Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 165 The End of the Zerg, a New Beginning

More and more dinosaurs are gathering on the coast, and countless creatures come here out of instinct, in order to see what is about to appear, but they don't know what it is.

The flying dragon clan, the overlord of the sky, was determined to get this thing. Naturally, they did not allow other creatures to get involved. They started the purge operation before they even entered the finals.

The Sun Flame Dragon is smarter and more arrogant than the Red Scale Flying Dragon, and it quickly formulated a response strategy.

The red-scaled flying dragons, which can only fight hand-to-hand, deal with various creatures on land, while they are responsible for guarding the animals in the sea. Anyone who dares to show up will be exploded.

The Sun Flame Dragon was born out of the Red Scale Flying Dragon and has formed different branches. However, the two parties did not split. Instead, they formed a superior-subordinate structure.

When Xu Dong loaded the fire-breathing and chloroplast components into the red-scaled flying dragon, he did not expect that the components would not act on all flying dragons, and instead would become a recessive gene in the flying dragon.

The Sun Flame Dragon has become an anomaly among the red-scale flying dragons. It has a magical special dragon species since birth. Such powerful strength and wisdom can even allow them to fight against ordinary longevity species.

In the animal world, the strong are respected. As the strongest among the flying dragons, the Sun Flame Dragon has naturally become the ruling class of the red scale flying dragons.

After deciding on the strategy of the Qing Dynasty, the flying dragon clan began to take action. Tens of thousands of red-scaled flying dragons were like a red sea, rolling toward the ground.

Even an ordinary red-scaled flying dragon is enough to deal with a huge dinosaur. The advantage brought by the sky is too great, so big that it can even out the difference in size and equipment.

Huge as Cetiosaurus and Centralodon, as ferocious as Megalodon and Vensaurosaurus, they were nothing more than a small boat. They were slashed with blood in the Red Sea of ​​Daoshan, making it difficult to escape.

However, these ferocious predators are not vegetarians, and they will still give the Red Scale Flying Dragon a hard blow before they die.

With the bite force of predators such as megalodon, ceratosaurids, and ornithopods, even a red-scaled flying dragon would not be able to bear a bite.

Although there are tens of thousands of red tides, there are more land creatures coming. Even if the casualty rate is much lower than that of dinosaurs, the red-scaled flying dragons can hardly bear it.

When a large number of velociraptors from other groups joined the battlefield, the adult velociraptors around Xudong could no longer resist the temptation of instinct, and joined the battlefield together with the velociraptor group.

At this time, the only ones left in the forest were Xu Dong and a group of baby dragons, and, oh, there was also a young velociraptor leader who was so seriously injured that he still hadn't woken up.

The young dragon actually wanted to go out, but was stopped by Xu Dong. In such a chaotic scene, going out to fight would only lead to death. He couldn't stop the adult velociraptor, but he could still stop these little guys.

As the scale of the war continued to escalate, the red-scaled flying dragons finally could no longer hold on. Although they fought bravely, their numbers were still too small and they could not consume the endless creatures on the ground.

Upon seeing this, the nine Sun Flame Divine Dragons floating on the sea immediately sent three of them to support.

As an advanced version of the Red Scale Flying Dragon, there is no doubt that the Sun Flame Dragon is powerful. No matter in terms of combat effectiveness or recovery power, ordinary creatures can only be crushed.

The three-headed Sun Flame Dragons spray venom towards the group of dragons. With their spray organs, they can precisely control the amount and distance of the venom sprayed. This is equivalent to reasonable planning of funds, and they can definitely do more things than the Moonlight Clan.

Three jets of venom were sprayed out, directly hitting the place where the dragons gathered. This is a coastal tidal flat, which is always moist with ebb and flow. The venom sprayed by the Sun Flame Divine Dragon immediately exploded violently when it touched the water. The people who were blown up by the dragons were thrown over and their limbs were broken off. Throw away.

This kind of power once again shattered the spirit of confrontation that the dragons had finally raised up, making it impossible for them to unite as one to fight against the red-scale flying dragon.

After three or four waves of explosions, the creatures on the ground fled like frightened birds, being harvested one by one by the falling claws of the red-scale flying dragon.

Although land creatures are still coming in an endless stream, and the situation will still turn in their direction, the existence of the Sun Flame Dragon is to delay the failure of the Red Scale Flying Dragon until that thing appears.

Gululu, the sea water is turbid. There is obviously no storm and the wind is not strong, but the ocean is undulating more and more like it is in a storm.

Soon the sea bulged up with a huge water film, and the sea water kept sliding down from the circular surface. A big head emerged from the water, revealing its true appearance. It was an immortal velociraptor.

Then water bubbles kept appearing on the sea surface, and huge figures emerged from the sea one after another. Among them were Morgania, Liopleurodon, Ichthyosaurus, Acrosaurus, and Dandakosaurus. They were basically 30 meters up. The big guy.

Among them, one is the most terrifying, with a body length of nearly a hundred meters. It is the Redonda dragon that has survived from the Triassic Period to the present. It can be said that this thing is infinitely close to the legend, and is truly the first creature among the legends.

In the past tens of millions of years, it has survived countless catastrophes, but has never been promoted to a legend. In addition to the difficulty of becoming a legend itself, there is also the reason why nature intentionally limits the number of legends.

Now they, the most powerful forces in the world, are gathered here, not for what the surrounding creatures instinctively need, but to kill the last alien insect.


Huge waves shook open the sea water, briefly clearing the sea water on the coast, exposing many immortal species to everyone.

The seawater quickly rolled back, sweeping away all the creatures in the sea and on land, leaving the earth empty.

Fortunately, the forest in Xudong is covered by mud and the sea level is high, so it was not swept away by the waves.

The only remaining alien insect was surrounded by many immortal species and had no way to escape.

It looks almost exactly the same as the Fooling Insect King that Xu Dong saw for the first time. You can tell at a glance that it is the same species, and it is probably the descendant of that guy.

This guy is the largest one except Redondasaurus, with a body length of nearly 80 meters and a height of 60 meters.

After many battles, its entire body is now covered in scars, and the sulfuric acid blood flowing out of the wounds cannot pose a threat to the Immortals even when diluted by sea water.

The venom was also consumed by the explosion just now. This guy was doomed this time.

These alien bugs are like alien robbers, wreaking havoc on nature's territory, embezzling and enslaving the earth's property. How could nature let these alien troublemakers go?

After tens of millions of years of hunting, the culprits behind the 190 Ma World War Zerg, a large number of the fireflies were uprooted by the Immortals, and this last one will also follow in the footsteps of its kind.

Seeing that there was no hope of survival, the confused firefly let out a high-pitched insect chirp, and a message appeared inexplicably in the minds of surrounding creatures.


If there is no need to escape, there is no need to escape. The alien insects used their lives to let out their last roar.


The violent explosion instantly blew away the surrounding Immortals, swept away the Sun Flame Divine Dragon and Red Scale Flying Dragon in the sky, and then swept across the ocean and land, killing and injuring countless creatures present.

Just after this thunderous explosion, a new era has arrived!


Beyond the starry sky, Orion’s Keiye.

The huge shadow began to move.

[Fish, the hook is biting. 】

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