Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 163 The First Eye

According to the excavation of fossils, eyes first appeared in the Cambrian period more than 300 million years ago, and creatures began a long and arduous eye revolution.

Some organisms are unable to generate complex retinal structures, so they choose the method of quantitative change leading to qualitative change, and the single eyes are continuously piled up to form compound eyes to see images. The earliest pioneers of this path were the trilobites that inhabited each other until they died.

Although the trilobite died, its eyes were passed down to countless arthropods in later generations. It can be said that scorpions, spiders, and insects all enjoyed the legacy of the trilobite.

Chordates, on the other hand, have chosen a completely different quality upgrade method from arthropods, constantly evolving complex eyeball structures, and remaining silent while arthropods have formed compound eyes to dominate the oceans.

Until, the Devonian jawed fish became a sensation, completely breaking the rule of arthropods, and followed them to land, successfully evolving into two races of dragons and beasts that dominated the sea, land and air in later generations, and fell in love and killed each other.

The function of this third order from the tuatara on Xu Dong's head has never been known. Later studies only said that it had the ability to sense light, until the white vision appeared after Xu Dong was blinded in the century war with the Zerg.

It had never been sure what was going on before, and thought it was nature's fault. However, after thinking about it, it should be the ability of the creature itself.

At least when he went blind and his white senses appeared, nature did not cheat him. It was not until his body recovered and he could sense the earth's network that the cheating began.

It may not have been obvious before, but after switching to the Velociraptor clade, Velociraptor, that familiar feeling has been lingering in Xu Dong's heart.

He didn't know what was going on at first, until he just faced the pressure of the red-scale flying dragon, he closed his eyes, and the third eye on his forehead finally worked its magic again, and white vision appeared again.

The white vision this time is different from that of the red-scaled flying dragon. The white color before was that the world was vast and everything was blurry and could only be perceived. This was the first thing a creature saw when its eyes were born.

It is this original eye that perfectly conforms to the simple characteristics of nature. After connecting with the earth's network, the oldest and most terrifying God's perspective appears.

However, the third eye of Velociraptor has a background, which is a completely black background curtain. Only the creatures are white models, which is similar to the 3D modeling software of later generations.

The most outrageous thing is that in this 3D vision, he can adjust the speed just like watching a video.

When the white red-scaled flying dragon model swooped toward the sky against the black background, 3D Eyes adjusted the speed to the lowest, and the red-scaled flying dragon slowly flew towards Xudong like a snail crawling.

Maybe it can still be like this?

Xu Dong tried to outline the diving direction of the red-scaled flying dragon. Sure enough, a white parabola appeared under the flying dragon. This was its subsequent movement trajectory. As long as it avoided the white parabola, it could predict its position in advance.

Xu Dong tried to speed up, raising the movement speed in 3D vision from 01 to 0.5. As expected, the red-scaled flying dragon accelerated its flight speed. Xu Dong turned his body slightly sideways, feeling as if he had tripped on something small.

He raised his left paw and aimed it at the red-scaled flying dragon that was slowly moving next to him. Hey, the wings were quite hard, and they were not cut off at once. Xu Dong used another stroke with force and finally cut off all seven wings. Come down.

The 3D vision was instantly disconnected, and Xu Dong returned to reality. He was in a trance for a moment. The red-scale flying dragon that had just attacked him could not maintain its balance and fell to the ground, rolling out a burst of smoke.

This ability is quite powerful. Why is it different from the vision during the Red Scale Flying Dragon period?

Xu Dong thought of the earlier Triassic mass extinction, and he added four mutated prokaryotes to the four clades of Little Red Dragon, Velociraptor, Big Red Dragon, and Amphibian Scale Lizard.

However, due to the limitations of the system, mutated prokaryotes were randomly added to each clade, and Xu Dong did not know what each of them had strengthened.

Now, as the only remaining branch, the truth about the mutated pronucleus of the Swift Lizard line has been revealed. It turns out that it was added to the third eye.

I just didn't expect that eyes with mutated protokaryotes could have such terrifying abilities.

No, this should not only be the ability of the third eye, but also be added to the point added to the horn before. Xu Dong, who had added two points of mutant nuclei on the wings, knew very well that the two points were qualitative changes.

In particular, these two mutated organs, one eye and one corner located on the forehead, successfully stimulated the Velociraptor's brain, allowing the brain to show its extraordinary power for the first time in this world.

The red-scaled flying dragon was very surprised that ground species could shoot down its kind. After all, the speed of swooping and falling was too fast. Xu Dong was equivalent to planting flyers on fast-moving vehicles on the highway.

Most creatures would end up being knocked away like that pretentious fat man, but Xu Dong really did this. Such a speed was simply unheard of, at least the red-scaled flying dragons had never seen such a fast creature.

Red-scaled flying dragons are social animals. Although they are not highly socialized, their relationship with each other is very close.

Xu Dong knocked down a red-scaled flying dragon, and it landed at such a speed. It was basically a disaster, and the red-scaled flying dragon was bound to retaliate.

Dozens of flying dragons flapped their wings and took to the air again. This time they wanted to target Xu Dong, using a trick that could only be used on those behemoths, the Red Tide of the Sea of ​​Swords.

The red wings covered the sky and rolled down like a storm, covering Xu Dong from all sides. Countless claws stretched out towards him. At this time, Xu Dong was like a fruit thrown into a juicer. In a moment, he would be cut down by a thousand cuts. Chop it into pieces.

The eyes are closed, the vertical eyes are opened, and the 3D vision is unfolded.

The surrounding scenes were frozen, and the speed was adjusted to the slowest 0.1. The background was still black. Although the dozens of red-scaled flying dragons were all white, they did not overlap each other. They were all distinct and layered.

Xu Dong is also a little angry about these annoying descendants. Giving them such strong power is not to let them bully small animals. Uh, was it taught by Xu Dong? That's okay.

Stepping on the body of the flying dragon, Xu Dong stepped up step by step, leaving behind broken sharp horns. This is the symbol of the flying dragon's honor. Broken horns mean loser.

After leaving the Crimson Tide of the Sea of ​​Swords, Xu Dong released the 3D mode. This time, he almost fainted with his head tilted. His eyelids were trembling uncontrollably. In the end, he stood up straight with his eyes wide open.

Watching the red-scaled flying dragons collide with each other and fall to the ground at high speed, no matter how strong their recovery ability is, they will not be able to get up for a while.

Seeing this, Xu Dong fell down with relief. He was not dead, but just too tired. Although the 3D visual mode is easy to use, it obviously requires a lot of mental and physical energy. Xunlong's low-end brain obviously can't bear it. Can't live.

Xu Dong slept for three whole days. The first thing he did when he opened his eyes was to look for food. His body had not eaten for three days and needed a lot of nutrients to restore its previous energy consumption.

If the body was still the same as before, there would be no need to worry about these problems, and it would be able to recover after being exposed to the sun. The body of this old velociraptor is still too ordinary, which affects the performance of its extraordinary abilities.

After eating up a one-meter-long young Karloff dragon, Xu Dong regained his strength. He stood up and looked around, only to realize that they had reached the seaside.

Over the sea, countless red-scaled flying dragons were hovering.

In the sea, ichthyosaurs, fins, dragons and sea crocodiles were writhing.

They seem to be waiting for something.

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