food in their lairs. Xu Dong and the thirteen young dragons followed them for more than ten miles. .

Generally, adult dragons would run when they came out to hunt. Considering the physical strength of Xu Dong and other new members, the leader of the velociraptors chose to slow down so that they would not fall behind.

It was getting late, and they finally arrived at the habitat of the Velociraptors. It was a large cave with two or three gatekeepers at the entrance.

After seeing the velociraptor group coming back, they immediately barked a few times into the cave. Suddenly a group of extremely hungry little velociraptors rushed out and rushed toward their parents.

In the evening, after meeting each other, Xu Dong and other dragons finally joined the group.

Once the old dragons and young dragons have eaten and drank enough, the day's work will be over, and they can finally sleep peacefully without worrying about the pressure of survival.

As an old dragon, Xu Dong slept inside the cave with the old and young dragons of the tribe. At the entrance of the cave were a large number of adult dragons. If an accident happened, they would be the tribe's first line of defense.

Gently touching the little dragon clinging to him like a bird, he felt the taste of family affection.

This time when entering the earth, he did not choose the extremely powerful Sun Flame Dragon, but chose the earth-moving Velociraptor.

He knew that if he chose Velociraptor, he might no longer be at the top of the biological chain, and he would no longer have that almost unsolvable aerial advantage.

But he has no regrets. Although the Red Scale Flying Dragon and the Sun Flame Divine Dragon are extremely powerful and aloof, except for pseudo-legends and legends, there are almost no creatures that can hunt them.

But also because he flew too high, he lost the most precious thing for human beings and the thing Xu Dong was most attached to, family affection.

They are powerful, cold, and aloof. They are powerful thugs, but they are not Xu Dong's brothers or relatives.

It was impossible for them to bring him as much emotion and nostalgia as the little red dragon.

But in this not-so-top Velociraptor, he once again experienced this long-lost emotion.

This is where they differ from the flying dragon clan.

Thanks for the tip of Creeper's self-destruction.

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