Ancient creatures never had a mother-in-law. Since they chose to migrate, the velociraptors immediately started moving. After eating and drinking, more than 60 velociraptors including the young ones headed in the direction designated by Xu Dong.

The destination of Xu Dong's trip is North America, which is further west, far away from the area involved by the red-scaled flying dragon.

It’s ridiculous to say that I once only wanted the Red Scale Flying Dragon to be stronger, stronger, with strengthened wings, hooks, and bite force, and even added fire-breathing components and chloroplasts.

As a result, even before the upgraded version of the Sun Flame Dragon appears, the Red Scale Flying Dragon has already made it difficult for land creatures to resist, so Xu Dong had to choose to avoid its edge and migrate.

A group of more than sixty velociraptors were approaching towards the west. Their number was not small, and most of them were powerful predators. Basically no one dared to mess with them.

After walking for about ten days, they finally walked out of their original territory and entered the slightly desolate fern plain area. The main vegetarian dinosaurs here are still the prosperous Stegosaurus members. Generally, this kind of low fern area is still Stegosaurus. More.

Not far ahead, a proto-armored dragon was eating ferns on the ground leisurely, but little did he know that it had been spotted by a bully from the east.

The leader of the velociraptors rushed forward with four or five adult velociraptors. They were experts at dealing with this stack of anti-armoured straw bags.

The only thing that threatens the Proto-Armorosaurus is the bone spur on its tail. This thing is equivalent to a prehistoric mace. If it is hammered, it will definitely die.

But its movement speed is very slow. As long as it avoids the tail attack range or accurately calculates the trajectory of its tail, it is very easy to hunt.

The leader of the Velociraptor walked around to the side of the original armored dragon, and his sharp hooks left traces of blood on the bulky Stegosaurus.

The poison inherited from the little red dragon can prevent the armored dragon's wounds from coagulating, and the blood will flow continuously until it collapses due to excessive blood loss.

The original armored dragon fled forward, and the velociraptor chased and kept bleeding. The blood in the body of a six-meter-level giant can last for a long time, so the velociraptors often need to last more than an hour until the prey cannot hold on and collapses.

Naturally, this can be done in the Velociraptor's original territory. After all, the Venetian dragon will not come out to snatch food from the Velociraptor without its eyes. But this is the territory of other predators. How can it tolerate such arrogant hunting by the intruders.

Two eight-meter-level Venn Hunters sprang out from the bushes and launched an attack in the direction of the original armored dragon. They were the absolute rulers of this area, and they were a pair. Compared to the single dragon in the Velociraptors' original territory. , the Venn Hunter here is more dominant and domineering.

Before a velociraptor had time to dodge, it was bitten on the back by Venn Hunter. The powerful bite force directly bit off its back. However, the ferocious velociraptor would not be willing to die like this. Its long claws pointed towards Wei Enhunter stabbed with its lower jaw.

The male Venn Hunter opened his mouth and stepped back to avoid the Velociraptor's attack. He raised his big head and slapped the Velociraptor away with its broken spine.

The other, larger female Venn Hunter was aiming at the Velociraptor leader. The young leader nimbly dodged the bite of the big mouth, took a few steps back and roared, sending support to Xu Dong and other dragons not far away. Signal.

There really was no rest for a moment in the prehistoric era. Xu Dong and the remaining fifty or so velociraptors speeded up and ran toward the battlefield.

The remaining three velociraptors at the scene pounced fiercely on the two Vensaurosaurus, two of them pounced on the female, and only one pounced on the smaller male.

Although the dinosaur's claws have degenerated, what they have gained is a more terrifying bite force and a flexible head.

The female Wien Hunter knocked the velociraptor that jumped into the air away with a headbutt, but the other one took the opportunity to pierce the female Wien Hunter's side with its long hook, and the whole body was hung on On the big guy.

The female Hunter roared in pain, twisted her head and bit the Velociraptor off, then threw it to the ground. She stepped down hard with her left foot and severely injured it.

The young Velociraptor leader rushed forward and rushed directly into the lower abdomen of the female Venator. The lower abdomen of the dinosaur was always the most vulnerable part.

Just when the sharp claws of the Velociraptor leader were about to break open the belly of the female Hunter, a tail struck from the side and hit her body directly.

The huge force sent it flying dozens of meters away, leaving a red blood mark on its side, and it was estimated that many of its bones were broken.

Two eight-meter-level Venn Hunters dealt with five velociraptors, crushing them almost head-on. These two guys also knew how to last a blow, baring their fangs at the velociraptors that were not dead and biting them off in one bite. neck.

Soon Xu Dong rushed over with his tribe. Except for the leader of the velociraptors, all the other velociraptors were killed. The female hunting dragon was about to give the young leader a fatal blow.

Xu Dong quickly roared to attract the attention of the two hunting dragons, and more than thirty adult velociraptors rushed forward.

The two Venn Hunters did not expect that there would be so many enemies invading their territory this time.

If there were only five of them, it would be easy to deal with them, but if there were more than thirty, it would be difficult to deal with them.

The two Venn Hunters had the intention of retreating and roared at the many Velociraptors, trying to keep them away.

But the Velociraptors are not to be scared. Each of them has experienced hundreds of battles, and they have no fear at all about the Venn Hunters that killed their own kind, and some are just angry.

Soon the two sides were fighting together. Xu Dong did not play in person, but looked for opportunities in the surroundings and waited for opportunities.

The number of individuals that can be accommodated in a battle is limited. Instead of squeezing the dragons to exert their influence, it is better to circle around the battlefield to look for opportunities, and sneak attacks when you see opportunities.

This can also be regarded as one of the experiences of group play in the animal kingdom.

Suddenly, a familiar cry came from the sky, and the red-scaled flying dragon came again. Why did it linger?

Xu Dong felt that this experience had failed him in every way. He wanted to take a break after fighting for so long, but things happened one after another.

Isn't it okay to escape if you can't defeat the red scale flying dragon? Finally, we met again. How unlucky do you think this is?

Dozens of red-scale flying dragons swooped down from the sky, targeting both sides in the battle.

The Venn Hunter and Velociraptor, who were still fighting for life and death, immediately stopped fighting and ran away in different directions.

In today's era, as long as there are no pseudo-legends or super-dimensional existences like legends, the red-scaled flying dragon is almost invincible.

Facing the red blade falling from the sky, the creatures on the ground could only run away.

A red-scale flying dragon with a wingspan of five meters aimed at Xu Dong and showed its claws. Under the sunlight, it was filled with coldness. This was the aura of death.

According to the past, Xu Dong had already flexibly avoided this attack, but now he stood there blankly, closing his eyes and waiting to die.

The velociraptors all around were running away, and no one could care about him. Only a young velociraptor stayed at Xu Dong's feet, pulling on his thigh and trying to take him away.

But how could its small body pull the huge Xu Dong? Seeing that the sharp claws were about to fall, Xu Dong suddenly opened his eyes, but what opened was not his usual eyes.

The third eye on the forehead!

He finally knew where the Velociraptor's jump points were randomly added!

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