Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 164 The Prelude to a New Era

The Velociraptors are located in a dense forest belt, which can effectively prevent the attack of the Red Scale Flying Dragon.

A few hundred meters to the west is a large tidal flat, with red-scaled flying dragons soaring in the sky and ichthyosaurs swimming in the sea. It's a scene like dragon fish playing.

But such a scene can only be seen as beautiful in the eyes of people who don't understand the situation, because the people here are famous predators.

In the sky is the red-scaled flying dragon that is now invincible across the world, while in the sea is the strongest combat power that marine life in the mid-Jurassic period can produce.

The pterygoid family took over the throne of ocean dominance after becoming extinct in the Early Jurassic, and sent out the top predators Pliosaurus Andrus, Platyrhinosaurus and Liopleurodon.

The marine crocodiles ranked second, sending the most powerful lizard crocodiles and fighting lizard crocodiles over.

As for ichthyosaurs, the original ocean overlords, after experiencing the extinction of the Early Jurassic, top predators such as the incisorosaurs were completely wiped out. Now they can only send out the Mesozoic giant dolphins Bigeye Ichthyosaurus and Moles Ichthyosaurus. Hold up the scene.

Big-eyed Ichthyosaurus is not only similar in size to a dolphin, but also has the same food habits as dolphins in later generations. They are all cute creatures that eat fish, squid and other small creatures. Isn't it really just a food delivery?

But it wasn't over yet. What Xu Dong didn't expect was that the unknown shark from the Jurassic Period would dare to show up.

You have to know that it will still have to wait 50 million years before the slightly more competitive porbeagle sharks come out. What kind of crooked melons are there in sharks now?

The current situation is that the four giants of the ocean are here, but there is only the Red Scale Flying Dragon in the sky.

Pterosaurs were almost completely lost after the Zerg War of 190 Ma and the extinction in the Early Jurassic. The remaining ones were lingering in Antarctica and Australia. How could they be qualified to come here? If you really dare to come, the red scale flying dragon will eat them all.

As for land, the apex predators are coming too, just. . .

Spinospondylus of the Northwestern Argentinosauridae, Megalodon of the subfamily Megalodon and Veenvenator are large eight-meter predators.

Monoclastosaurus, Torsospondylus Doriavenator, African Venator, Yongchuanosaurus and other five to seven-meter secondary predators were all lying on the ground at this time, with blood flowing all over the ground, but there were no small or medium-sized ones. Predators dare to come out and take advantage.

As long as they dare to show up, tens of thousands of red-scale flying dragons can teach them to become dragons again.

The flying dragons cannot go into the water to deal with these sea crawlers and sharks, but they will not show mercy to the creatures on land. If they dare to come, they must be prepared to die.

So the current scene has been a confrontation between the sea and the air. Xu Dong doesn't know how long they have been in a stalemate, and he doesn't know how long they will continue to confront each other, but it must be something good that can attract so many dragons.

Soon the sky fell into darkness, and night came. The red-scaled flying dragons needed to rest, but not all of them rested. They also knew that the dragons were left behind to guard them.

Night is the time when small and medium-sized predators come out. They want to take advantage of the darkness to go to the shore to steal some flesh and blood from corpses to fill their stomachs, and the velociraptors in the forest also want to do the same.

But they were stopped by Xu Dong. Fortunately, the old leader still had some prestige and didn't let them be fooled by the red scale flying dragon.

Xu Dong clearly remembered that before the Triassic mass extinction, he personally equipped the flying dragons with the Morgan beast's night vision eyes.

In other words, this group of red shadows in the sky can clearly see the movement on the ground at night. Small and medium-sized predators are simply giving away meat when they go up to grab food.

Sure enough, when enough small and medium-sized predators gathered on the coast, the red-scaled flying dragon that was keeping watch suddenly dropped down and attacked these guys.

This time, the small and medium-sized creatures were completely exploded. How could there be such disgusting creatures? Even their remaining nocturnal ecological niche was not spared.

The small and medium-sized creatures fled in all directions, and the flying dragons that kept watch at night did not chase them, and returned to their habitat again. In fact, they did not really want to eat, but they were just too bored to spend time at night.

However, these small and medium-sized creatures running around took advantage of the Velociraptor. Many of them ran into the forest, and all of them entered the Velociraptor's belly.

After eating and drinking for a night, when the sun shone into the woods the next day, Xu Dong immediately opened his eyes because he found that the heat was not normal.

Now is not the hottest summer, but it is close to winter. It is abnormal for the sun to be so hot anymore.

Xu Dong looked up and saw that there was indeed a problem.

Ten suns actually appeared in the sky at the same time, and their blazing rays drove away the cold air, making the coast extremely warm.

The nine suns continued to grow in size and flew towards the confrontation between the sea and the sky. Only when they flew closer did the nine blazing suns reveal their true appearance. This was the latest species created by Xu Dong, the Sun Flame Dragon.

Their appearance is very similar to the red-scaled flying dragon, except that they are much larger than ordinary flying dragons, with a wingspan of at least ten meters.

The scales on its body are yellow in color, and the seven pairs of feathered scale wings on its back have turned black. The dazzling light before was caused by the scattering of light by the black wings, making any creature it saw feel as dazzling as the sun.

These nine huge Sun Flame Dragons flew above the sea, and the surrounding red-scaled flying dragons surrounded them as if they had found a backbone. They were about to take action against the creatures in the sea.

The nine Sun Flame Divine Dragons took a deep breath and sprayed out the transparent and foul-smelling venom. As soon as the venom came into contact with the air, it began to ignite. From a distance, it looked like they could directly breathe fire.

The most terrifying thing about this extraterrestrial venom is that it explodes when it comes into contact with water.




The nine-mouthed dragon breathed nine sprays of water, exploding the numerous sea crawlers and sharks nesting in the sea into pieces, with flesh and blood splattering everywhere.

When the water splash subsided, the sea had lost its original green color and turned into scarlet, which is dyed red by the blood of marine creatures.

For the superior Sun Flame Dragon, it was simply a matter of life and death for these reptiles who only dared to nest in the water and dared to snatch things from them.

With this bombing, no sea creature dared to surface anymore. They were all frightened by this terrifying attack, but they would not leave. The call from instinct told them that what was about to appear even affected them. The continuation of the bloodline.

The two major instincts of living things are survival and reproduction. Reproduction is an existence that can be compared with survival. In order to continue the bloodline, they will not leave even if they die this time.

On land, there are still many dinosaurs coming, not only predators, but also vegetarian dinosaurs. Their speed is relatively slow, so they lag behind the carnivorous dragons by a long way.

The velociraptors around Xu Dong were also eager to leave the forest and go to the sea, and even Xu Dong himself felt it.

What ordinary creatures feel is just the instinct of reproduction, but what Xu Dong feels is extremely different.

What does this feel like?

Just like you are standing at the junction of the old and new eras, there is the key to advance to the next era in front of you. If you cannot seize this opportunity, you will be completely abandoned by the times.

As for the consequences of being out of touch with the times, Anomalocaris, Clover, Horseshoe Crab, Cornerstone, and Synapsid are the precedents.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten!

Thank you for sleeping more, silver snake, and Zhuo’s reward.

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