Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 167 Immortality Seed Feast

Only after the Sun Flame Dragon flew away did Xu Dong get up from the water.

He came to the nearest carcass of the Ichthyosaurus. The big guy's body was broken into five pieces by the self-explosion of the fireflies.

These immortal species have strong physiques, and even if they encounter an explosion head-on, they still have a chance to survive. Unlike the Sun Flame Dragon, which has pseudo-legendary combat power but no pseudo-legendary physique, it was directly blown into blood foam, leaving not a drop left.

Climbing into the body of the Ichthyosaurus from the fracture, he searched for a long time but could not find the mutated pronucleus. Sure enough, the longevity species was as he expected. The mutated pronucleus had been completely integrated into the body, and there was no way to take it out and eat it like the longevity species.

However, although the mutated pronucleus is gone, the flesh and blood of the immortal species is still the greatest tonic. Although it cannot be improved as significantly as the mutated pronucleus, it can definitely improve the physical ability of the species.

Xu Dong tasted the fish and dragon meat, and his body felt warm after taking one gulp. The wound on his back was itching, and it was obviously healing. Even his swollen and painful head had recovered a little. Sure enough, the meat of these immortal species can heal the injury. Replenishing spirit.

Xu Dong immediately started eating.

[Obtain source quality +9]

[Obtain source quality +12]

[Obtain source quality +7]

[Acquired component: Ovoviviparous mother nest of Ichthyosaurus]

this. . .

It seems that a magical weapon has been opened? Could it be that the Velociraptor is about to take off?

Looking back at the little velociraptors watching in the woods in the distance, Xu Dong decided that the extraordinary dragon clan should be cultivated from an early age, so he called out to these little guys.

After receiving Xu Dong's order, the little guys immediately ran to the beach. They were small enough and would not attract the attention of the Sun Flame Dragon. Only three of them remained here, thinking that good things would always come out. .

You can't blame these guys. Although they are smart, they have not transcended the category of animals. Instinct is always dominant, and naturally they cannot understand such things as genes.

Except for a few that were eaten by small predators while running, the remaining young velociraptors finally ran to Xu Dong and counted the remaining ones, thirteen.


Xu Dong gasped, could it be Steins;Gate's choice?

But after all, it was impossible for him to deny them meat just for the sake of this magical quantity.

According to Xu Dong's guess, there is a 99% chance that genetic mutation will lead to cancer, but if you eat the flesh and blood of the immortal species, it will be different. On the one hand, you will improve your physical fitness, and on the other hand, you will have a chance of obtaining prokaryotic bacteria. By then, you will be able to successfully mutate. The odds may be greater.

After leaving them here to eat ichthyosaur meat, Xu Dong ran to the Indian Dandakosaurus next to him. This was a carnivorous dragon that was said to be able to reach ten meters in the Early Jurassic.

This record will not be broken by the Barbarian Dragon until at least the late Jurassic. Putting aside Ah San's unreliability, this guy is an unidentified species, but now he can see it with his own eyes.

Coming to the side of the Dandako dragon that was blown to pieces, this guy was closest to the fireflies and died the worst. Other immortal species were only blown into a few pieces at most, but it faced the explosion and was blown into pieces. minced meat.

However, minced meat also has the advantage of being minced meat, which is that it is convenient for others to eat. Of course, steak is most convenient to eat if it is cut into pieces.

After taking a bite, it smelled like curry. It was indeed a dinosaur unearthed from Asan.

[Obtain source quality +6]

Dandakoosaurus is not as big as Ichthyosaurus, and should be considered the last among this group of immortal species, and it also has less source of energy.

[Obtain source quality +7]

I just don’t know what components will be given?

Make time.

Make time.

Make time.

Damn, three consecutive draws, what kind of luck is this.

[Acquired component: Dandakolong's gripping knuckles]

what's the situation? You are a dinosaur and can actually grasp it. Could it be that you learned it from India?

The peaceful eating did not last long, as the blood trail drifted away, attracting more and more marine predators.

However, the large predators were reduced to dead crawling fish by the explosion just now, and most of the ones that can come over now are some middle and lower-level predators.

At this time, a sea lizard swam toward the young Velociraptor. Its body was more than two meters long, and it was considered the largest among the first batch of predators to arrive.

It is precisely because of its large size that it can occupy the best position and enjoy the richest meat.

Compared with the young velociraptor, this guy is naturally huge, but compared with the four-meter-level Xu Dong, this guy can only be called a little guy.

This little guy might have been too focused on the prey in front of him and didn't notice Xu Dong approaching quickly, but the fluctuation of the water flow woke him up and he immediately ran away.

Xu Dong pierced the tail of the sea lizard with one claw and locked it firmly in his hand. Although this sea lizard was weak, it could feed the young dragons with blood.

Only by personally defeating prey larger than yourself can you have the courage to move forward.

When the number and size of the young dragons overlapped with those in Xu Dong's memory, he made up his mind to stop fishing and cultivate these thirteen little guys into talents.

No matter how the times change in the future, getting stronger is always the unchanging truth. After eating the flesh and blood of the Immortal Seed, the thirteen little guys should be able to defeat this sea lizard.

He cut off one of the sea lizard's legs to prevent it from escaping, then threw it to the young dragons and gave them the order to eat it.

The young dragons were too frightened to do anything. The sea lizard was much bigger than them. In the past, they had only seen such large prey dead. It was too reluctant to let them deal with live ones this time.

However, they did not dare to take action. The sea lizard, driven mad by pain, would not hesitate. It crawled straight towards the young dragons.

The little velociraptor that Xu Dong had rescued was still the bravest. Howling loudly to encourage himself, he took the lead in rushing towards the sea lizard.

When the other young dragons saw it, their blood energy suddenly surged and they howled and rushed towards the sea lizard.

The young velociraptor who has consumed the flesh and blood of the Immortal Seed has experienced a qualitative leap in physical fitness. Its strength and speed are not even inferior to those of a two or three year old young velociraptor.

For a Velociraptor, which can reach over one meter at the age of three, it would not be a problem to challenge five scum lizards alone, let alone thirteen of them.

The little Velociraptor who rushed out first nimbly avoided the sea lizard's big mouth, and its ancestral jumping ability allowed it to jump onto the sea lizard.

Following the example of his elders, he stabbed the sea lizard on its back with his claws.

It's a pity that they are still too young now. If the claws of adult velociraptors are like embroidered spring knives, then the claws of young velociraptors are like fruit knives for peeling apples.

The Xiuchun knife can cut the sea lizard in half with one blow, but the fruit knife can only poke a small hole and is not fatal at all.

However, when the thirteen little velociraptors all jumped on the back of the sea lizard and attacked non-stop, the sea lizard still couldn't hold on.

The hind legs had been cut off and were bleeding, and numerous knives were inserted into the back. The Velociraptor's toxins were unable to stop the bleeding, so it could only struggle until death.

The little velociraptors who killed such a big prey jumped up and down one by one, showing their pride and excitement.

They are no longer the young dragons without any attack power, they can also fight!

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